

Effects of Coated Methionine and Lysine on Nitrogen Metabolism and Performance in Lambs

【作者】 毛成文

【导师】 富俊才;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究通过4个试验研究过瘤胃保护氨基酸(包被蛋氨酸和包被赖氨酸)对肉羊氮平衡、血液指标和生产性能的影响。由包被氨基酸产品性能检测和动物试验两部分组成,动物试验选用27只三月龄断奶二元杂交肉羊,采用3×3析因试验设计,包被蛋氨酸和包被赖氨酸添加量为两试验因素,各设三水平。试验结果表明:(1)以pH敏感性高分子材料为包衣制备的包被氨基酸产品在瘤胃中放置12小时氨基酸(蛋氨酸和赖氨酸)的消失率分别为29.1%和55.2%,两级体外消化试验中氨基酸的释放率超过90.0%,具有较好的过瘤胃特性和真胃释放性能。(2)日粮添加包被蛋氨酸和包被赖氨酸能提高肉羊氮沉积和氮表观消化率。(3)日粮添加包被蛋氨酸和包被赖氨酸降低了肉羊血浆尿素氮、血浆总游离氨基酸和必需氨基酸浓度。(4)日粮添加包被蛋氨酸和包被赖氨酸能显著提高肉羊平均日增重,显著降低料重比,日粮中包被蛋氨酸和包被赖氨酸不同水平组合对肉羊日增重和料重比的影响有显著正交互作用。(5)本试验中,在玉米豆粕精料和青贮粗料,粗蛋白含量11.3%的日粮条件下,断奶二元杂交肉羊日粮中包被蛋氨酸和包被赖氨酸的适宜添加量分别为3~6克/天和5~10克/天。

【Abstract】 Four trials were conducted to determine the effects of supplemental coated methionine (RPmet) and lysine (RPlys) on the nitrogen balance and physiological criteria of plasma and performance in lambs. The research comprised two parts, one were the tests of properties of the RPAA products and the other part consisted of three animal experiments in which 27 newly weaned three-month old cross-breed lambs were assigned according to 3x3 factorial design with RPmet and RPlys as the two factors. The results showed that: (1) The disappearance rates of RPmet and RPlys coated by pH sensitive polymer were 29.1% and 55.2% respectively following 12 hours of incubation in rumen, and the release rates of RPmet and RPlys exceeded 90% following 3 hours incubation in artificial abomasum juice and small intestine juice respectively. The above dates demonstrated that this coated RPAA products had good rumen by-pass and abomasum soluble properties. (2) The nitrogen retention in lambs and the apparent digestibility of nitrogen in diets were improved with dietary RPmet and RPlys levels. (3) The concentrations of the plasma urea, plasma total free amino acids and plasma free essential amino acids tended to decrease with dietary RPmet and RPlys levels. (4) The average daily gain increased significantly and the percent of feed to gain decreased significantly with dietary RPmet and RPlys levels and the dietary RPmet and the dietary RPlys had significantly interaction over the average daily gain and feed conversation rate. (5) Based on the diets with 11.3% crude protein which were consisted of concentration of com and soybean meal and forage of corn silage and hay, the recommendation supplemental levels of RPmet and RPlys were 3-6 and 5-10 g/d respectively.

  • 【分类号】S826
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】404

