

Analyses on the Current Situation of the Agricultural Extension System at Grassroots Level and the Constraints to Its Operation

【作者】 宾士友

【导师】 李鸥;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 种植业, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 广西基层农业推广体系在机构改革前的管理是条块结合,以条为主。即乡镇农技部门是县农业部门的下设机构,人财物归县农业主管部门管理。2002年初机构改革,把乡镇农技站、农机站、林业站、农经站、畜牧水产站、水土资源保护站合并精减,成立乡镇农业服务中心,成为人财物归乡镇政府管理的全额拨款事业单位。 本文以改革后的柳江县乡镇农业服务中心为例,运用快速农村评价(RRA,Rapid Rural Appraisal)和参与式农村评价(PRA,Participatory Rural Appraisal)相结合的调查方法。采用案例研究、半结构访谈、个体访谈、小组座谈、问卷调查、二手资料收集的研究方法,系统分析乡镇农业服务中心的运行状况、存在的制约因素,并提出相关的改革建议,为加强乡镇农业服务中心建设提供参考。 主要研究结果和结论:机构改革后,乡镇农业服务中心的编制数大幅度缩减,综合性增加,组成人员呈年轻化,工作效率和责任心有所增强,为农业增产、农民增收、农村繁荣做出了应有的贡献。但是现行体制也存在不少制约因素,主要有推广人员不足、培训学习减少、待遇报酬偏低、推广人员素质与农业发展要求不相适应、机构职能不明、事业经费缺少、业务工作不协调、机构撤并资产管理混乱、推广理念落后、组织管理不到位等。这些制约因素影响了机构职能的发挥,阻碍了农业新技术、新品种、新产品的推广应用。 针对基层农业技术服务体系的现状及存在的制约因素,提出如下相应建议:重新核定编制、理顺管理体制、明确机构职能、创新推广理念、增加资金投入改善推广条件、加强学习培训、实施目标管理、尝试基层区域农业服务站的建设、保护好乡镇农技推广服务机构的资产。

【Abstract】 Before the re-structuring, the management of the agricultural extension systems at grassroots level in Guangxi Autonomous Region followed the pattern combining vertical and horizontal administration, having the vertical one as the major. It means that the extension agencies at township level were the branch of the county agricultural institute that was responsible for the personnel, financial and physical management over the agencies. The re-structuring of government in the early 2002 united the various agencies such as agriculture, machinery, forestry, economic management, animal husbandry and fishery, water and soil conservation, etc. at the township level into the integrated agricultural service center that became an institute with full budget allocated from the government above level and administrated by the township government in the aspects of personnel, funds and physical materials.The thesis took the agricultural service centers at the township level in Liujiang County as the cases for study, and adopted RRA (Rapid Rural Appraisal) and PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal) as the main methodology of research. The operational situations of the centers and the constraints to their operation were systematically researched with case studies, Semi-Structured Interview, individual interview, group discussion, questionnaire survey and review of secondary information. Accordingly, the recommendations for the improvement and reform of the extension systems were proposed.The main findings and conclusions of the research include: Since the re-structuring, the personnel quota of the township centers had been reduced significantly, the integration and synergy increased; the average age of the staff become younger, and the efficiency and accountability increased; more contribution made to the increase of crop and animal production and farmer’s income and the development of rural areas, which got praised by the stakeholders. However, there are still quite a lot of constraints under current institutions to the sound operation of the extension centers, including shortage of extensionists, reduced times of training, too low of payment, unsuitability of their knowledge and skills to the new requirement of agricultural development, vaguer in the responsibilities and duties, lack of operational fund, lack of coordination among staff, poor management of the assets and physical materials, backward in the concepts and ideas about extension, weak in administration, etc. These factors restricted the full play of the roles and functions of the centers, and the dissemination and adoption of the new agricultural technologies, varieties and products.Oriented to those constraints and current situations of the extension systems at grassroots level level, the following recommendations were proposed such as re-examining the personnel quota, clarifying the administration mechanism and functions, renewing the ideas about extension, increasing fund and improving the working conditions, strengthening training and learning, implementing the objectives-based management, trying the establishment of district extension stations, and protecting the assets of the extension agencies during the restructuring.

  • 【分类号】F323.3
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】452

