

Analysis of Constraints and Development Strategy on Agricultural Extension System at County Level

【作者】 卢道富

【导师】 王德海;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 种植业, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 本文通过对江苏省农业大县——句容市近年来市、镇两级农业推广机构的职能设置、经费投入、人员结构、待遇状况、服务运转等农业发展实际情况的调查研究,认为新时期加强县级农业推广体系建设面临诸多影响因素,积极的有政策调整和应对入世的要求、农民致富和农村经济发展的要求、社会和生态建设的要求以及农业生产全过程的要求等五个方面;同时,存在四个不利因素:一些基层领导重视不够、体系内部不能很好适应新形势、农业公益性和市场性的定位不准、农业的比较利益不高。研究认为,要从思想认识、增加投入、创新体制、提高队伍素质、拓展服务领域等方面加强县级及其以下的基层农业推广体系建设,要从机制、观念、体制、手段、目标五个方面进行创新,推动农业可持续发展。 本论文还就农业推广的公益性与市场性以及农业推广法规政策的配套与完善展开了讨论。提出对公益性推广活动,政府要更多地承担义务;对市场性推广活动,要积极引导和促进其规范、有序、健康发展,从而有效解决长期以来制约农业推广发展的经费不足问题,整合社会资源,实现多元化投入,为农业推广的可持续发展提供持久动力。另外,论文提出要尽快完善和出台相关法律法规,加大立法、执法力度,推进农业推广的法制化进程。

【Abstract】 After studying about the status and constraints of agricultural extension system in Jurong - a county in Jiangsu province, this thesis described the constraints and the development strategy of the current agriculture extension system in Jurong County. The study shows that there are four constraints in the agriculture extension system as described below: the local leaders did not pay much attention to the agrixultural extension; internal management problems; the conflice between public affair and market characteristics within the services and the agricultural comprison benfit is lower, at the county level must be further constructed becauseThis article also discusses the commonweal and the profit, along with the policy making of the agriculture extension. It puts forward that the government should take more obligation to solve the capital shortage and to offer the energy. At the same time, it puts forward that the government should set down some laws and rules, to push the legal course of the agriculture extension.

  • 【分类号】F323.3
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】710

