

The Research on Development Strategy of Tea Industry in Yunnan Province

【作者】 李晓霞

【导师】 黄卫东;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 食品科学与工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 茶叶是云南的传统优势产业,是云南农村经济中的重要支柱产业。但是,自1995年以来,茶叶产量增长缓慢,茶叶产值增速下滑,茶叶外贸出口连续五年大幅度滑坡,茶叶生产徘徊不前。各级党委、政府对此给予极大的关注。本文就促进云南茶叶产业发展应采取的战略和措施进行实证分析研究,为政府决策提供宏观依据。 本文通过对国内外茶叶发展现状及趋势的分析,判断云南茶叶产业发展的机遇和威胁;通过对云南茶叶发展的自然条件、社会经济条件和政策环境的分析,判断云南茶叶的发展优势和制约因素。运用SWOT战略分析和战略形成模型进行研究,提出云南茶叶产业发展应选择:调整茶业结构战略和发展产业文化战略“两大战略”来促进茶叶产业发展的结论。运用回归模型对茶叶种植面积、采收面积、单位面积产量、总产量、茶叶农业总产值进行分析和预测。结果表明,云南省农业厅提出的2005年茶叶产量达到10万吨、产值达到13亿元,2010年产量达到15万吨,产值达到25亿元的目标是能够实现的。 面对云南茶叶历史上前所未有的发展机遇,如何推进云南茶叶产业的发展,本文提出三方面的政策建议:第一,调整财政政策(财政支出政策):加大财政对茶叶产业的支持力度,增加财政对茶叶科研、技术推广、病虫害监测和防治、茶园基础设施建设投入。第二,调整税收政策(财政收入政策):调减农业特产税及提高出口退税率。第三,完善产业政策支持:包括产业结构政策、产业组织政策、产业技术政策和产业布局政策的支持,创造有利于产业参与国际竞争的政策环境,增强云南茶产业国际竞争力。

【Abstract】 The tea industry in Yunnan province is not only a traditional and preponderant industry but also an important industry for rural economics. However, since 1995, the tea industry has slowly increased, the increasing rate of the tea output value has declined, the tea export has slid greatly for the consecutive five years and the tea industry production has fluctuated without advancement. The Party committees and governments on all levels have given great attention to this issue. The thesis analyzes strategies and measures that should be taken to improve the tea production of Yunnan province based on demonstration, providing a macroscopical basis for the government to make decisions.Opportunities and challenges that will be faced during the development of Yunnan tea industry are estimated by analyzing status and development trend of the tea industry domestically and abroad; Advantages and conditionality are also estimated through analyzing natural conditions, social and economic situations as well as policy environment in Yunnan Province. It draws the conclusion that "Two Big Strategies", or regulating tea structure and developing tea culture should be applied to promote the tea industry in Yunnan province through using SWOT strategic analysis and strategy formation model. Tea crop area, harvesting area, per unit area yield, gross output, and the total agricultural output value of the tea industry are analyzed and assessed by using regression model analysis. The result demonstrates that the goal set by Yunnan Agricultural Department can be realized. The goal is that the output will be 100,000 tons, the total output value will be 1.3 billion RMB by the year 2005, the output will reach 150,000 tons and the total output value will reach 2.5 billion RMB by the year 2010.Facing the unprecedented development opportunities for Yunnan tea industry, the thesis draws three suggestions on how to advance the development of the tea industry in Yunnan province: firstly, financial policy should be adjusted (financial disburse policy): intensify financial support on tea industry and invest more financial funds on tea research, technologies extension, pests and diseases monitoring, prevention and cure as well as tea garden infrastructure construction. Secondly, taxation policy should be adjusted (financial income policy): regulate and alleviate agricultural specialty tax and improve export duty drawback. Thirdly, industry policy support should be bettered. It includes industrial structure policy, industrial organization policy, industrial technologies policy and industrial layout policy. Create policy environment that is beneficial for the industry to participate in international competition and enhance international competitiveness.

  • 【分类号】F326.1
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1730

