

The Combining Ability Analysis, Parents Selecting and Crosses Mating in Potato (Solanum Tuberosum) in Yunnan Province

【作者】 杨万林

【导师】 郭顺堂;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 种植业, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验选用Mira等10个当地马铃薯品种,通过不完全双列杂交遗传设计配制成22个杂交组合,对杂交组合后代群体在无性一代的晚疫病、生长势等7个植株性状以及块茎产量、淀粉含量等8个块茎性状的群体遗传参数和配合力效应进行了分析。其中,对马铃薯的块茎肉色、开花性、株形分离、株高分离、茎色分离和花色分离的配合力研究是首次报道。通过对当地四类主要的马铃薯品种的遗传分析,结果表明: (1) 晚疫病和单个块茎重的父本效应分别达65.2%、56.7%,群体遗传主要受父本效应影响;淀粉含量的遗传主要受母本效应和亲本间非加性效应的影响,其遗传效应分别达40.5%、44.9%;株形分离、株高分离、开花性、茎色分离、皮色、结薯数和块茎产量等7个性状的非加性效应在66.8%—93.0%之间,群体遗传主要受亲本间遗传差异的影响;植株生长势、花色分离、薯形、肉色和块茎外观等5个性状的加性和非加性效应同等重要。 (2) HZ23、HZ88、K6、N7是4个综合性状优良的亲本,ZHXW、XWYW是2个特色亲本;Mira×K6、Hui-2×K6、HZ23×K6、Hui-2×N7、HZ23×N7、HZ88×N7等6个组合是综合性状评价较好的杂交组合;其中HZ23×N7是一个优良TPS组合。HZ88×ZHXW、HZ23×ZHXW是综合性状优良的特色杂交组合。 (3) 国际马铃薯中心(CIP)品种资源是云南省马铃薯品种选育最重要的骨干亲本;外引品种难以在当地生产上直接利用,但可筛选出像K6、N7这样的优良亲本应用于遗传育种。 (4) 根据亲本的一般配合力能有效预测杂交组合后代群体的表现;在进行亲本选择和杂交组合配制时,应选择具有较高的一般配合力的亲本,至少保证有1个亲本具有较高的一般配合力;根据一般配合力选择亲本配制大量杂交组合,并从中筛选优良单株和优良TPS组合的方法是马铃薯遗传育种的有效手段。 (5) 提出了“薯肉局部红色或紫色的遗传由微效多基因控制,微效多基因数量的多少决定颜色为红色或紫色,以及颜色的深浅”的假设。

【Abstract】 A study was conducted on 22 crosses from 10 varieties including mira variety to evaluate for 7 characters of plant including plant’s vigor and for 8 characters of tuber including tuber yield in the first clonal year potato crops. It was first reported the combining ability research for tubers flesh color, flowering qualities, separating of plant’s shapes and heights, color separating of stems and flowers in the progeny’s inheritance in potato crops. The results indicated:1. Non-additive gene actions of separating of plant’s shapes and heights, color separating of stems, flowering qualities, skin-color, tuber yield and the number of tubers were from 66.8% to 93.0%, and more important than additive gene actions in the progeny’s inheritance. It was opposite to the progeny’s inheritance of late blight and single tuber weight. These male genetic actions were 65.2%, 56.7%. Female genetic actions and non-additive gene actions were 40.5%, 44.9% in the progeny’s inheritance of starch content. And both additive and non-additive gene actions were found to have the same importance with a preponderance of the later in the inheritance of plant vigor, color separating of flowers, flesh color, tuber shape and appearance.2. HZ23, HZ88, K6 and N7 were 4 superior parents for various characters synthetically. ZHXW and XWYY were two characteristic parents for purple flesh. MiraxK6, Hui-2xK6, HZ23xK6, Hui-2xN7, HZ23xN7, HZ88xN7, HZ23xZHXW, and HZ88xZHXW were promising crosses.3. The potato varieties resource of CIP (International potato center) would be the most important parents in the breeding system in yunnan. The varieties were introduced from other places couldn’t utilized directly, but some of these varieties could be used as parents, for example, neishu7 and kunyin6.4. Progeny means of crosses involving both or at least one parent with good general combining ability were, in general, higher than other cross combinations for various characters including plant’ s vigor and late blight. Selection of parents based on their general combining ability and crossing then in all possible combinations to select the best single plant or true-seed potato crosses by progeny test would be a suitable breeding strategy for potato crops.5. A hypothesis was supposed that the genetic of flesh color was red or purple partly was controlled by tiny effect polygene. The number of tiny effect polygene determined red or purple and shade of color.

  • 【分类号】S532
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】205

