

Allocation Efficiency of Agricultural Resouces in County Region

【作者】 戎承法

【导师】 张正河;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 农业资源是人类赖以生存和发展的必要条件和物质基础。我国是一个农业大国,农业资源绝对数量丰富,但人均农业资源的拥有量却远低于世界平均水平,因此如何合理、有效的利用有限的农业资源,提高农业资源的配置效率是我国农业发展的重要问题。改革开放20多年来,我国的主要农产品产量和质量都有了大幅度的提高,农、林、牧、渔之间及种植业内部的结构都发生了巨大的变化,市场在引导农业资源优化配置中发生日益重要作用。然而,农业资源配置效率在近20年来呈现什么样的特点,是不是也在逐步提高呢?主要农业生产要素的配置效率在不同领域是否存在着差异呢?农业生产要素配置的技术效率、规模效率又呈现什么样的特征呢?只有很好的回答了这些问题,我们才能采取更有效的措施促进我国农业生产要素生产率的提高。 虽然国内一些学者已经对我国农业资源整体配置效率进行了衡量,但由于我国不同地区间经济发展水平差异较大,使用全国平均数据分析使得计算结果具有较大的偏差,代表性不强,参考意义不大。为了克服上述缺点,本文选择县域这一中观的经济区域,选取具有代表性的中部农业县,并以县域经济中具有代表性的种植业的资源配置为例来研究。 本文以阜南县农业资源配置为研究对象,以该县种植业领域中的主要作物投入要素的配置为切入点,首先,分析了阜南县农业产业结构的特征、农业生产要素投入结构及其变动;其次,衡量了农业单要素生产率及全要素生产率的高低及变化,并对二者的相关关系和农业技术进步的类型进行了测度:再次,利用数据包络分析(DEA)的方法计算出了各主要农作物生产技术效率、规模效率和总效率的大小、衡量了各种效率的损失,分析了影响资源配置效率的因素,并对主要作物的上述效率进行了对比分析;最后,归纳了本文的主要研究结论,提出改进资源配置效率的对策,并指明了未来进一步研究的方向。 本研究不仅可以为相似县域农业资源优化配置提供指导,而且可以为相似县域农业产业结构调整提供参考。同时,对引导农户投资行为的科学化也具有一定的现实意义。

【Abstract】 Agricultural resources are necessary condition and foundation for human being survival and development. As a large agriculture country, the gross of our agricultural resources are very big, but the quanatity of per people having is lower greatly than world’s average level. Thus, it is very important to study on how to use rationally and effectually limited agricultural resources,and to improve their allocation efficiency. Since reform and opening, the quantity and quality of main primary products had a great increase in our nation, agricultural inner structure had had a large change, and the mechanism of market played increasing important role in optimizing resource allocation. However, what does the characteristic of allocation efficiency take on? And whether efficiency has notable difference in different field? It is important to answer these questions to take more effectual meansures to enhance agricultural factor productivity of our nation.Although some demestic scholars have meansured macroscopical allocation efficiency of agricultural resouces, as a result of great difference of economy development level between areas, the analysis results using national level data has bigger warp and reference meaning is less. For the sake of overcoming disadvantage above, this paper chooses county region-a special economy region, then takes representative famering resource allocation of agricultural county in central section as a case.In order to achieve objectives above, the paper takes the whole agricultural resources allocation and production factor allocation of main food crops of Funan county for researching objectives. Firstly, this paper anlysizes the characteristics of agricultural industry structure, and input structure and change of agricultural factor. Secondly, it measures the partial factor productivity and total factor productivity of agriculture, their change degree and correlativity and type of technical progress. Thirdly, it also examines the differences among technical efficiency, scale efficiency and total efficiency of main crops, the loss of efficiency and the influencing factors of efficiency. Finally, the paper sums up the researchfindings and puts forward some measures for improving allocation efficiency of resources.The study results provide not only guidance on agricultural resources allocation for similar county, but also reference for industrial structure adjustment of agriculture. Meanwhile, it is some realistic meaning for guidance on famers’ investment action.

【关键词】 县域农业资源配置效率作物
【Key words】 county regionagricultural resourcesallocation efficiencycrops
  • 【分类号】F323.2
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】593

