

The Method and Practice of Rural Land Consolidation Potential Estimation

【作者】 闫东浩

【导师】 朱德举;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 针对当前耕地整理潜力测算中存在特定区域沟路渠田坎系数(无效耕地系数)难以计算和沟路渠田坎系数标准设定不科学的问题,本文提出了样区法用于测算特定区域耕地整理潜力;针对现有农村居民点整理潜力测算方法过于简单的问题,提出模式法用于测算农村居民点整理潜力。并以延庆县作为研究对象,应用上述两种方法对延庆县耕地整理潜力和农村居民点整理潜力进行测算。 在对影响耕地整理潜力因素分析的基础上,把延庆县耕地划分为平耕地和坡耕地,并在每一耕地类型区内设置了9个耕地样区,根据耕地样区补充调查结果,计算出各耕地样区和耕地类型区沟路渠田坎系数。依据延庆县耕地整理标准,规划设计出平耕地和坡耕地标准耕作田块平面布局图,建立了用于计算沟路渠田坎系数标准的函数式,并计算出延庆县平耕地、坡耕地在低、中、高三种不同整理水平下沟路渠田坎系数标准,最后测算出延庆县三种不同整理水平下的耕地整理潜力。 在对影响农村居民点整理潜力因素分析的基础上,把延庆县农村居民点用地划分为平原区和山区两种整理类型区。通过对延庆县农村居民点整理条件分析,选取了延庆县规划期内农村居民点整理的三种模式。依据设定的整理模式整理标准,整理模式整理范围内居民点用地现状、规划期末农业人口,测算出延庆县农村居民点整理潜力。 本文提出的样区法、模式法以及采用上述两种方法测算出的延庆县沟路渠田坎系数、不同耕地整理水平沟路渠田坎系数标准和农村居民点整理模式等均可作为同类地区在测算土地整理潜力时参考;测算出的延庆县耕地整理潜力和农村居民点整理潜力可作为延庆县土地整理规划和土地整理项目可行性研究的科学依据。

【Abstract】 Aiming at the problem that there is difficult in estimating the non-effective coefficient of cultivated land in the especial area, and there is not scientific in enacting cultivated land consolidation criterion, the paper put forward the reference area method which is used to estimate the cultivated land consolidation potential. Aiming at the problem that there is simple in estimating villages residential land readjustment potential, the paper put forward the mode method which is used to estimate villages residential land readjustment potential. Applying the reference method and the mode method, the paper estimated the land consolidation potential in Yanqing County.At the base of analyzing the factors which affect the cultivated land consolidation potential, the article classed Yanqing County cultivated land as flat region and slopping region, and then setted nine cultivated land reference area in every cultivated land type region, finally worked out the non-effective coefficient of cultivated land for the reference area, and the flat region and slopping region by the result surveyed of the reference area. According as the cultivated land consolidation criterion of Yanqing County, the paper planed the standard farm field layout of the flat region and slopping region, and then setted up the function of calculating the cultivated land consolidation criterion coefficient, finally calculated the cultivated land consolidation criterion coefficient for low, middling and high consolidation levels. According as the non-effective coefficient of cultivated land and three cultivated land consolidation criterion coefficient, the article estimated cultivated land consolidation potential for low, middling and high consolidation levels in Yanqing County.At the base of analyzing the factors which affect the village residential land readjustment potential, the article classed Yanqing County villages residential land as plain type and mountainous area type, and choseed three village residential land readjustment mode by analyzing the condition of village residential land readjustment. The mode are village centralized to town mode, village centralized to the centre village mode and village readjusted in original area mode. According as the village residential land readjustment criterion, the village residential land acreage and the agricultural population in the planed period final of the village residential land readjustment range, the article estimated the village residential land readjustment potential in Yanqing County.The reference area method, the mode method, and the non-effective coefficient of cultivated land and the cultivated land consolidation criterion coefficient for low, middling and high consolidation levels in Yanqing County, the mode of village residential land readjustment in Yanqing county may all be applied for the other similar Counties for estimating the land consolidation potential. And the cultivated land consolidation potential and the villages residential land readjustment potential in Yanqing County may be used as basic scientific data in Yanqing County for land consolidation planning and feasible study of land consolidation projects.

  • 【分类号】F323.211
  • 【被引频次】88
  • 【下载频次】1749

