

The Location Analysis and the Optimization of Landscape Pattern of the Small Towns System during the Suburbanization of Metropolis

【作者】 孟鹏

【导师】 郝晋珉;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 国内外对小城镇进行定性区位分析和景观格局分析的研究为数众多,但对小城镇进行定量区位分析研究空间经济特性,并与景观格局分析相结合研究空间生态功能特性的较为欠缺,本文致力于这方面的探索与创新。 本文从分析研究区的区位效应和景观格局入手,发现小城镇体系发展中存在的问题,通过优化配置体系,提出最优景观格局和功能分区,为小城镇体系持续稳定发展提供相应的建议。首先,依据区位理论,运用系统模型方法,将区位因素定量化建立区位优势度模刑(包括经济吸引度模型和空间聚集度模型)和区位适宜度模型,对大兴区小城镇体系的区位状况进行分析并划分区位优势度等级,分析其区位适宜状况,判断其适宜度类型;其次,对4个典型区位小城镇进行景观格局分析,判断景观格局的优势与不足,并分析区位类型与景观格局的相互关系;第三,建立格局优化模型,综合考虑经济、生态和社会三者效益,得出研究区各类景观的最优比例,并对典型城镇进行优化格局功能分区。研究结果证明该区位分析模型是合理的,景观分析能够较好说明城镇布局存在的问题,二者形成互补,并取得较为一致的判断。从而得出研究结论:区位模型系统、景观分析系统和格局优化体系可以对小城镇体系的综合效益进行分析评价,对小城镇体系的持续发展提供政策依据和发展定位。

【Abstract】 This kind of researches are absent in quantitative location analysis and landscape analysis combined with location analysis, while there are mount of researches on the qualitative location analysis and landscape pattern analysis. The aim of the article is to explore and innovate in this field.Begined with location analysis and landscape analysis of research region, the question of the developemt of small towns system has been found. Through optimized ordonnance system, the optimized landscape pattern and the function subarea have been set up ,to give the suggests of sustaining development. First, based on location theories and systems model methods, the location factors were quantified by establishing the location advantage models (Including economic attraction model and spatial aggregation model) and location feasibility models. The location advantage grades and location feasibility types were set up, according to the result of location models of Daxing district. Secondly, based on the landscape analysis of the 4 towns chosen form location grades system, the landscape status has been judged by landscape pattern analysis, then the relationship of location typies and landscape pattern has been analyzed. Thirdly, synthetically considering of the economic benefit, ecological benefit and social benefit, the optimized landscape structure has been concluded by the optimized pattern model, and then optimized function subarea has been set up. The conclusion shows that the location models systems are appropriate and the landscape analysis can illuminate the questions of landscape structure. They can benefit each other and get the coincident judge. From above, we can get an estimate system of location model , landscape analysis system and optimized pattern model, which can analyze the synthetically benefit during the development of small towns system and supply the criterion and gist of development trends and decision-making.

  • 【分类号】F299.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】478

