

Water Requirement and Consumption Characteristics and Water Use Efficiency of Aerobic Rice under Different Irrigation Treatments

【作者】 赵俊芳

【导师】 杨晓光;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 气象学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验于2001年3月~2002年10月期间,在中国农业大学北京昌平试验站通过田间定位试验及系统观测,对不同灌溉处理下早稻需水耗水特征、根系分布状况、生理过程、产量形成以及水分利用效率进行了探讨。初步研究结果表明: 华北地区旱稻全生育期的需水量为750~861mm,其中旱稻502为770~773mm,旱稻297为750~861mm。不同水分处理下旱稻在不同生育阶段的耗水量和耗水强度大部分都集中在播种至出苗和孕穗至抽穗阶段。旱稻总根长和总根重的最大值均出现在拔节至抽穗阶段。水分胁迫会导致0~60cm土壤根系总根重和总根长都降低,深层根量占总根量的比例增大,根长密度随土层深度递减速度减慢,根冠比增大。 通过对旱稻生理因子的相关分析,得出叶片光合速率与蒸腾速率呈非线性关系、光合速率与气孔导度呈非线性关系、气孔导度与蒸腾速率呈线性相关。综合考虑光合速率、蒸腾速率和气孔导度的关系,气孔导度大于最高光合所需值时,采取措施增加气孔阻力抑制蒸腾,既可节约水分又促进光合增加产量是可行的。 与充分灌溉w0处理相比,2001年几个灌溉处理中,拔节前限量灌溉w2处理表现得最好,除了灌溉、耗水少及根系在土壤深层所占比例增大外,其产量、结实率、穗粒数、千粒重、农业水分利用效率减幅均为最小,产投比和每公顷纯收益减幅也均为最小。而2002年拔节后限量灌溉w3处理表现得最好。 在552~562mm供水(灌溉+降水)条件下,旱稻502产量仅为3.04~3.58 t·ha-1,产量水平水分利用效率仅为0.55~0.64 g·kg-1,旱稻297产量为2.55~2.97 t·ha-1,产量水平水分利用效率仅为0.46~0.53 g·kg-1,而在727~933mm供水(灌溉+降水)条件下,旱稻502产量可达5.34~5.66 t·ha-1,产量水平水分利用效率达为0.61~0.73 g·kg-1,旱稻297产量可达4.71~5.29 t·ha-1,产量水平水分利用效率达0.57~0.65 g·kg-1。 旱稻502的五个处理不论在总根长、总根重、产量、穗长、结实率、经济系数或产量结构、日平均水分利用效率上,还是在经济效益上均优于旱稻297的五个处理。

【Abstract】 The experiment was carried out in Chang Ping station of China Agriculture University from 2001.3 to 2002.10, to study soil moisture dynamic in aerobic rice field, water requirement and consumption characteristic, root distributing, physiology process, yield formation and water use efficiency under different irrigation treatments. Following primary results were obtained:In the growth period duration, the amount of water requirement of aerobic rice was from 750 to 861 mm, and aerobic rice 502 was from 770 to 773 mm and aerobic rice 297 was rom 750 to 861 mm. The amount and the intensity of water consumption were mostly in the stage between from sowing to emergence and from booting to heading. The maximums of total root length and root weight were in the stage from jooting to heading. The total root length and root weight in 0~60cm soil depressed under water stress, but the root proportion distributed in soil deeper layer enhanced and root length density reduced lowly in deeper soil and the root/shoot ratio increased.The relations between photosynthesis rate and transpiration rate and between photosynthesis rate and stomatal conductance were non-linear. The relation between stomatal conductance and transpiration rate was linear. To sum up, when stomatal conductance was bigger than maximal photosynthesis value, measure could be taken through increasing stoma resistance to restrain from transpiration. It was feasible to not only save water but also improve yield.Comparing to full irrigation wO treatment, the limited irrigation before jointing w2 treatment behaved best in 2001.The amount of irrigation and water consumption were smaller, and root proportion distributed in deeper soil layer enhanced. The yield, seed setting rate, 1000 grains weight and agricultural water use efficiency of the w2 treatment decreased lowest, and output-input ratio and pure benefit per hectare also decreased lowest. But in 2002, the limited irrigation before jointing w3 treatment behaved best.Under gaven 552-562 mm water(irrigation and rainfall), the yield of aerobic rice 502 was only 3.04-3.58 t ha-1 and WUE at yield level was only 0.55~0.64 gkg-1 and the yield of aerobic rice 297 was only 2.55-2.97 t ha-1 and WUE at yield level was only 0.46-0.53 g-kg-1.But if gaven 727-933 mm water(irrigation and rainfall), the yield of aerobic rice 502 could get to 5.34-5.66 t ha-1 and WUE at yield level could get to 0.61-0.73 g kg-1, and the yield of aerobic rice 297 could get to 4.71-5.29 t ha-1 and WUE at yield level could get to 0.57-0.65 g kg-1.The total root length, total root weight, yield, seed setting rate and economic coefficient of aerobic rice 502 were better than aerobic rice 297.The yield structure, daily average water use efficiency and economic benefit of aerobic rice 502 were also better than aerobic rice 297.

  • 【分类号】S511.6
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】361

