

Study on Advantages and Competitiveness of Corn Production in Jilin Province

【作者】 徐世艳

【导师】 李秉龙;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 种植, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 我国是世界上重要的玉米生产国之一,吉林省是我国重要的玉米生产基地和玉米输出大省,玉米产业的兴衰左右着吉林省经济的大局,同时也影响着我国粮食的供需安全。我国加入WTO后,在给中国玉米产业的发展带来大好机遇的同时,也使中国及吉林省的玉米产业面临着严峻考验。 本研究主要以比较优势理论和竞争优势理论作为理论基础,对吉林省主要种植业间(玉米、大豆、水稻)、国内不同玉米种植区域间(吉林省、黑龙江省、河北省、山东省)的比较优势变动情况和中国与国际玉米主产国美国玉米的市场竞争优势变动情况进行了实证分析,同时实证研究分析了吉林省玉米市场竞争力的主要因素及影响程度。 分析得出:吉林省玉米生产综合比较优势整体来看表现极不稳定,近年来有下降趋势。但在省内、外玉米生产优势比较中,综合比较优势较强(省内种植业间的比较中最强,省外玉米主产省的比较中与河北省相差不多,均位于前列),其中规模、效率优势偏高,而效益优势较弱。吉林省玉米生产自然资源丰富,单产较高,省内优势种植区域比较集中,主要优势区域经分析确定为四平、松原、白城、辽源、长春等5个主要粮食主产区,可见效益低是影响吉林省玉米在国内玉米生产中比较优势高低的主要原因;在与美国的玉米生产比较中得出,吉林省玉米生产的成本并不比美国高,但国内玉米的质量、流通成本、生产力水平、粮食深加工水平和农业支持政策是失去竞争力的主要原因。 本文在最后一章中提出:吉林省玉米生产如果能够在国家的宏观政策调控与支持下,切实落实好国家的农业支持政策,严格科学管理,提高生产效率,降低生产成本,减少流通环节不合理支出,重点扶持一大批玉米深加工龙头企业,加强玉米原地畜牧过腹转化及深加工能力,打造吉林省自己的国内外知名品牌,才能进一步与美国等玉米生产大国抗衡,减少差距,增强玉米的市场竞争力。也才能解决好三农问题,确保我国粮食供需平衡。

【Abstract】 China is a major corn production country in the world. Jilin province is an important corn production base and exporter in China. The rise and fall of corn industry has a great influence on economy of Jilin province and also affects food security in China. The entry of WTO has brought both good opportunity and challenges to the corn industry in Jilin province and in whole China.Using comparative superiority theory and competitive superiority theory, changes of superiority of corn production in Jilin province comparing with other crops and other provinces in China were analyzed. The changes of competitive superiority of China corn industry were also analyzed comparing with that of USA. Factors limited competitiveness of corn produced in Jilin province and the extent of their effect were found out. The results are as follows:Although the superiority of corn production in Jilin province is not consistent and is decreasing, advantages are still existed comparing with other provinces. Superiority in scale and efficient is significant but benefit is less. Corn resources are rich in Jilin province and yield is higher. Five regions were chosen as main corn production base, i.e. Siping, Songyuan, Baicheng, Liaoyuan and Changchun. Low benefit is the main reason affecting comparative superiority of corn production. Comparing with corn production in USA, production cost is not high in Jilin province. Competitive superiority is lost because of low quality, high circulation costs, low production level, low processing ability and less policy support.Countermeasures were suggested in the last chapter of the paper, such as: implementing national policy on support agriculture, raising production efficient and reducing production and circulation costs through scientific management, establishing large scale corn processing enterprises, transforming corn by raising animals and creating local famous brand. To win the competition with USA and other corn production countries, we must raise competitive superiority of local corn. That is also related to the settlement of issues on agriculture, farmers and rural area and ensuring balance of food supply and requirement in China.

  • 【分类号】F326.1
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】781

