

Market-Driven Agribusiness and Its Supply Chain Management

【作者】 谢开木

【导师】 王卫华;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着市场改革的深化、社会经济的进一步发展,为解决“小农户、大市场”的矛盾,我国农业企业在政府的支持下得到了蓬勃发展。我国农业企业在20世纪80年代中后期开始出现,20世纪90年代得到快速发展,但大部分都是粗放式经营,发展模式单一;进入21世纪,我国农业企业在“市场以顾客(Customer)为主导”、“竞争(Competition)以经济全球化、贸易自由化为特征”以及“社会变化(Change)以网络化、信息化为特点”这“3C”背景下凸显出“营销模式滞后”、“管理理念落后”及“商务模式传统”等三个方面的问题,面临着更加激烈的市场竞争与挑战。 农业企业的发展有其自身的演化机制。随着社会经济要素禀赋结构的演变,农业企业从资源推动型、资本推动型、技术推动型逐渐向管理推动型发展;随着经济发展阶段的演进,农业企业的发展模式(核心竞争能力)也从采购型(P)、生产型(Y)、研发型(R)逐渐演化向营销型(M)甚至整合型(I)。正是因为当前发展模式与21世纪经济发展阶段的不相适应,我国农业企业才会出现如上所述的三个方面问题。 为解决这三个方面的问题、提高在21市场中的竞争力,我国农业企业必须实施以“营销型理念”为指导的管理创新,努力发展成为“营销型农业企业”。营销型农业企业是指为与“供过于求”的农产品市场格局相适应,以提高营销率为企业核心目标的、以营销力(M)为企业核心竞争能力的、以营销型管理体制为特征的、以营销型理念为企业管理理念的新型农业企业。 21世纪随着WTO的加入,我国农业企业的竞争逐渐国际化和全球化。“公司+农户”的产业一体化发展模式过于松散、落后,必将被农业企业供应链发展模式所代替,尤其是以“营销型农业企业”为核心企业的营销型农业企业供应链;毕竟未来的竞争将不是企业与企业间的竞争,而是供应链与供应链间的竞争。而供应链管理的导入也为营销型农业企业竞争能力间的相互匹配提供了支撑,从而更好的发挥企业营销力(M)。 营销型农业企业供应链管理涉及的问题有核心企业的确立、企业间合作机制的设计、物流管理等,其中一个核心问题是企业间的流程整合与信息共享,因为供应链管理的目的就是信息共享。信息共享的前提是企业信息化;而农业企业信息化的最好选择是电子商务;因此,发展电子商务是我国农业企业信息化的必然选择。农业企业发展电子商务首先要确定自身所处的信息化“层次”,再根据所确立的目标采取相应的“阶段”策略,逐渐向协同的“营销型电子商务”靠近,最终实现完全信息化——电子供应链(e-chain)。 “营销型农业企业及其供应链管理”的提出将不仅可以解决当前我国农业企业“营销模式滞后”、“管理理念落后”以及“商务模式传统”等问题,还将为我国农业企业培育与21世纪市场相适应的以“营销力(M)”为核心能力的竞争力以及参与国际化的市场激烈竞争指明方向。

【Abstract】 Today in China, the market reform has been deepening and the social economy is developing further. With the support of the government, agribusiness is flourishing over the whole Country to solve the problems between the Small farmers and Big market. In the late time of the 80s in the 20th century, the agribusinesses began to sprout, and in the 90s they developed quickly with single developmental model and coarse management. Now in the 21st century, the problems of them are protruding evidently which are outdated marketing mode, lagged management philosophy and traditional business mode, especially in the environment where the market is dominated by customers, the market competition is characteristic of global economy and free trade, and the change of the society in this century is also characteristic of internetization and informationalization. The agribusiness in our country will encounter more furious competition and challenge.The development of agribusinesses holds their own evolutional mechanism. With the evolvement of the gift structure of the social economic factors, they developed gradually from Resource-Driven, Capital-Driven to Technology-Driven, and now they are developing toward Management-Driven. With the evolvement of the developmental stage of economy, while their Core Competence also evolved from Purchase, Yield to Research, and now is developing toward Market and even Integrate as the different competitive capabilities of a company. So we can say, it is the disharmony between the developmental model of the Agribusinesses and the developmental stage of economy in the 21st century that induced the problems discussed above.For the sake of settling the Problems and promoting the competency in the market of the 21st century, the agribusiness have to implement the Management Innovation based on the concept Market-Driven, and strive to develop to be a Market-Driven Agribusiness which is referred to the kind of developmental model of the Agribusiness that is suitable for the pattern ofSupply-More-Than-Demand-market of the agro-product, whose core goal is increasing the Marketing Ratio, which core competence is Marketing, which is characteristic of Market-Driven Management System, which management philosophy is Market-Driven.With the entry of WTO in the 21st century, the competition between agribusinesses is internalizing and globalizing. The Company + Farmer as a developmental model of the Industry Integration is loose and lagged, and will be replaced by the developmental model of the Agribusiness Supply Chain, especially the supply chain which core enterprise is Market-Driven Agribusiness. After all, the future competition in market will be that not between companies but supply chains. While the idea of SCM (Supply Chain Management) will help the Market-Driven Agribusiness to match the different competition capabilities so that the business can exert the Marketing as the core competence better. There are several issues to deal with for the implementation of the SCM of the Market-Driven Agribusiness, such as Core Business, Cooperation Mechanism between corporations, LogisticManagement and so on, among which the key issue is integrating the process and sharing the information between companies, because the very target of SCM is sharing information between partners. The first thing to do for sharing information is the informationalization of the corporations. And the best choice of the informationalization of the agribusinesses is Electronic Commerce (EC). Therefore, promoting EC is the necessary choice for informationalizing.the Agribusiness in our country. To develop EC, the agribusiness need to position the Hierarchy of its informationalization firstly, secondly adopt the Stage strategy accordingly toward the established goal, and gradually approach the collaborative Market-Driven EC, realize the complete informationalization (e-chain) at last. The initiative of Market-Driven Agribusiness and its SCM in this thesis not only could untie the problem above of the agribusinesses in our country ,

  • 【分类号】F324
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】970

