

Studies on the Immune Ability of Zailikang on Pig

【作者】 黄勇

【导师】 李跃民;

【作者基本信息】 西南农业大学 , 临床兽医学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 试验旨在研究中草药“仔痢康”方剂调节新生仔猪免疫机能防治仔猪黄白痢的效果。用药后通过检测怀孕母猪自身血清抗体、初乳抗体和吮乳仔猪血清抗体的变化,探索药物促使仔猪获得主动免疫和被动免疫的可能途径,为中草药治疗仔猪黄白痢疾病提供科学的理论依据,同时找到一种既简便又有效的投药方式以提高养猪的经济效益。 试验在彭水县种猪场进行。选择3~6胎的母猪30头,每10头为一组。随机分为试验Ⅰ组、试验Ⅱ组和对照组三个组。试验Ⅰ组在临产前14天至产后1周喂“仔痢康”,试验Ⅱ组仔猪1、3、5、7、14、16、18日龄直接饲喂“仔痢康”,对照组母猪及仔猪都不喂“仔痢康”。在试验前测定了试验组及对照组母猪自身的抗体水平;试验结果检验,差异不显著(P>0.05%)。饲喂“仔痢康”后,试验Ⅰ组及对照组分别测定:①母猪自身的抗体水平。②分娩后1、3、5、7日初乳的抗体(IgG、IgA)水平。③仔猪在3、5、7、9日龄机体的抗体水平。④仔猪出现黄白痢的时间、次数及治疗用药情况。⑤仔猪在3、5、7、9日龄细胞免疫状况。试验Ⅱ组则测定,仔猪直接饲喂“仔痢康”后,①在3、5、7、9、15日龄的抗体(IgG、IgA)水平。②仔猪出现黄白痢的时间、次数和饲料耗量。③仔猪在5、7、9、11、15日龄细胞免疫状况。同时,对三个组仔猪的出生窝重、断奶窝重、饲料的耗量进行统计、分析各组母猪的抗体水平、仔猪的抗体水平、仔猪出现黄白痢的时间、严重程度、仔猪的日增重和饲料耗量、“仔痢康”与其他抗菌素药的对比情况。 试验结果表明:(1)饲喂“仔痢康”的母猪机体的抗体水平极显著(P<0.01)的高于未饲喂“仔痢康”的母猪的抗体水平。(2)饲喂“仔痢康”的母猪初乳的抗体水平也极显著的高于对照组(P<0.01)。(3)饲喂“仔痢康”的母猪,其仔猪在3、5、7、9日龄机体的抗体水平也极显著(P<0.01)的高于对照组。(4)饲喂“仔痢康”的母猪其产仔猪的抗体水平比直接饲喂“仔痢康”的仔猪的抗体水平高、出现的时间也早,呈显著性差异(P<0.05)。(5)仔猪出现黄白痢的时间顺序分别是:对照组、试验Ⅱ组、试验Ⅰ组。(6)仔猪细胞免疫状况的优劣顺序分别是试验Ⅰ组、试验Ⅱ组、对照组。(7)仔猪的断奶窝重的大小顺序分别是:试验Ⅰ组、试验Ⅱ组、对照组。(8)仔猪的饲料耗量的顺序是:对照组、试验Ⅱ组、试验Ⅰ组。试验结果表明:①饲喂“仔痢康”试验仔猪的黄白痢病发生显著减少。②饲喂“仔痢康”的试验组其抗体水平显著高于未饲喂“仔痢康”的仔猪。说明“仔痢康”确有促进机体产生抗体的作用,而不是杀死大肠杆菌,为“仔痢康”治疗黄白痢病提供了理论基础。③通过“仔痢康”饲喂母猪产生抗体—初乳—仔猪—抗体,比直接饲喂仔猪产生抗体这一途径效果好而且方便。④饲喂“仔痢康”后仔猪的增重和饲料利用情况说明“仔痢康”能显著的提高养殖业的经济效益。

【Abstract】 The purpose of the test is to examine the antibody of the pregnant sows and piglets through the treatment effect of Chinese herbal medicine for yellow scour and white scour of piglets and provide a scientific theoretic basis for Chinese herbal medicine treatment. Meanwhile it is a simple and effect way to improve an economic benefit of rising sows.30 sows of 3-6 fetuses were chose and were divided into three groups including test group 1, test group 11 and contrast group which each group have 10 sows in Pengshui sow yard .The sows in group 1 were fed on Zai Likang from 14 days before parturient day to 7 days after parturient day .The piglets in-group 11 were fed directly on Zai Likang in the first day, the third day, the fifth day, The seventh day, the fourteenth day, sixteenth day and eighteenth day. The sows and piglets in contrast group were not fed on Zai Likang. The result of testing the antibody of the sows in test groups and contrast group before the test is that difference was not obvious(p>0.05). After test, test group 1 and contrast group were tested the antibody level of the sows, the antibody level in the first day, the third day, the fifth day and the seventh day after parturient, the antibody level of the piglets in the third day, the fifth day the seventh day and the ninth day, the time and the number of times and treatment medicine situation of the piglets having yellow and white scour of piglets, the immune situation of the cell in the piglets in the third day, the fifth day, the seventh day and the ninth day .The group 11 was tested the antibody level of the piglets in the third day, fifth day .seventh day ,ninth day .fifteenth day. The time and the number of times and consuming forage of the piglets having yellow and white scour of piglets. The immune situation of the cells in the piglets in the fifth day, the seventh day, the ninth day, the eleventh day, the fifth day were studied. Meanwhile, there was a statistic about the weight in birth and the consuming forage of the piglets and a analysis of the antibody level of the sows and piglets, the time of the piglets having yellow and white scour of piglets and the serious level and the daily weight and the consuming forage of the piglets and the contrast situation of Zai Likang and other antibiotic medicines.The test result indicated: The antibody level of the sows organism fed by Zai Likang is higher obviously than the antibody level of ordinary sows. The antibody level of the dairy sows fed by Zai Likang is higher obviously than contrast group(p<0.01) The antibody level of the piglets of the sows fed by Zai Likang in the third, fifth, seventh, ninth day is higher obviously than contrast group(p<0.01)The antibody level of the of the piglets of the sows fed by Zai Likang is higher thanthe antibody level of the piglets fed directly by Zai Likang which the time of appearance is early and the difference is obvious(p<0.05)The time order of the piglets having yellow and white scour of piglets is contrast group, test group 11 test group 1.The immune situation order of the cells of the piglets is test group 1; test group 11, contrast group. The weight of the piglets order is test group 1,test group 11 ,contrastgroup.The consuming, forage order of the piglets is contrast group, test group 11,test group l.The test result indicated that yellow and white scour of piglets disease of the piglets fed by Zai Likang decreased evidently. The antibody level of the test group fed by Zai Likang is higher obviously than ordinary piglets. So it provide a theoretic basis for Zai Likang treating yellow and white scour of piglets that Zai Likang can accelerate organism producing antibody rather than killing E.Coli. The way of the sows fed by Zai Likang producing antibody dairy sows piglets antibody is more effective and convenient than the way of the ordinary piglets producing antibody. The increasing weight and the forage usage situation of the piglets fed by Zai Likang show that Zai Likang can improve obviously an economic benefit of aquaculture.

【关键词】 仔痢康黄白痢抗体细胞免疫
【Key words】 Zai LikangPigAntibodyyellow and white scour of pigletsCell immune
  • 【分类号】S859.79
  • 【下载频次】144

