

Studies of Filming Technology on Edible Packaging Films

【作者】 汪学荣

【导师】 阚建全; 陈宗道; 赵国华;

【作者基本信息】 西南农业大学 , 农产品加工及贮藏工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 可食包装膜是指以天然可食性物质(如多糖、蛋白质等)为原料,添加增塑剂、交联剂等物质,通过不同分子间的相互作用而形成的薄膜。由于可食包装膜可与被包装食品一起食用,因此不会造成环境污染。近年来,国内外许多研究者均对可食包装膜进行了大量深入细致的研究,并已取得了一定成果,但对可食包装膜的制膜工艺的研究,国内外均没有系统的报道。本论文分别以交联淀粉、大豆分离蛋白、海藻酸钠为成膜主料,研究了可食包装膜实验室和工业化制膜的工艺及其参数,并将实验室所制成的膜与工业化生产的膜作了比较。主要研究结果如下: 1 通过试验确定了多糖类可食包装膜实验室制膜的最佳工艺及其参数。以交联淀粉膜为例,其实验室制膜最佳工艺和参数为:交联淀粉加水溶解,加热,同时采取框式搅拌,搅拌速度为180r/min,在真空度为0.095MPa下脱气15min,在镀铬钢板上刮板成膜,在50℃下恒温干燥6h,均湿,揭膜,贮存。 2 通过试验确定了蛋白质类可食包装膜实验室制膜的最佳工艺及其参数。以大豆分离蛋白膜为例,其实验室制膜最佳工艺和参数为:大豆分离蛋白加水溶解,加热,同时采取桨式搅拌,搅拌速度为180r/min,加0.06%食用消泡剂对膜液进行消泡,在涂有0.05mL/100cm~2吐温80的不锈钢板上刮板成膜,在60℃下热风干燥2.0h,均湿,揭膜,贮存。 3 通过试验确定了复合可食包装膜实验室制膜的最佳工艺及其参数。以海藻酸钠复合膜为例,其实验室制膜最佳工艺和参数为:将质量百分比为1.5%∶1.5%的海藻酸钠与明胶加水溶解,加热,同时采取框式搅拌,搅拌速度为180r/min,在真空度为0.095MPa下脱气25min,在不锈钢板上刮板成膜后在45℃下热风干燥6.5h,均湿,揭膜,贮存。 4 通过中试确定了多糖类可食包装膜工业化制膜的最佳工艺及其参数。以交联淀粉膜为例,其工业化制膜最佳工艺和参数为:交联淀粉在夹层锅中加水溶解,加热,同时搅拌,搅拌速度为40r/min,在紫铜带上成膜,紫铜带转速为1.0r/min,烘缸中通入蒸汽加热,蒸汽压力为0.20MPa(表压),卷膜,包装,贮存。该工艺已中试成功,可扩大生产。 5 通过中试确定了蛋白质类可食包装膜工业化制膜的最佳工艺及其参数。以大豆分离蛋白膜为例,其工业化制膜最佳工艺和参数为:大豆分离蛋白在夹层锅中加水溶解,加热,同时搅拌,搅拌速度为30r/min,在紫铜带上成膜,紫铜带转速为1.5r/min,烘缸中通入蒸汽加热,蒸汽压力为0.25MPa(表压),卷膜,包装,贮存。该工艺已中试成功,可扩大生产。 6 通过中试确定了复合可食包装膜工业化制膜的最佳工艺及其参数。以海藻酸钠复合膜为例,其工业化制膜最佳工艺和参数为:将质量百分比为1.5%∶1.5%的海藻酸钠与明胶在夹层锅中加水溶解,加热,同时搅拌,搅拌速度为50r/min,在紫铜带上成膜,紫铜带转速为1.0r/min,西南农业大学硕士学位论文中文摘要烘缸中通入蒸汽加热,蒸汽压力为0.20MPa(表压),卷膜,包装,贮存。该l_艺已中试成功,可扩大生产。 7比较了实验室制膜与_!二业化制膜的膜综合性质。实验室所制成的膜的机械性质和通透性质均优于工业化所制膜的膜。工业化制膜生产线经适当改进后,可使膜综合性能接近于实验室所制成的膜。(全文包含图11个,表20个,参考文献85篇)〔本文为国家高技术研究发展计划(863)项目一“完全生物降解型绿色高分子材料开发”和重庆市科委攻关项目一“环保型可食包装膜的工业化制膜技术的研究”的部分研究内容)

【Abstract】 Edible packaging film is defined as membrane,which is formed by interacting between different molecules and come from natural and edible materials such as polysaccharide,protein,etc.,adding plasticizers and crosslinking agents. Edible packaging film can be eaten together with food packaged with it. So it can’t bring about environment pollution. In recent years, edible packaging film was studied thoroughly by many researchers at home and abroad and gained some positive results. But there aren’t system reports at home and abroad about the studies on manufacture technology of edible packaging film. With the main materials of filming like cross-linking starch.soy protein isolated and sodium alginate,the technology and referance data of laboratory and industrialized manufacture on edible packaging film was studied in this article,and two kinds of films made in laboratory and in industry were compared.The main results indicated:1 Through repeated experiments,the best technology and referance data of laboratory manufacture on polysaccharide edible packaging film was confirmed.Take cross-linking starch film for example.its best technology and referance data are:dissolving cross-linking starch in water,heating it,meanwhile stirring in the frame way with the speed of 180r/min,degassing 15 minutes under the vacuum of 0.095MPa,scraping to film on the chrome-plating-steel board,then drying it 6 hours under the constant temperature of 50℃,drenching with water evenly,taking off the film and keeping in reserve.2 Through repeated experiments,the best technology and referance data of laboratory manufacture on protein edible packaging film was confirmed. Take soy protein isolated film for example.its best technology and referance data are:dissolving soy protein isolated in water,heating it,meanwhile stirring in the oar way with the speed of 180r/min,antifoaming the film liquid by adding 0.06% edible antifoaming agent,scraping to film on the staingless steel board coated with 0.05mL/100cm tween80, drying it 2 hours under the hot wind of 60℃, drenching with water evenly.taking off the film and keeping in reserve,3 Through repeated experiments,the best technology and referance data of laboratory manufacture on compound edible packaging film was confirmed. Take compound sodium alginate film for example,its best technology and referance data are: dissolving sodium alginate and gelatin in water with the percentage 1.5% : 1.5%,heating them, meanwhile stirring in the frame way with the speed of 180r/min, degassing 25 minutes under the vacuum of 0.095MPa,scraping to film on the staingless steel board, drying it 6.5 hours under the hot wind of 45℃, drenching with water evenly,taking off the film and keeping in reserve.4 Through repeated experiments.the best technology and referance data of industrialized manufacture on polysaccharide edible packaging film was confirmed.Take cross-linking starch film for examplejts best technology and referance data are:dissolving cross-linking starch in water in double layer pot,heating it,meanwhile stirring with the speed of 40r/min,scraping to film on the red copper belt and its speed is lr/min,then ventilating water vapor to heat in dryer,with the water vapor pressure of 0.20MPa(surface pressure),rolling up the film packaging it and keeping in reserve.This technology has been tested successfully and can be applied in expanding production.5 Through repeated experiments,the best technology and referance data of industrialized manufacture on protein edible packaging film was confirmed.Take soy protein isolated film for example.its best technology and referance data are:dissolving soy protein isolated in water in double layer pot,heating it,meanwhile stirring with the speed of 30r/min,scraping to film on the red copper belt and its speed is 1.5r/min,then ventilating water vapor to heat in dryer,with the water vapor pressure of 0.25MPa(surface pressure),rolling up the film packaging it and keeping in reserve.This technology has been tested s

  • 【分类号】TS206
  • 【被引频次】26
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