

Study of Abnormality and Mutation of Experimental Chronic Fluorosis in Chicks

【作者】 李兴霞

【导师】 黎晓敏;

【作者基本信息】 西南农业大学 , 基础兽医学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验拟在人工复制鸡慢性氟中毒模型的基础上,深入研究高氟对鸡致畸致变作用。选用36只1日龄罗曼褐蛋公鸡,随机分为6组,每组6只,饲喂相同的全价日粮。Ⅰ组为对照组,Ⅱ~Ⅵ组分别饮水添加NaF1.75g/L(1/27LD50),0.875g/L,0.438g/L,0.219g/L,0.109g/L,试验期90d。对试验鸡血红蛋白和红细胞含量变化、染色体结构以及微核影响进行了研究。同时,选用三月龄蛋公鸡10只,实验组和对照组各一组,每组5只,实验组饮水添加NaF3.25g/L(1/16LD50),对照组饮用自来水,试验周期为120d,分别于60d,80d,100d,120d采集精液,观察精子畸形率、活率、精子密度。120d后,处死动物,取两侧睾丸,称重并测量大小,比较两组精细胞微核率并对内脏器官病理变化进行研究。 1日龄罗曼褐蛋公鸡染氟三月后结果发现:(1)实验组红细胞和血红蛋白含量均低于对照组(P<0.01),呈明显的剂量-效应关系;(2)染色体畸变细胞率随含氟量的增加而升高。Ⅵ组的染色体畸变细胞率和对照组没有显著性差异(P>0.05),Ⅱ~Ⅴ组的染色体畸变细胞率显著高于对照组(P<0.01);(3)微核率随含氟量的增加而升高。Ⅴ、Ⅵ组的微核率和对照组没有显著性差异(P>0.05),Ⅱ-Ⅳ组的微核率显著高于对照组(P<0.01)。 三月龄蛋公鸡染氟120d后结果发现:(1)慢性氟中毒可严重损伤内脏器官。具体表现为:腺胃上皮细胞严重坏死脱落;肌胃粘膜层出血坏死;小肠绒毛上皮细胞坏死脱落,固有膜淤血,平滑肌细胞出现空泡;肝脏淤血,肝细胞水泡变性;肾小球内皮细胞坏死。肾小管上皮细胞颗粒变性;睾丸生精细胞部分核浓缩、碎裂、坏死;(2)慢性氟中毒可致睾丸重量减轻、体积变小,精细胞微核率升高。精子数量减少,活率降低,畸形率增加,与对照组相比差异极显著(P<0.01),且呈明显的时间-效应关系。慢性氟中毒可致鸡染色体和内脏器官明显损伤,显著影响精液品质,说明高氟具有致畸致变作用。

【Abstract】 To understand the effect of chronic fluorosis on abnormality and mutation in chicks,36 one-day LuoManHe cocks were randomly divided into 6 groups of 6 each. I group drinking running water was control group, II ~ VI groups were fed with the fluorine water of 1.75g/L(l/27LD50),0.875 g/L,0.438g/L,0.219g/L,0.109g/L,respectively,for 90d.The Content of RBC and Hb, micronucleus rate and chromosome damage were observed. At the same time, 10 three-month cocks were randomly divided into 2 groups of 5 each.Test group drinked water with 3.25g/L sodium fluoride and control one with running water,for 120 days.Sperms was collected at the time of 60,80,100,120 day ,respectively,abnormality rate,energy rate and density of sperms were determined.After 120 days,spermaries were weighed , microkernel rate of sperm cell and pathologic changes of visceral organs were observed.The results were as follow:(1) Compared with the control group.the content of RBC and Hb in all fluorosed groups were decreased(P<0.01),moreover,showed a significant dose-effect correlation;(2)The Cell rate of chromosome aberration of II ~V groups was higher than control group and difference was obvious(P<0.01),It showed the obvious correlativity with the quantity of fluorine in the water; (3)the micronucleus rate of II ~IV group was higher than control group and difference was obvious(P<0.01),It showed the obvious correlativity with the quantity of fluorine in the water; (4) High fluorine injured greatly tissue structure of visceral organs especially liver and kidney; (5) Size and weight of spermaries,sperm amount and energy rate were lower man control group.sperm abnormality rate and microkernel rate were higher,they showed the obvious correlativity with time,the difference was obvious(P<0.01). Chronic fluorosis in chicks can damage chromosome ,visceral organs and sperms.High fluorine was the mutagenic and malformed material.

【关键词】 慢性氟中毒致畸致变
【Key words】 chronic fluorosischicksabnormalitymutation
  • 【分类号】S858.31
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】83

