

Research on Institutional Innovation of Human Resource’s Sustainable Development in Private Enterprises

【作者】 胡泽红

【导师】 谭志惠; 余世勇;

【作者基本信息】 西南农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 企业的竞争日益表现为对人力资源的竞争,即拥有人力资源规模、质量并充分发挥其效能的竞争,其实质就是人力资源可持续发展的竞争,人力资源的可持续发展问题已经成为众多企业形态的共性问题。我国民营企业经过了20多年的发展,已经成为社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分,在国民经济中占着越来越重要的地位,民营企业的迅速成长和发展以及地位的突显业已引来了越来越多的关注。作为一种发育还不成熟的企业形态,民营企业也存在着许多不完善的地方,经过创业初期的迅速发展,规模的扩大和外部环境的变化使得民营企业的问题越来越突出,曾在创业初期发挥过重要作用的一些人力制度因素正在沦为民营企业发展道路上的绊脚石,严重阻碍了企业的进一步发展和壮大,并引发了其他一系列问题。将“人力资源可持续发展”引入民营企业,探讨民营企业人力资源可持续发展制度创新,既有助于解决民营企业目前的问题,又可以为企业的长期稳定发展奠定一个坚实的制度基础。 本文在借鉴相关理论和界定基本概念的基础上,揭示出人力资源可持续发展在民营企业中的地位和作用,并以福建省泉州市民营企业为个案,通过实地调查并结合大量文献资料,对现有制度下民营企业的人力资源状况及其制度缺陷进行了分析,在此基础上提出了制度创新的主要内容、对策措施及相关政策建议。本文研究的基本思路是:以人力资源在企业中的核心地位引出人力资源可持续发展,在分析民营企业人力资源可持续发展现状的基础上,发掘人力制度创新的需求并研究相关的对策,从而实现民营企业人力资源的可持续发展。即:人力资源可持续发展的重要性→民营企业人力资源可持续发展的现状→民营企业人力制度创新的需求→制度创新的内容→制度创新的对策。全文以实现民营企业人力资源可持续发展为目标,以探索人力制度创新为主线,从分析人力制度创新与人力资源可持续发展的内在联系出发,结合部分民营企业的实际情况,揭示其现行人力制度存在的问题以及对人力资源可持续发展、进而对企业可持续发展的影响,从人力制度创新方面寻求解决问题的突破口,并根据现代企业发展对人力资源的要求,设计民营企业人力制度创新的实现路径,最终实现民营企业人力资源的可持续发展。 本文将研究的重点和难点都放在民营企业人力资源可持续发展制度创新的分析上,并从以下几个方面进行了研究:产权制度是企业制度最基础的部分,本研究力图通过产权这个最核心问题的解决,重新安排民营企业的组织形式和企业与外部利益集团之间的关系,从根本上铲除家族式管理滋生的劣根,并在此基础上进行人力资源管理制度的变革;人力资源开发作为企业获取人力资源最直接有效的手段,是民营企业人力资源可持续发展制度创新的基础,与其相辅相成的人力资源使用制度也要随之进行改革。此外,在人力资源的开发、使用过程中,还有一个不容忽视的影响因素——激励机制,激励机制能否有效地发挥作用在很大程度上决定了人力资源开发和使用的效率,以及最终能否实现民营企业人力资源的可持续发展。 具体到民营企业人力资源可持续发展制度创新的实现路径,可以从这样几个方面入手: 西南农业大学硕士学位论文口皿.目里目里皿日日里曰里目目皿日..曰曰曰口口目里目目目曰粤口日皿皿目口.口....目..曰口.口皿口....口..口...目目口曰曰目曰日.口日目曰曰..甲口口①实行有限合伙制,改革家族式管理;②确立“以人为本”、“人才强企”的理念;③建立契约型的激励一约束机制;④加强企业文化建设。同时,鉴于民营经济在国民经济中的重要地位,政府也要为民营企业的人力资源发展创造一个良好的宏观环境。笔者建议采取以下措施:①加快政府体制改革,为民营企业的发展提供更加宽松的环境;②加大宣传力度,树立“人力资源可持续发展”的思想;③大力开展职业教育、改革教育体系;④完善劳动力市场,优化人力资源配置;⑤健全法律制度,规范职业经理人市场f⑥构建终身教育体系,为人力资·源可持续发展提供必要的保证。 经过以上研究和分析,本文得出以下结论:①人力资源作为打造企业核心竞争力的关键,直接影响着民营企业的生存和发展。②民营企业健康持续发展的根本途径在子实现人力资源可持续发展.③企业之间的竞争最终表现为人力资源的竞争,而人力资源竞争的实质就是人力制度的竞争。④实现民营企业人力资源可持续发展的突破口是进行人力制度创新。

【Abstract】 The competition for human resource has become increasingly important for enterprises. The sustainable development of human resource is a common problem in enterprises. It can help solve the present problems and can lay a solid foundation for the long-term development of enterprises. This research focuses on institutional innovation as the key. Through over twenty years’ development, private enterprises have already become an important part of national economy in .our country. And more and more attention has been paid to its rapid development and outstanding position. As a sort of immature enterprises, they have lots of shortcomings. With the expanding enterprises and changing environment, some institution has been the obstacles to further progress for the private enterprises. How to hold opportunities and adopt effective measures to face the challenges are crucial to the survival of private enterprises.This research focuses on the issue of realizing the sustainable development of human resource and strengthening the core competence of enterprises. In order to combine theoretical analysis and positive analysis, the case in Quanzhou of Fujian Province is analyzed. With field study and lots of reference materials, based on the status quo and systemic shortcomings of human resource in private enterprises, this paper puts forward solutions and countermeasures. This paper expounds the building of corporate culture as an important part in institutional innovation of enterprises.The basic framework of this research is: introducing sustainable development of human resource as the core of enterprises; analyzing the status quo of sustainable development of human resource for private enterprises; exploring the demand for institutional innovation, and studying relevant countermeasures. The objective of this research is to realize the sustainable development of human resource for private enterprises. The main thread is exploring institutional innovation of human resource. Starting from the inner relationship between institutional innovation and sustainable development of human resource, combined with the actual situation of private enterprises, this paper reveals the problems of institutional arrangement of human resource and its impact on sustainable development of human resource and the whole enterprise and searches forsolutions to solve the problem.This paper studies the human resource issue in private enterprises from the following areas: The property rights are the basic part of enterprise. Through the solving of property rights, organizational structure and the relationship between enterprises and external interest groups will be rearranged in order to reform the management system of human resource. The development of human resource is the foundation for institutional innovation of human resource, and the employment system needs to be reformed, too. Incentive scheme is also important for the sustainable development of human resource.The following countermeasures are recommended: 1.implement limited partnership and change the family-owned enterprises’ way of management; 2.put emphasis on people inside the enterprise; 3.establish incentive-constraint scheme; 4.strengthen the construction of corporate culture. Moreover, government should also create a favorable macro environment: 1.speed up government institutional reform; 2.publicize the idea of sustainable development of human resource; 3.develop vocational education and reform the educational system; 4.improve the labor market to optimize the allocation of human resource; 5.ameliorate legal system and standardize manager market; 6.set up lifelong educational system.The conclusions are as follows: l.the issue of human resource has become the bottleneck for the development of private enterprises; 2.sustainable development of human resource is the fundamental way to realize the healthy and sustained development of private enterprises; 3.the competition between enterprises is demonstrated as competition of human resource system; 4.the right way to sustaina

  • 【分类号】F272
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1172

