

Studies on the Effects of the Growth, Quality and Yield of Konjac under Different Concentrations of Boron

【作者】 牛义

【导师】 张盛林;

【作者基本信息】 西南农业大学 , 蔬菜学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 魔芋(Elephant-foot yam,Konjac)是单子叶植物纲(monocotyledoeae)天南星科(Areaceae)魔芋属(Amorphophallus Blume)的多年生草本植物,在我国有2000年的栽培历史,是传统的食品和草药,目前在现代食品、医药和化工等方面也得到广泛的开发和利用。魔芋以其高产出、高利润的优势,成为我国中西部山区的重要经济作物,而且在我国南方各省已逐渐形成和发展为一项相对独立的新兴产业,发挥了很好的扶贫致富和富民强县的作用。但是,由于生产上不合理的施肥,导致营养失去平衡,严重影响了魔芋的产量和品质,而研究魔芋的生理状况,从营养调控的角度出发,来改善魔芋的品质和提高产量是有理论和应用价值的。为此,本实验以白魔芋、花魔芋为材料,采用相同的栽培模式,分别测定了白魔芋、花魔芋在8个不同硼素浓度处理下(处理1:含硼0mg/L,处理2:含硼0.25 mg/L,处理:3:含硼0.5 mg/L,处N4:含硼1.0 mg/L,处理5:含硼2.0 mg/L,处理6:含硼4.0 mg/L,处理:含硼8.0mg/L,处N8:清水)的各项生理生化指标:光合叶面积、叶绿素含量、光合作用、SOD、POD、MDA、PPO、葡甘聚糖、可溶性糖、蛋白质、淀粉、以及球茎、根状茎产量。较系统地研究了各个处理条件下魔芋的生长发育情况和硼素对魔芋品质以及产量的影响。试验结果如下: 在不同的硼素浓度下,魔芋开叶后的叶面积随着生长时间的延长而有差异。白魔芋在开叶后100天(5月~8月)之内,处理1、处理2、处理3、处理4、处理5、处理6、处理的增长水平基本相同,但是处理7(含硼8.0mg/L)的叶面积显著增加,并且在2个月内达到高峰然后处于下降的趋势。各个处理在高峰时叶面积的大小顺序为:处理2>处理4>处理>3处理5>处理6>处理7>处理8>处理1。花魔芋在5月~7月内,不同处理条件下,叶面积均增加且达到高峰。叶面积的大小顺序为处理3>处理2>处理6>处理5>处理8>处理4>处理7。这表明不同硼素浓度影响白魔芋、花魔芋的叶面积大小和叶面积的增长率,影响程度与他们所处水平的高低密切相关。其中在硼素浓度为0.25mg/L和1.0mg/L时魔芋叶面积的增长最大。两个品种在不同硼素浓度下,其叶绿素的含量差异显著。处理1下(缺硼)魔芋叶色变淡、叶片变厚,叶绿素含量降低,叶面积减少,从而影响魔芋的光合能力,随着硼素浓度的增高,叶绿素含量降低,叶片光合速率也下降。方差分析表明,品种、不同处理及品种与处理交互作用对魔芋的叶绿素含量有显著性差异,叶绿素含量和光合效率最大时的硼素浓度范围为含硼0.25~1.0mg/L。 在不同浓度硼素营养的条件下,魔芋细胞内膜系统的POD、SOD、PPO酶活性、MDA含量存在显著差异。在“换头”后,随着硼素浓度的增加,POD、SOD的活性降低,MDA含量增加,PPO活性升高。缺硼或高硼浓度造成膜的完整性破坏,透性增加,膜脂过氧化作用加强。适宜的硼素浓度可增强POD、SOD的活性,减低PPO的活性,这说明适当施硼对膜的稳定性有直接作用。 不同硼素浓度对魔芋品质的影响表现在葡甘聚糖、可溶性糖、蛋白质、淀粉含量的变化上。随着萌芽生长,种芋的葡甘聚糖含量和种芋球茎的鲜重变化一致。硼素浓度在0.25~1.0mg/L之间,可促进碳水化合物的运输,使葡甘聚糖、可溶性糖含量增加,缺硼或高硼浓度下,魔芋球茎中的葡甘聚糖、可溶性糖含量低。下种后种芋中蛋白质含量开始逐渐增加,淀西南农业大学硕士学位论文摘要粉含量随着萌芽生长而迅速下降。“换头”后,随着生育的进程,新球茎中蛋白质含量又呈减少的趋势,淀粉含量也下降。多重比较和方差分析的结果显示,两个魔芋种经过不同浓度处理后,品种间和处理间蛋白质含量变化存在差异。其中白魔芋处理2、处理3和其他处理有极显著差异,处理l与处理6、处理7也存在极显著差异;花魔芋处理2、处理3、处理4和其他处理存在极显著差异。在品种之间和处理之间淀粉含量变化没有达到显著性差异。 适宜的硼素浓度对魔芋有一定的增产作用,其中白魔芋的处理2单株增重48%,处理8出现负增长而且达到一33%;花魔芋的处理2、处理3、处理4有增产效果,其中处理2增产效果最好达到59%,处理1、处理5、处理6、处理7、处理8出现负增长。此外,在一定硼素浓度范围内,魔芋球茎内积累的全硼含量随着浓度的提高而逐渐上升,变幅在13.20一34.86m留kg。

【Abstract】 Elephant-foot yam, Konjac has been from for-years herbaceous plant of Areaceae of monocotyledoeae and has been cultivated for a long time. It is not only the traditional food and medicine, Nowadays, but also is exploited and used widely in the modem food, medicine and chemical etc. Konjac with high-yield and high-profit becomes the important economical crops in the center-west region and has been formed and developed a comparatively independent and new-developing industry. However, because of unreasonable fertilization, it causes nutrition losing balance and seriously influences the yield and the equality. It is studying konjac physiological situation and improving the equality and yield that it is worth studying according to the control of nutrition. In order to this, this experiment using the same cultivated model ,two cultivars of konjac (white and flower konjac) has been used as materials multinomial physiological and biochemical indexes relating to konjac were determined separately under 8 different treatments of boron, including leaf area, the contents of Chlorophyll, Photosynthesis, activities of SOD, POD, MDA, PPO, the contents of dissolubility sugar, konjac glucomannan, protein, starch and yield. Thus studied the effects of growth, indexes of quality and yield of konjac under 8 different treatments of boron. The results achieved were as follow:The leaf areas have differences with the prolonging of time of growth in different boron concentration. See from the changes of leaf areas, the rising level of treat1, treat2, treat3, treat4, treat5, treat6, treat7, are same basically for white-konjac ,but treat7 is rising tremendously, and get to the height in two months and then be in decline. The size order of leaf area in every treat is: treat2>treat4>treat3>treat5> treat6>treat7>treat8>treat1. flower-konjac during 20-100 days after coming out, its leaf areas are all increase and get to the height. The order is: treat3>treat2>treat6>treat5>treat8>treat4>treat7>treat1. All these indicate that different boron concentration influenced the leaf area and rate of increase of white and flower konjac, the degree of effect is related to the high or low concentration closely. The increase of leaf area of konjac is best in the range from 0.25mg/L ~1.0mg/L. In this experiment, two cultivars have significantly differenceabout intent of Chlorophyll in different boron concentration. In the lack of boron, the leaf of konjac becomes thicker, color pales, contents of Ch1.a and Chl.b decrease, Photosynthesis leaf areas decrease, all these acts mutually caused Photosyn. rate’s decline. Square-difference analysis indicated that there was significantly difference in variety, different treats and mutual action of variety * treat on contents of konjac’s Chlorophyll. The optimum concentration is in the range from 0-1.0mg/L about contents of konjac’s Chlorophyll and photosynthesis.There is significantly difference under the different boron concentration protct- ing enzyme of konjac tuber inner-membrane system. After exchanging head, the activities of POD, SOD are indecline, but the content of MDA and activities of PPO improve. Lacking or high boron ofconcentration destroy the integrality of membrane and raise the permeability, reinforce themembrane-fat peroxidization. So suitable boron concentration may improve the activities of POD, SOD and reduce the permeability. This shows suitable boron concentration has direct effects on the stability of membrane.Different boron concentration has effects on the quality of konjac and the effects embody in the changes of the contents of dissolubility sugar, konjac glucomannan, protein, starch . The changes of contents of konjac glucomannan are as same as that of fresh weight the seed of konjac tuber. Suitable boron concentration may expedite the transportation of carbohydrate and enhance the contents of dissolubility sugar and konjac glucomannan. Under the lacking or high concentration, the content of dissolubility of konjac tuber. The content of protein begins addi

【关键词】 魔芋硼素营养生长发育品质产量
【Key words】 KonjacBoron nutritionGrowthQualityYield
  • 【分类号】S632
  • 【下载频次】282

