

Research and Preparation of the Combined Emulsifiable Concentrate of 10% Fenpropathrin and Abamectin

【作者】 张伟

【导师】 邓新平; 罗公树;

【作者基本信息】 西南农业大学 , 农药学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着新农药品种研制和生产的投资与风险越来越大,市场开发的周期越来越长,再加上有害生物抗药性发展迅速,使得有效釣剂的供应越发显得短缺。农药的合理混用在延缓有害生物的抗性、提高防效、降低成本、延长使用寿命、减少农药对环境的污染等方面均起到了重要的作用。 本研究根据阿维菌素、甲氰菊酯、辛硫磷和哒螨灵的理化性质,选用适宜的乳化剂和溶剂将原药配制成乳油井以朱砂叶螨为试螨进行毒力测定。在此基础上,采用共毒因子法从甲氰菊酯、辛硫磷和哒螨灵中筛选出与阿维菌素的最佳配伍药剂;使用共毒系数法对不同配比的甲氰菊酯和阿维菌素复配剂进行评价,以配比为变量拟合共毒系数与配比关系的数学模型并求出最佳配比;通过相关辅助剂的筛选,配制出10%甲氰·阿维乳油,制定了产品质量分析方法,最后对实验室小试样进行盆栽试验。现将主要研究方法及结果摘要如下: 1 最佳配伍及配比的筛选 采用玻片浸渍法,以朱砂叶螨为试螨对阿维菌素、甲氰菊酯、辛硫磷和哒螨灵进行毒力测定,结果表明阿维菌素、甲氰菊酯、辛硫磷和哒螨灵对朱砂叶螨的致死中浓度分别为0.06112±0.00475mg/L、2606.07±352.97mg/L、318.17±27.74mg/L和47.89±2.49mg/L,其中阿维菌素的毒力最高,甲氰菊酯的毒力最低。以阿维菌素为主干药剂,采用共毒因子法对阿维菌素+甲氰菊酯、阿维菌素+辛硫磷、阿维菌素+哒螨灵三种配伍进行测定,结果表明,三种配伍均具有增效的可能,其中阿维菌素+甲氰菊酯组合的共毒因子最大(22.0~28.5),增效范围最宽,为最佳配伍。 考虑两种活性成分各自的杀虫活性及其混用目的,将阿维·甲氰复配剂的含量确定为10%。采用共毒系数法对9种不同配比的10%甲氰·阿维复配剂的复配效应进行评价,结果表明,9种配比的共毒系数均在200以上,显示出良好的增效作用。以复配剂中甲氰菊酯的质量分数-(K)的反正泫转换值(X)为变量,对该值与共毒系数的关系进行拟合,可得数学模型为:Y=-30179.0+769.24X-4.8472X2。对方程求导可得:Y′=769.24—9.6944X,令Y′=0,则有X=79.35。将X=79.35代入原方程,可求得最大共毒系数为340.09,将X=79.35代入反正弦转换公式X=arcsin(K)12中可以求得甲氰菊酯在甲氰·阿维复配剂有效成分中的质量分数K值为0.9096。将K值转换为两单剂的配比即K:(1—K)可得:甲氰菊酯:阿维菌素=0.9658:(1—0.9658)=28.24:1≈28:1为最佳配比。 2 10%甲氰·阿维乳油配方的确定 在确定最佳配伍与配比的基础上,对乳油的两大辅助剂系统进行筛选,最终确定10%甲西南衣业大学硕l学位论文摘要氰·阿维乳油的优选配方为: 甲氰菊酷9.65%(质量分数,卜同) 阿维菌素0.35% 乳化剂6%QR一9与QR一11号乳化剂混合物(质量比为28门) 溶剂84%二甲苯与乙酸乙酷混合液(质量比为20:1)3 10%甲氰·阿维乳油的质量标准和分析方法 以气相色谱法和液相色谱法分别测定10%甲氰·阿维乳油中甲氰菊酷和阿维菌素的含量结果表明,在选定的测定条件下,有效成分的出峰面积与浓度间的线性关系良好,甲氰菊酷和阿维菌素的标准偏差分别为0.0}8、5.86xlJ3,变异系数分别为。.19]、1.67,10%甲氰·阿维乳油实验室小试样中甲氰菊酷和河维菌素的含量分别为9.652%、0.349%。 分别采用队O、CIPAC、GB推荐的方法对乳液稳定性、乳油的酸碱度、热/冷贮稳定性及含水量进行测定,结果表明10%甲氰·阿维乳油乳液稳定性良好,乳状液均匀,没有乳析物生成:酸度为0.23,小于0.3%;乳油中甲氰菊酷和阿维菌素的热贮分解率分别为2.43%、4.83%.小于住5%,冷贮后无结品析出,无分层现象;乳油含水量为0-42%,小于0.5%。小试样的质量指标符合国家标准。4盆栽试验 参照田间药效试验方法稍加改动,以20%甲氰菊酷乳油和0.5%阿维菌素乳油为对照药剂,对10%甲氰·阿维乳油实验室小试样进行盆栽药效试验,结果表明10%甲氰·阿维乳油使用浓度为6一10.smg/kg时,药后ld和3d的防治效果达85%以上,药后7d和飞4d的防治效果达75%以上,可有效控制显科蔬菜上朱砂叶瞒的危害及种群发展。田间推荐使用稀释浓度为9一1 o.smg/kg。

【Abstract】 With the greater increasing investment risks in synthesize and production of novel pesticides, the longer market period and the more rapid development of pest resistance, the supply of efficient pesticides appear to be in great shorter. The rational combination among different pesticides play an important role in the following aspects: pest resistance control, improving control effect, decreasing the cost, a good harvest, prolonged application longevity of pesticides and lesser environment pollution.According to the physical and chemical characters of abamectin, fenpropathrin, phoximand , pyridaben, the acaricides were produced to be EC by selecting proper solvents and emulsifters, and toxicity of the EC was tested using the carmine spider mite, Tetranychus cinnabarinus (Boisduval), as bioassay target. Based on the toxicity assays, the optimal combinated pesticide with abamectin was selected from the other three pesticides by the co-toxicity factor method. Meanwhile, the combination between abamectin and fenpropathrin with 9 various ratios were evaluated with the co-toxicity coefficient method. Furthermore, the optimal combination was obtained on the basis of mathematical model between the co-toxicity coefficient and the ratio. Also the potted tests with small samples were carried out in lab trials and a set of analysis method about products quality was established. The main research methods and results could be summarized as follows:1 Screening of the optimal combination and ratio.With the slide-dip method, the bioassay of abamectin, fenpropathrin, phoximand and pyridaben on T. cinnabarinus were carried out. The results showed that the LC50 values of abamectin, fenpropathrin, phoximand and pyridaben were 0.06112 + 0.00475mg/L, 2606.07+ 352.97mg/L, 318.17 +27.74mg/L,and 47.89+ 2.49mg/L, respectively. It suggested that the toxicity of abamectin was the highest while that of fenpropathrin expressed the lowest. The experiments on combination of the other three pesticides with abamectin indicated that the group factors of theco-toxicity between abamectin and fenpropathrin were the highest (22.0-28.5) , and thus this group was considered as the optimal combination.Based on combination destination and their different activities, the concentration of abamectin-fenpropathrin was determined as 10%. The 10% abamectin-fenpropathrin EC at 9 kinds of ratios were evaluated by applying the co-toxicity coefficient method. The results showed that the co-toxicity coefficients of this combination at 9 kinds of ratios were all above 200 and took on a quite good synergism prospective. Using SPSS to establish mathematical model of the co-toxicity coefficient and arcsine value of the proportion in combination acaricide, it can acquired the mathematical model of abamectin-fenpropathrin was r=-30179.08+769.24X-4.8472X2. (x refer to the ratio) . Account the coefficient of above model, it was achieved that the equation (Y’=769.24-9. 6944X) If Y’=0, then X=7935. It can draw a conclusion that the highest co-toxicity coefficient was 340.09 by putting X=79.35 to the corresponding model, and the most significant synergism appropriate optimal ratio between abamectin and fenpropathrin was 1:28 or so.2 The result of adjuvant selecting showed that the better formula of 10% abamectin -fenpropathrin EC is the following which comprises by weight.On a basis of the optimal combination and ratio, the two catalogues of surfactants were selected and the optimal prescription of the 10% abamectin -fenpropathrin EC was described as follows:(1) abamectin 0.35% (mass fraction, same as follows.)(2) fenpropathrin 9.65%(3) Emulsification 6% (mixture between 1 QR-11 and 28 QR-9)(4) Solvent 84%( mixture between 20 xylene and 1 ethyl chloroacetate )3 Establishment of Quality standard of the 10% abamectin-fenpropathrin ECA set of quality analysis method for the 10% abamectin-fenpropathrin EC was established. The results indicated that the linear relation

  • 【分类号】TQ454
  • 【被引频次】2
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