

Study of Yuehu Altering

【作者】 戎龚停

【导师】 王亮;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 音乐学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 关于中国传统音乐在二十一世纪的发展与走向,音乐学界曾有多种讨论,各抒己见,莫衷一是。本文通过对乐户流变的辨证性分析和多向移位思考,认为被称为吹鼓手、响器班的民间乐人在当今时代有着与历史乐户一样的基本社会角色——自觉或不自觉地担当起了承创中国传统音乐的历史重任,他们推动着中国传统音乐的发展;本文从社会观念、乐人行为以及音乐形态三个角度,通过对民间乐人生存方式、社会地位、组织形式、供职对象、音乐形态等流变的分析,力求做出新的解释并从成果上肯定民间乐人在中国传统音乐承创中作用和力量。 本文包括三部分:第一部分,乐籍中的乐户。介绍了从北魏到清朝雍正元年,乐户在中国社会音乐文化传承中的作用和执业活动特点;第二部分,乐籍解除后的乐户后人(从雍正元年到解放前)。尽管从制度上他们已被撤消乐籍,但社会意识形态依然残留在人们心中,乐户流变迹象潜在进行,他们在民间音乐活动中的主导地位未受影响;第三部分,新时代的乐人。考察在社会制度大变革和人民政治运动广泛掀起的社会局势下,当今各种民间乐人在各层次社会音乐活动中的进一步流变,通过多方位分析,并从成果上证实了他们在民间音乐活动中的主导地位,展示了民间乐人的新时代特征;第四部分,结语。力图通过对各种民间乐人的考察,展示民间丰富的音乐文化及其生命力。指出不再称为乐户的民间乐人尽管在社会地位、执业方式、人生观等诸方面有所改变,但作为中国传统音乐的主要承创者这一历史使命却始终没有变,民间音乐是发展中国音乐的出发点。

【Abstract】 At present, there is a great number of ideas on the development of Chinese traditional music in the field of Musicology. After several years of discussing, there is no agreement reached. This dissertation tries to explain that folk musician have the same role with Yuehu in modern times by discussing Yuehu in several parts. As an important group , folk musician are playing important role in the process of Succeeding & Composing Chinese Traditional Music.The dissertation consists of four parts. The first part introduces the role of Yuehu in the process of transmitting Chinese social musical culture and the features of activities joined by Yuehu from North Wei Dynasty to Qing Dynasty. The second part points out the major role of Yuehu’ s successor in the folk musical activity was unaffected since they were deprived of the registered music household system. At that time, social idea still rooted in people’ s deep heart and Yuehu was developing and changing. The third part expatiates the features of modern folk musician. All kinds of folk musician went on altering in the social musical activities especially after the liberation of China. The last part testifies the legitimacy that the major role of composing and succeeding Chinese traditional music is consistent by the investigation of all kinds of folk musician, even if they have been changed on social status, work fashion and social notion, so on. Folk music is the start point to promote and develop Chinese music.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】J609.2
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】422

