

On WTO’s Trade Policy Review Mechanisms

【作者】 李升

【导师】 马卫华;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 经济法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 贸易政策评审机制产生于1989年加拿大蒙特利尔举行的乌拉圭回合中期评审会议上。1995年1月1日世界贸易组织开始运作,贸易政策评审机制的法律文本也随之变成了《建立世界贸易组织的协定》的附件3,并构成了世界贸易组织三大机制之一。它旨在通过集体鉴评的方式来实现透明度从而促进成员对WTO规则的遵守,其非对抗性和无法律约束力在很大程度上区别于争端解决机制的加强司法性,彼此一张一弛,共同构建了WTO的法律监督机制。 本文中,笔者试图在对贸易政策评审机制既有研究成果的基础上,从法律的角度,对其进行系统、深入的研究与探讨。全文由前言、结论以及五章组成。其中第一章重点回顾了贸易政策评审机制的产生与发展。第二章从宏观角度分析了贸易政策评审机制的一些实体性与结构性问题,包括其评审的目标与功能、适用标准、评审内容以及参加主体等方面的内容,从而构建起对贸易政策评审机制的系统性与规律性的把握。第三章则侧重研究贸易政策评审机制的程序性内容,如评审周期和日程安排等,使对这一机制有一个更加全面、贴切的了解,也结合了一些对于评审程序完善与走向的分析。在第四章里,笔者先是综合了成员方对贸易政策评审机制的各种负面反馈信息与改进之呼声,继而总结出了贸易政策评审机制今后的发展趋势。第五章的内容主要是结合中国入世后的现实处境,着重强调了中国政府和企业参与贸易政策评审的意识,并提出了一些旨在促进中国更好参与和利用贸易政策评审机制的对策性建议。作为一个专题性质的讨论了中国法制状况受贸易政策评审机制关注的主要方面。在研究方法上,本文在第一章主要采用了历史分析方法,对贸易政策评审机制整个历史演变,以及新机制的内容进行分析。在第二、三章则侧重于法律分析。第四、五章以实证分析为主。

【Abstract】 Trade Policy Review Mechanism took its shape during the "Mid-term Review" by Ministerial Meeting in Montreal, Canada. Alongside the entry-into-force of Final Act, the legal text of TPRM was simultaneously developed into Annex 3 of WTO Agreement, which serves as one of the three major mechanisms of WTO. It provides that all WTO members should be subject to collective and periodical appreciation and evaluation with the aim of contributing to improved adherence to rules, disciplines and commitments by achieving greater transparency. Being non-confrontational and non-legalistic, TPRM is greatly distinguished in nature form Dispute Settlement Mechanism with an intensified jurisdiction, and those two mechanisms have together constituted the supervisory system for WTO organically.In this thesis, the author manages to further this research from the angle of law thoroughly and comprehensively on what has been previously achieved. The body is comprised of preface, conclusion and 5 chapters. In Chapter 1 the history of TPRM is intensively reviewed; In Chapter 2 some of the substantial and structural issues of TPRM are given a macro-analysis, including the purpose, function, applied standards, coverage and participating parties of TPRM so as to come up with a systematical understanding of TPRM; Chapter 3 mainly concerns the procedural issues of TPRM e.g. the review cycle and schedule, which provides the reader a more detailed approach to TPRM. Moreover, in the chapter, despite its major introductory part, there are still some words devoted to analyzing the perfection and the trend of the procedures of TPRM; In Chapter 4,having collected and synthesized the negative feedback and appeal for improvement from the WTO members, the author attempts to make a prediction of the tendency of TPRM; In Chapter 5,considering the realities after China’s access into WTO, much emphasis is placed on the suggestions and countermeasures on China’s better involvement into TPRM . With respect to the research methods, while historical analysis is primarily applied in Chapter 1 to illustrate the evolution of TPRM, Chapter 2 adopts mainly the method of legal analysis, and positive analysis are widely used in Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】D996.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】124

