

The Silent Voice

【作者】 张晔

【导师】 马海良;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 英语语言文学, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 英国的19世纪是一个各种巨大变化层出不穷的时代,这一时期的英国小说对于英国文学有着举足轻重的意义,乔治·爱略特便是其中一颗璀璨的明星。国内外学者对她的评价很高,但是从女性主义角度对她和她的作品进行研究却只是近二十年的事情。然而,女性主义批评家始终无法在自己的领域内给她一个明确的定位,这是因为,无论是乔治·爱略特本人,还是其作品都带有明显的复杂性和矛盾性。 《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》是乔治·爱略特最优秀的小说之一,也是其自传性最强的一部小说。对于这部小说以及小说的结局,国内外学者众说纷纭。在这篇论文中,作者尝试从女性主义角度解读这部作品,解读作品的结局,即洪水的席卷和麦琪的死亡。作者认为,麦琪最终与汤姆一起葬身洪水,并非她对男性社会的妥协,而是一种抗争、一种呼吁,这其中包含着一种沉默的声音:唯有男女共同改变,社会才能达到真正的和谐,女性主义运动才能取得真正意义上的胜利;否则,结局只有一个,那便是男女共同毁灭,共同葬身于汹涌澎湃的弗洛斯河,因为他们身上流着相同的血,哺育他们的是同一条河流。 论文从四个方面展开:第一是乔治·爱略特的女性体验和对《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》的评论回瞻。乔治·爱略特是一个与她所处的时代格格不入的女性,在道德领域,她从未停止过对宗教的置疑和思索。她公开与有妇之夫刘易斯同居,因此被社会和家庭所抛弃。在职业领域,她以坚忍不拔的努力完成了她艰辛的历程,最终成为当时有名的小说家,而这对当时的妇女来说几乎是不可能的。对于《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》,评论家们众说纷纭,但不论是从作品内部还是从外部着手,他们总认为小说的结局过于悲观,甚至有些不现实。本文将从女性主义角度对小说结局的必然性作出解释。 第二是维多利亚女性气质在麦琪身上的体现。英国历史上的维多利亚时期是一个传统与现代相结合的特殊时期,民主化和工业化改造的完成,以及理性和科学的胜利,都给这个古老的国家带来了现代化的生机,但是宗教的地位并未因此而被颠覆,与此同行的是保守的思想和道德观念。小说的女主人公麦琪正是生活在这样一个时期。当时的妇女虽然在法律上已经取得初步的平等,但是仍然没有选举权,仍然处于对男性的从属地位,这主要表现在宗教、精神、经济、职业、婚姻、家庭和教育等领域。 第三是麦琪的困境。正是这种社会基础,使麦琪形成了双重性格,她既渴望知识,向往男女平等,但同时又无法摆脱保守思想的桎梏,她在这两个自我之间徘徊,最终选择了死亡。麦琪的矛盾与挣扎主要表现在他与哥哥汤姆、父亲仇人的儿子菲利普、以及表妹露茜的情人斯蒂芬三者的关系上。 第四是乔治。爱略特的道德观和女性意识.同麦琪一样,乔治,爱略特既有现代和叛逆的一面,又有保守和顺从的一面,因此她的道德观和女性意识也具有矛盾性。她不停地在这两种矛盾之间进行调和,最终形成了自己独特的人类宗教道德观和社会力量均衡论的调和主义女性意识。尽管这种女性意识带有不可避免的时代的局限性,但她最终的愿望是结合男女各自的优点,在承认男女差别的基础上,通过女性自我意识的觉醒和自身素质的提气高来消灭性别歧视,从而达到社会的完善与和谐,在这一点上,她的女性意识具有不可否认的积极意义。

【Abstract】 England had gone through a lot of changes in the 19th century, and the novels written in this period are very significant in the study of English literature. George Eliot, no wonder, is one of the most important novelists of this period, who received many criticisms in all ages. But only some twenty years ago did critics begin to study George Eliot and her works from a feminist view. What’s more, the feminists can never give her an adequate definition in respect that her novels, just as herself, are so complicated and ambivalent.The Mill on the Floss is one of George Eliot’s most excellent novels, and it is also the most autobiographical of her. Thus there are a great many criticisms on this novel from home and abroad, especially on the ending of the novel. In this thesis, the author tries to have a feminist reading of The Mill on the Floss and its ending-the death of Maggie with her’most beloved brother Tom in a flood. And the author holds that the choice of Maggie to give up her life is not her compromise to patriarchy, but her opposition to it. We can draw out the silent voice of George Eliot from the thought-provoking ending of the novel: only by the changing of both men and women can human society reach to harmony, can the feminist sport get real success; otherwise, it will be no ending but men and women drown together in the never . resting Floss, for men and women have the same blood in their bodies, and they have only one river to be fed.The author of the thesis first expatiates upon the female experience of George Eliot and the criticisms of The Mill on the Floss. George Eliot was utterly against her age. In the fieid of morality, she never ceased her doubts and contemplation on religion. What’s more, she openly lived with Lewes-a married man, thus was excluded from her family and society. In the field of occupation, she had struggled through the hardship of writing as a female, and finally became the famous novelist of her time, which was an almost impossible honor for women at that time. As to The Mill on the Floss, it-has received many different kinds of criticisms from all aspects, whether internal or external. But the common conclusion is that the ending of this novel is too negative, even in some sense unrealistic. In this thesis, the author explains the inevitability of its ending from the feminist point of view.Then, the author discusses the Victorian femininity in Maggie. The Victorian England was characterized for its contradiction of tradition and modernity. Democratization, industrialization, and the triumph of ration and science all added to the modernity of the old England. But what paralleled were the un-overthrown religion and the conservative ideas of morality. Maggie was just born and grows up in such a conflicting age. Although women had gotten their abecedarian equality to menin law, suffrage was still a dream for them. What unchanged too was women’s subordination to men, which was manifest in such fields as religion, spirit, economy, vocation, marriage, family, and education.It is just the complicated society which perplexes Maggie, who is an intelligent girl longing for knowledge and equality between women and men. Being held in bondage and troubled by patriarchy, she wobbles between the two selves-one rebellious and the other conformative-and doomedly chooses death. This inner conflict of Maggie is primarily at work when she forms relationship with three important persons in her life: her elder brother Tom, the son of her father’s personal enemy Philip, and her cousin Lucy’s lover Stephen.Just as Maggie, George Eliot stands for rebellion and modernity on one hand, while conformance and conservation on the other. These together work in the forming of her morality and female consciousness. George Eliot tries to find conciliation between the two aspects of the contradiction, thus forms her unique morality and female consciousness: religion of humanity and the female consciousness of conciliation. Though Eliot’s female consciousness still carries the ambivalent natur

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】I561
  • 【下载频次】487

