

Virginia Woolf: A Precursor of Modern Feminist Literary Criticism

【作者】 马连君

【导师】 马海良;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 英语语言文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫(1882—1941)不仅是英国杰出的小说家,而且是现代女性主义文学批评的重要先驱。她独特的女性意识贯穿于整个文学作品中,《一间自己的房间》、《三个基尼》、《奥兰多》等作品以犀利的笔锋表达了她对当时社会男女不平等地位的强烈不满,充分体现了伍尔夫独特的女性意识和先进的女权思想,因此,她被后来的女性主义者们尊称为女性主义运动的先驱,成为西方现代女性主义文学批评的重要奠基人。本文旨在探讨弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫独特的女性意识在文学作品中的具体表现。 第一章 首先介绍了西方现代女性主义文学批评的时代背景、思想来源及两大重要派别—英美派女性主义和法国派女性主义。它诞生于20世纪60年代末的欧美国家,是第二次世界妇女解放运动的文学产物。它以妇女为研究中心,其首要任务是发掘女性文学的伟大传统。它探讨文学中的女性意识,研究女性特有的表达方式,关注女作家的创作状况;它声讨以男性为中心的传统文化对女性创作的压抑,提倡一种女性主义写作方式。女性主义文学批评的思想大致来自两个方面:一是西方文学理论和文学批评的重大变化为它提供了多方面的启示;二是女性主义文学批评继承了重要先驱者的理论创造,例如英国的弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫和法国的西蒙娜·德·波伏娃。现代女性主义文学批评基本上分为英美派和法国派,作者简要介绍了这两个派别主要代表人物的观点。 第二章 重点介绍弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫独特的女性意识。首先介绍了弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫女性意识的重要来源:一是受当时的社会大背景的影响:二是作为一名女性在男权社会生存的亲身体验,也就是受家庭环境的影响:三是受身边许多女性的女性主义思想的影响。本章重点分析了弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫独特的女性意识在文学作品中的体现:一、她首次发掘女性文学的伟大传统,发现女性文学具有独立悠久的文学传统。她意识到19世纪的女作家经常在作品中表达个人愤怒:20世纪以后,女作家们开始将写作当成一门艺术,而不是一种自我表现的方法,并且越来越关注艺术的真谛;二、积极探讨男女两性之间的关系,寻求男女平等,指出“女权主义斗争的最终目的是解构男女之间的二元对立”,并通过分析拉姆齐先生和拉姆齐夫人的性格特征展示两性之间的关系;三、正因为男女之间存在诸多不平等,女性在男性的压制下,逐渐丧失了话语权。弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫首次要求打破传统的男性话语模式,寻求女性话语,并在多部作品中运用新颖独特的文学技巧进行大胆尝试;四、强调妇女写作的重要性,积极倡导妇女写作,并提出妇女写作需要的物质条件和文化空间;五、面对女性写作的现实困境,弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫首次提出了著名的“双性同体”理论,本章进一步探讨伍尔夫的“双性同体”理论,指出奥兰多、莉丽·布里斯科、卡姆·拉姆齐这些人物形象都是“双性同体”的,并深入分析这些人物形象特征。 尽管弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的女性意识具有一定的阶级局限性,但是她的女性意识同时也具有重大的历史意义,尤其是她的“双性同体”理论得到许多著名批评家的认可,她为西方女性主义文学批评的创立奠定了坚实的基础,不愧是现代女性主义文学批评的先驱。

【Abstract】 Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) is not only an outstanding English novelist but also an important precursor of modern feminist literary criticism of the twentieth century. Her unique female consciousness runs through the whole literary works. She expresses her malcontent feelings with sharp style of writing in A Room of One’s Own (1929), Three Guineas (1938), and Orlando: A Biography (1928) and so on. These works embody her unique female consciousness and advanced feminist ideas. Hence, she is regarded as the important precursor of modern feminist literary criticism, and the founding mother of the contemporary debate. The thesis is aimed to discuss the representation of Virginia Woolf’s unique female consciousness in her literary works.In Chapter 1, the author first introduces the social background and sources of thought of feminist literary criticism, and discusses Anglo-American feminism and French feminism. Feminist literary criticism emerged in Europe and America in the late 1960s and 1970s, which was the literary product of the Second Women’s Liberation Movement. It is a woman-centered criticism, and it takes woman as the object of study. Its primary task is to explore the female literary tradition. It discusses female consciousness ignored by male writers, studying the expressing way possessed by the female, concerning female’s contemporary condition of writing, denouncing the oppression over the female imposed by the man-centered patriarchal culture, and advocating the unique feminist writing method. The two major theoretical sources of thought are the great change of western literary theory, which provides it with much light, and the theory created by the important feminist precursors, such as Virginia Woolf in England and Simone de Beauvoir in France. Feminist literary criticism could be divided into Anglo-American feminism and French feminism basically. The author introduces the main representatives’ viewpoints of the two Schools.Chapter 2 emphasizes Virginia Woolf’s unique female consciousness. First of all, the author briefly introduces the sources of Virginia Woolf’s female consciousness, and they are social background, family background, and the radical feminists around her. Then the author lays stress on the analysis of the representation of female consciousness in her literary works. Firstly, she explores the great tradition of female literature, and discovers that there is an independent and longstanding female literary tradition in history. Virginia Woolf realizes that the women writers in the nineteenth century often express their personal grievance in the novels. However, after entering the twentieth century, the women writers begin to "use writing as an art, not as a method of self-expression", and pay more and more attention to the essence of the art- "freedom and fullness of expression". Secondly, she discusses the relationship between men and women, and she believes that they should be equal in society, and indicates the final goal of feminist struggle is to "deconstruct the death-dealing binary opposition of masculinity and femininity". Meanwhile, she implies the relationship between men and women by analyzing the characters of Mr. Ramsay and Mrs. Ramsay. Thirdly, being oppressed by the patriarchal society, women lose the right of discourse. Virginia Woolf demands to break the traditional discourse pattern and searches for women’s own language. She employs various original narrative skills to recreate women’s own language in her literary works. Fourthly, she emphasizes the importance of women’s writing, and she advocates women’s writing positively. She also raises a series of problems about material factors and cultural atmosphere for women’s writing. Fifthly, facing the dilemma of women’s writing, Virginia Woolf posits the famous theory of "androgynous vision", and the author makes a further analysis of the theory of "androgynous vision". Moreover, the author indicates that Orlando in Orlando: A Biography (1928), Lily Briscoe and Cam Ramsay in To the Lighthouse (1927) are a

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】I561
  • 【下载频次】1475

