

Study on Stability of Low Alcohol Liquor and Its Application

【作者】 仝建波

【导师】 张生万;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 有机化学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济、文化水平的逐步提高,人们的饮酒习惯也正在悄然发生变化,对白酒的口味追求由烈变淡,弃硬求软正成时尚,但低度白酒并非像高度白酒那样,即随存放时间的增加品质得以改善,而是久置变酸,失去原酒风味,质量明显下降,严重制约了白酒低度化的进程,给企业造成了巨大的经济损失。因此,如何能使占白酒市场主要份额的低度白酒质量稳定已成为酿酒业界亟待解决的一大技术难题。 本工作主要以清香型汾酒为研究对象,以定量结构—活性相关理论为基础,利用现代色谱及波谱分析技术,对题示内容进行研究,完成了以下几方面的工作: 一、通过测定乙醇-水体系的体积收缩量、可见-近红外吸收光谱及氢质子核磁共振谱,对乙醇-水体系的缔合行为进行了详细的研究,结果表明:酒度是决定乙醇与水缔合强度的主要因素,同时基于乙醇-水体系缔合行为的光谱特性建立了一种测定乙醇含量的新方法。 二、对贮存时间不同、酒度不同的汾酒进行了分析研究,发现高度酒在贮存过程中比较稳定,其主要香味成分——酯类化合物含量变化不大,而低度酒和降度酒在贮存过程中随贮存时间的增加酯类化合物含量急剧下降,严重影响低度酒的质量。 三、研究了酯类化合物结构常数、体系介电常数与其水解行为的关系,发现:酯类化合物随着烷基极化效应指数PEI(R)的增加,体系介电常数(ε)的减小,酯水解速率(k)显著下降,并推导得出了表达脂肪酸乙酯类化合物在不同条件下水解行为的表达式:lgk=a+blg PEI(R)+Clg ε。 四、在上述研究的基础上,又进行了脂肪酸乙酯类化合物与稳定剂缔合行为的研究,建立了定量确定脂肪酸乙酯与稳定剂间缔合常数(A)的方法,推导并验证了定量表达脂肪酸乙酯类化合物水解速率常数(k)与稳定剂的缔合常数(A)及稳定剂浓度(M)关系的数学表达式:k=k’/(1+AM);并通过选择合适的稳定剂,建立了抑制低度白酒中主要香味成分酯类化合物分解的方法;最后将该技术用于低度白酒的生产中,取得了较好的结果。

【Abstract】 With the improving of economic and cultural level, people’s habits of drinking are changing from high alcohol liquor to low slowly. However, the quality of low alcohol liquor decrease with the increasing of storing time, which restrains its development of low alcohol liquor seriously and induces large economic loss to factories. Low alcohol liquor is becoming main body of the world liquor market today, so how to make it more stable has become a technical problem under solving.This thesis studies "Study on Stability of Low Alcohol Liquor and Its Application" with contemporary chromatogram and spectrum, analyze the Fen-flavor liquor, which is based on the theory of QSAR/QSPR and has finished as follows :1.this thesis makes a detailed study on associated action of ethanol -water system through determining the volume contraction of ethanol -water system, Vis-IR spectrum and 1H NMR, the research results indicated that alcoholicity of liquor affect associated intensity of ethanol -water system, at the same time, a new method of determination of ethanol concentration in alcoholic beverage is based on the associated action of ethanol-water system.2.Fen liquor of the same liquor age and different alcoholicity and storage period was studied. The research results indicated that liquor of high alcoholicity had stronger stability during storage (its main flavoring components esters reduced little with the increase of liquor age, however,the great quality changes presented for liquor of low alcoholicity andJiangdu liquor during storage (esters reduced more with the increase of liquor age).3.We measured the reaction rate constant (k) of esters in a variety of conditions, made correlative analysis about the relations between k and such factors as the constant of molecular structure and hydrolysis condition. The results show that the values of k drop dramatically with the increment of polarization effect index (PEI(R)) but appear a kind of positive correlation to the system dielectric constant( e ).Based on this founding, we derive a equation which can explain the hydrolysis phenomenon of fatty acid ethyl ester compounds in different conditions quantitatively : lgk=a+blg PEI(R)+clg e .4.Based on all of research, we have studied that how did the combination behavior between stabilizer and fatty acid ethyl esters. We also found the way to determine the combination constants(A) between them quantificationaly. In addition, we deduced and validated quantificational mathematic expression between hydrolysis rate constants(k) of fatty acid ethyl ester and the concentration(M) of stabilizer :k=k’/(1+AM). Then we build methods restraining hydrolysis of esters in liquor The result shows that stabilizer could restrain the hydrolysis reaction of fatty acid ethyl ester. When applying the stabilizer to the practice of increasing and stabilizing the quality of low alcohol liquor, a satisfied result has achieved.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】TS261
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】682

