

On Police Executive Power in Constitutional Society

【作者】 武春荣

【导师】 赵肖筠;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 警察权随着人类社会的发展而变化,由于人类文明的进步,警察权的边界越来越小。警察行政权是与公民联系最密切的公共权力之一,它以限制人的自由为主要特征。警察行政权在一个社会中的实际运作状态,在相当程度上标志着这个社会文明的发展水平。警察行政权力与公民权利在一定条件下成反比例关系,即警察行政权的扩大意味着公民权的缩小,警察行政权的滥用往往使公民权化为乌有。依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家,已成为我国一项基本的治国方略,警察行政权法治化行使是时代的要求。在法治条件下,为保障公民的权利,应以法治的理念重新审视警察行政权,并应以法治的原则和理念指导警察行政权的设立和行使。法治社会警察行政权的行使因受到严格控制而不会逾越法律的尺度,其价值在于最大限度的保护人民的利益和社会秩序安定。 我国正处于向法治国家转型的时期,目前警察行政权行使过程中还存在一些问题。规范警察行政权行使的制度问题未能理顺,警察行政权行使中执法不公的现象还存在,警察行政权行使的正当程序理念匮乏,对警察行政权行使的监督不力。 为了充分体现人民警察行政权力为人民所用的最终目的,协调好在警察行政权力实施过程中可能产生的社会秩序与个人权利的矛盾,警察行政权力必须建立在完备的法治基础之上。解决警察行政权行使中存在问题的理性方案是法治,法治是一个包含诸多因素的整合性系统,其中,行政相对人权利与警察行政权的行政契约关系是这个系统的基础性条件。完善警察行政权力配置的相关法律、法规,对警察行政权的行使进行事先的法律规制;完善警察行政执法程序制度,对警察行政权的行使进行事中的法律约束;完善对警察行政权的监督制度,对警察行政权行使进行事后的法律监督;规定警察行政权的职责,平衡行政相对人权利与警察行政权的契约平等地位。用比例原则、信赖保护原则制约警察行政权无疑是一个良好的法治进路。

【Abstract】 The police power is changing along with the development of human society. Thanks to advancement of human civilization, the boundary of the police power is smaller and smaller. Police executive power is one of the powers, which are most closely related to citizens with the main character of limiting personal liberty. The police executive power functioning in a society, to a certain extent, is a symbol of the level of this society’s civilization’s development The police executive power is in inverse proportion to the civil rights on a certain condition. That is to say, the expansion of the police executive power means the reduction of the civil rights. Managing states affairs in accordance with law and building the socialism country under the rule of law has been a basically general plan for national management The police executive power should be properly limited by law. In order to guarantee the civil rights, the police executive power, under the rule of law, should be examined again by consciousness of law and should be established and exercised by the principles and concepts of laws. The police executive power in constitutional society will not exceed the scale of law because of strict control. Its value lies in protecting people’s benefit and society order.Our country is in the period of transition from the country ruled by law to the modern country ruled of law. But there still exist some problems in the procedure of performing the police executive power. As the obscure expresses of relate institution, the police executive power can’t be controlled efficiently. It is crucial for the public security organs to make just and fair enforcement, but there still exist some problems that the police might misuse the police executive power. As the short of legitimate procedure concepts, the institution of administrative procedure somethnes is not effective. As the lack of supervision on the police executive power, it can’t be controlled efficiently.Police’s executive power is granted by the constitution and the laws to the public security organs and people. The use of it is aimed at the maintenance of public order and safety. Rule of law, which is a reorganized system containing many elements, is the reasonable scheme to resolve the problems in the operation of the police executive power. The administrative bond between the private party in the administrative process and police executive power is a basic term in the system of rule of law. The reasonable scheme is including some facts: perfect the law of allocatingthe police executive power, strengthen the institution of police administrative procedure,emphasize die supervision on police executive power and remedial measures should be taken tomaintain people’s legal rights, add the institution about executive police’s obligation. The law of police executive power should obey the following basic principles: the powers are taken according to proportion, the trust on administration should be protected.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】D912.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】486

