

Study on Orientation and Approach in Research-Based Science and Engineering Universities

【作者】 孙妍

【导师】 陈士俊;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 重视和加强人文教育正在成为世界高等教育发展的一个令人注目的热点。论文通过对人文教育的内涵及发展趋势的分析,提出了研究型理工科大学人文教育的定位应立足于整个教育活动的基础之上,发挥教学的主渠道作用即通过人文学科教育和挖掘专业教学中的人文精神,来促进人的全面发展,提升学习者做人、做事以及创新的能力,并论证了研究型理工科大学进行人文教育这一定位的作用与意义:一、研究型理工科大学人文教育的正确定位反映了时代的要求和特征;二、研究型理工科大学人文教育正确定位有助于实施全面的科学教育;三、研究型理工科大学人文教育正确定位是符合学生自身发展的需要。进而论文探讨了研究型理工科大学人文教育的途径,首先,指出人文学科教育是人文教育的基础,阐释了人文学科教育的内涵、原则与功能,然后在人文学科教育效果的调查与分析的基础上,探讨了研究型理工科大学人文学科教育的过程、方法与模式。其次重点分析了研究型理工科大学人文教育的支撑——结合专业教学进行人文教育,先分析了研究型理工科大学结合专业教学进行人文教育的必要性与可行性,探讨了在专业教学中人文教育目标的实现机制;随后探讨了人文精神融入专业教育的方法与模式,最后提出研究型理工科大学实施大人文教育必须正确处理四个关系即正确处理人文教育与德育的关系,把德育放在首位;正确处理人文学科教育与专业教育的关系,加强二者的整合;正确处理人文教育中知识、能力与素质的关系,注重人文素质的提高;正确处理学校人文教育与终身学习的关系,树立终身学习观。

【Abstract】 It is a worldwide tendency to emphasize the humanities education in the higher educational reform. Through analyzing the content and tendency of the humanities education, the author argues the humanities education of research-oriented science and engineering universities base on the whole teaching process,which including humanities courses and major studies in order to promote overall development of a person. The effect and signification of this argument helps to cope with the challenge of knowledge economy,to execute round education,to meet the demand of the students. The thesis systematically search the approach of humanities education suggesting that humanities play fundamental role in this process, while integration of spirit and major studies act as the main way. In accordance with the suggestion, the author first explains the content、the principle、the function of the humanities courses, then advances the course, the way and the mode by taking into account the educational effect of the humanities. The thesis emphatically discuss the way of the integration of the humanities spirit and major studies. Based on the analyze of necessities and possibilities of the integration, the author advocate the main factors which can be summarized as the educational concept,cultural qualities and teaching way .With the three factors as its center,the author make an attempt to establish a series of ways. This article, besides, attempts to advance some educational pattern applying these theories into practical teaching. Finally the author points out some relations which should be properly tackled.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】G640
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】613

