

Magnetic Field- Magnetotactic Bacteria’ Treating Wastewater with Heavy Metal Ions

【作者】 任茂明

【导师】 李鑫钢; 孙津生;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 化学工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着电镀、制革、防腐和染料等工业的发展,含重金属的废水对人体和环境造成的危害越来越严重,有效去除废水中重金属离子成为当前十分迫切的任务。本文提出全新的磁场-趋磁细菌复合工艺综合治理重金属废水,对趋磁细菌混合菌的组成进行了研究,并对处理重金属废水进行深入研究,确定了复合工艺最佳操作条件。本文首先对菌种进行驯化、培养和筛选,研究趋磁细菌的组成,并对其进行了较为细致的生物实验。实验表明:实验用的混合菌是由9种不同的细菌组成,其中7种革兰氏阴性细菌和2种革兰氏阳性细菌,并测定了各个菌种的一些特性。同时通过对各种不同的重金属离子进行静态的吸附实验,从而确定了适合用该细菌处理的金属的种类,并对处理各种金属的操作条件进行了研究,为以后的动态实验提供操作条件。实验表明:带有磁性的金属,Fe2+,Cr3+和Ni2+都适合用该菌种处理,而Cu2+则不适合于处理。通过对磁化技术处理的生物吸附重金属离子行为的研究发现,生物吸附受pH值影响较大,而且存在最佳pH值范围,不同的重金属离子种类最佳pH值也不相同;生物吸附主要是细胞表面的吸附,在很短的时间内即可达到吸附平衡;生物吸附对在室温下影响不明显。最后应用复合工艺流程连续处理重金属废水,按照静态实验确定的操作条件,发现复合工艺处理废水的出水浓度远远低于排放标准。

【Abstract】 With the development of galvanization, tannage, antisepsis, and dye etc, people’s body and environment had been damaged badly by metal-bearing wastewater, so it has been the urgent assignment to wipe off heavy metal ion effectively. In this paper, a novel magnetotactic complex technology to dispose wastewater containing heavy metal ion was put forward. And it was studied deeply in sides of continuous working conditions, treating result and working mechanism.In this paper, first, the mixed bacteria were domesticated, trained and selected. Then, the components of the mixed bacteria were studied carefully. It was found that there are 9 kinds of bacteria. Among them, 7 are gram-negative bacteria and 2 are gram-positive bacterium. Some characters had been determined.On the same time, different kinds of heavy metal ions had been absorbed under static situation. As the result, the kinds of heavy metal ions that were suit for being treated by magnetotactic bacteria were determined. Then, the operation situation had been studied so that the dynamic experiments’ operation situation could be offered. The experiments showed: some magnetic metal ion, such as iron(II), chromium(III), nickel(II), were suit for being treated by magnetotactic bacteria.Through the study of microbe’ absorbing heavy metal ions with magnetic technical treatment, it was found that the microbe’ absorption was affected greatly by pH value and there was an optimum pH value scope. And the optimum scopes of different ions had different ones. The absorption was mainly on the surface of the microbe so it could reach the absorption equilibrium soon. The absorption was also affected by temperature, but, the effect was small.Lastly, under the optimum operation situation, with composite technical flow treating heavy metal ions wastewater, it was found that the outlet heavy metal ion concentration was far blow the outlet standard.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】X703
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】279

