

Technical Experimental Research on the Air Oxidation and Reactive Absorption of NO_x

【作者】 常明坤

【导师】 胡金榜;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 化工过程机械, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文针对工业NOx废气的治理,讨论了现有的NOx治理技术现状,提出采用空气氧化NO的工艺方法和采用碱吸收反应治理工业NOx废气的技术路线,并进行了实验研究和分析。在实验中,以某化工厂排放NOx污染物的组成为模拟对象,用NO和N2混合配气,用空气作为O2的来源对NOx废气中的NO进行氧化,达到一定的氧化度后进入碱液吸收塔测定NOx的吸收率。同时研究分析了氧化时间和NOx氧化度的关系,提出了利用空气氧化碱吸收法脱除工业NOx废气的工艺技术,研究结果用于工业NOx废气的治理是可行的。

【Abstract】 This paper aims at the purification of industrial NOx waste gases, and discussed the actuality of existing technology in this field. The technical experimental courses that air oxidation of NO and reactive absorption of NOx waste gases with alkaline solution was brought forward in this paper, which was researched and analyzed through experiment. In the experiment, the simulation object of NOx waste gases was on the base of NOx waste gases expelled from some chemical plant. The NOx waste gases used in this experiment is the mixture of pure NO and industrial N2. The NO was oxidized by O2 of the air. After the ratio of oxidation of NOx is obtained in some extent, the NOx waste gases were absorbed with alkaline solutions in the tower of absorption. The absorptivity of NOx was mensurated. In the same time, the relation of oxidation time and ratio of oxidation of NOx was studied and analyzed on the basis of the data got between absorptivity and oxidation time in this experiment. The technology that oxidation of NO by air and absorption of NOx waste gases by alkaline solutions were brought forward according to the conclusion of this experiment, which seems to be a feasible method to deal with the industrial NOx waste gases.

【关键词】 NOx一氧化氮二氧化氮氧化度吸收率
【Key words】 NOxnitric oxidenitrogen dioxideratio of oxidationabsorptivity
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】X701
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】282

