

The Application of UML in Chain Fast Food Enterprise Management Information System

【作者】 张梅

【导师】 张钢;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 软件工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 据不完全统计,目前我国软件企业中1000人以上的大型企业数量只占全行业0.8%,而50人以下的小企业竟占到全行业的65.9%。我国的软件企业特别是在小企业中,仍普遍存在软件开发成本和进度估计不准确、用户对已提交完成的系统不满意、软件产品的质量无法保证、软件常常是不可维护的、软件通常没有适当的文档资料这些软件危机的现象。由于软件是多人合作的结果,所以,某个人的理解和书写习惯、人与人之间交流的偏差、人员的流动会导致软件危机的发生。在软件工程领域,一直都在探索好的交流工具,以解决或降低软件危机的发生。本课题通过对基于B/S(即Browser/Server,浏览器/服务器)架构的连锁快餐系统的实践发现,UML(即统一建模语言)正是能够帮助降低软件危机的交流工具,它溶入了软件工程领域的新思想、新方法、新技术。本文研究了统一建模语言在软件开发过程的关键性。具体内容如下:首先,介绍了连锁快餐企业管理系统的课题背景及使用的主要技术。第二,讨论了连锁快餐企业管理系统中使用的统一建模语言的具体技术细节,提出了使用统一建模语言技术。第三,讨论了连锁快餐企业管理系统中使用的浏览器/服务器架构和软件开发过程这两个关键技术的具体技术细节,提出了使用浏览器/服务器架构技术。第四,介绍了本课题采用了与企业共同进行需求分析的方法,以及本文作者所做的制定计划、需求分析的具体工作方式,还详细描述了基于浏览器/服务器架构的连锁快餐企业系统的实现。第五,抽取连锁快餐企业系统中使用的UML的九种图的片段,通过与传统软件工程方法比较,研究了统一建模语言比使用系统流程图、数据流图、数据字典表达对系统的需求分析和设计的传统方法更有优势。UML的图在软件开发过程中从制定计划阶段到运行维护阶段都起到了关键作用。最后,总结了统一建模语言在顶新集团便利快餐事业群的连锁快餐企业管理系统中的应用需要解决的问题。

【Abstract】 According to the incomplete statistics, more than 1000 people’s large-scale number of the enterprise only accounts for 0.8% of the whole trade in software enterprises of our country at present, and 50 people’s following small enterprises accounted for 65.9% of the whole trade unexpectedly. Especially in the small enterprise of our country, still generally software development cost and progress are estimated inaccurate, users are unsatisfied with the system finished, quality of software product unable to guarantee, software that can’t maintain, the phenomenon of software crisis often. Because the software is results of the joint efforts of many people, so, understanding and writing of someone is deviation, these will cause the emergence of the crisis of the software. In the field of software engineering, have been exploring the good communicative tools all the time, in order to solve or reduce the emergence of the crisis of the software. This thesis focuses on the chain fast food enterprise management information system based on Browser/Server mode. United Modeling Language can exactly help to reduce the communicative tools of the crisis of the software. It dissolves new idea, new method and new technology of entering the software engineering field. It is key that this thesis has studied the Unified modeling language in software development process. The main works are as follows:Firstly, the background and the key techniques used in the chain fast food enterprise management information system were introduced.Secondly, has discussed the technological detail of the United Modeling Language used in the chain fast food enterprise management information system. Thirdly, has discussed the technological detail of the Browser/Server mode and software development process used in the chain fast food enterprise management information system were discussed. Fourthly, has introduced the method that demand analyses phase together with enterprise, concrete working way in which and making a plan and demand analysis. The detail of the implement of chain fast food enterprise management information system based on Browser/Server mode was introduced.Fifthly, collect the passages of nine kinds of diagrams of UML used in the chain fast food enterprise management information system, through comparing with the traditional software engineering method, have studied the UML than using the <WP=5>traditional flow chart, dataflow, data dictionary express demand in software development process have advantages even more.Finally, the author summarizes the problem of solving in the application of United Modeling Language in the software development process.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TP399
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】375

