

The Physiology Study on Soybean in High-yield Cultivation

【作者】 罗瑞林

【导师】 刘克礼; 高聚林;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验以吉育47、吉育56为材料,系统的研究了大豆在不同密度、施氮量处理下,光合性能、干物质积累、氮磷钾吸收积累和分配、子粒形成过程中脂肪和蛋白质的积累以及产量的形成规律。结果表明:大豆实现公顷产量3000㎏以上,光合性能的主要指标LAI、LAD均呈单峰曲线变化,峰值出现在结荚鼓粒期,最大LAI应在6左右,总光合势在30×105㎡·d/hm2以上;叶绿素含量最大值为55mg/L以上;其个体和群体干物质积累均呈“S”型曲线变化;大豆对氮、磷、钾三要素的吸收在结荚鼓粒期达高峰,分别占总吸收量的60.44%-66.67%、66.94%-76.22%、54.24%-65.25%。成熟期植株氮磷含量以子粒为最高,钾素以荚皮中含量最高,三要素在植株体内的积累量表现为:N>K2O>P2O5。生产百公斤子粒吸收N 9.19㎏、P2O52.83㎏、K2O 3.66㎏,N:P2O5:K2O=3.25:1:1.29;大豆子粒形成过程中,干物质和脂肪积累均呈“S”型曲线变化,蛋白质积累呈近似“W” 型的不规则曲线变化。本试验研究表明,吉育47品种实现公顷产量3000㎏以上的优化农艺栽培措施是:株数28.5万株/hm2;施磷量(P2O5)60kg/hm2;施钾量(K2O)30 kg/hm2;种肥氮46.8 kg/hm2;追肥氮52.5 kg/hm2。

【Abstract】 Dry matter accumulation, uptake and accumulation of N, P, K, accumulation of oil and protein in two soybean Cv (JiYu 47, JiYu 56) under different densities and fertilization during seed-filling stage, as well as yield formation, were systematically studied. As a result, key physiological indices and cultivation techniques for yield above 3000㎏ per hm2 were as follow leaf area index (LAI),which had a maximum of 5. Leaf area duration (LAD) accumulated to more than30×105㎡·d/hm2. N, P concentration in kernel was the highest in maturity, while Kconcentration in shell was the highest. Nitrogen accumulation in individual plant is the highest, then P2O5 and K2O. Production per 100㎏ kernel assimilates separately 9.19㎏N, 2.83㎏P2O5 and 3.66㎏K2O, the proportions of absorption content on N, P2O5 and K2O were 3.25:1:1.29. During seed-filling period, dry matter and oil accumulation in soybean seeds showed typical “S” curve. Protein accumulation was a “W” curve, increasing slowly in seed-filling stage. Agronomical measures for soybean yield over 3000㎏/hm2 were suggested as follows: density, 285000 plants/hm2; P2O5, K2O and N at planting, 60kg/hm2, 30 kg/hm2, 46.8 kg/hm2 respectively; top-dressing N, 52.5 kg/hm2。

【关键词】 大豆高产栽培生理基础
【Key words】 SoybeanHigh-yield cultivationPhysiology
  • 【分类号】S565.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】269

