

Analysis and Mapping of ps-2 Male Sterility Gene by PCR in Tomato

【作者】 邢虎成

【导师】 云兴福; 李君明;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 蔬菜学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 番茄雄性不育的研究对于番茄育种极其重要。本研究从保加利亚引入了含雄性不育基因ps-2的品系CMC,从中选出稳定品系383作材料进行了相关研究。结果表明该品系在北京地区雄性不育性状表现优良。另外,含有ps-2基因的品系较易获得100%不育后代,其F1代育性正常,杂种可以用于生产。为了加快该不育的利用,本研究利用RFLP和CAPS的方法对其进行了定位研究,且用于辅助选育。本研究首先选用了四个探针及17种酶进行RFLP杂交,获得了CT269B探针与三个限制性酶包括TaqI,DraI和HindIII等,它们的组合可以在父母本及F1代间产生多态性。利用番茄连锁图谱设计的CAPS引物,对其父母本进行了筛选,从中获得了三对引物包括Tg506 (5’>cgcctgtgacctgtcctaa<3’/5’>ctgaaatggccaaagttgt<3’),Tg652(5’>atggccaaacaattgaacc<3’/5’>tgcatgccatgacttctca<3’),Tg516(5’>caaaaggctaggccaggaat <3’/ 5’>ggcacttcgcaaaactgaat <3’),扩增后,它们可以在父母本间产生多态性。其中对Tg652利用F2代分离群体进行验证,结果表明,该标记与ps-2雄性不育连锁,连锁距离是13.75cM。另外,在实验过程中还成功转化了四个质粒到大肠杆菌中,且对CAPS标记的稳定性进行了探索,找到了最佳反应条件,为下一步研究奠定了基础。

【Abstract】 The male sterility play a key role for tomato production. Some CMC lines have been introduced from Bulgaria and one inbred line named 383 has been selected for the further analysis and mapping in this study. The results from open field proved that this line gave a very stable sterility in Beijing climate. The advantage of ps-2 line was easy to obtain the progenies with 100% sterility. F1 hybrid restores the fertility and easily used for tomato production. In order to assist tomato breeding, PCR markers derived from tomato RFLP mapping have been used to map this gene comparing the genetic linkage map, which has been mapped in tomato chromosome 4. Four probes combined with 17 restriction enzyme has been used to identify the polymorphism. Probe CT269B gave the polymorphism between female and male parents after digested respectively by TaqI,DraI and HindIII. The newly designed PCR primers derived from tomato probes including Tg506(5’>cgcctgtgacctgtcctaa<3’/5’>ctgaaatggccaaagttgt<3’),Tg652(5’>atggccaaacaattgaacc<3’/5’>tgcatgccatgacttctca<3’),Tg516(5’>caaaaggctaggccaggaat <3’/ 5’>ggcacttcgcaaaactgaat <3’) produced the polymorphism between female and male parents. Among them, Tg65 was proved the tightly linkage with ps-2 gene by using F2 segregated population. The linkage distance is about 13.75 cM. In addition, four plasmids have been transferred into E. Coli. The stability of CAPs markers have been tested. All the above work will be benefit for the further research.

【关键词】 番茄ps-2雄性不育基因定位PCR分析
【Key words】 TomatoPs-2 Male sterility geneLacalizationPCR Analysis
  • 【分类号】S641.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】117

