

A Study on Germination Physiology of Pugionium Cornutum (L.) Gaertn Seed

【作者】 张卫华

【导师】 郝丽珍;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 蔬菜学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 沙芥(Pugionium cornutum(L.) Gaertn.)为二年生草本植物,属于十字花科沙芥属(Pugionium Gaertn.),沙芥种,是一种集药用、保健、饲用、固沙等功用于一体多功能沙生蔬菜,由于连年掠夺式采收,野生种已濒临灭绝。本试验在前人研究的基础上,主要从沙芥发芽的内外部条件着手,研究了沙芥的发芽生理,研究结果表明:1.沙芥种子发芽最适温度为25℃~27℃,最低温度为13℃,最高温度为38℃;2.沙芥种子吸水最快时期为浸种后0—80min,含水量可达到种子干重的35%~40%,浸种80—600min,沙芥种子吸水缓慢,此期末含水量达60%~75%,而后进入种子吸水停滞期;温度在浸种初期对沙芥种子的吸水影响不明显,但随浸种时间延长影响逐渐加大;3.沙芥种子属于需暗性种子,24h黑暗处理发芽率显著高于24h光照处理;4.以GA3处理沙芥种子,浓度为40~60mg/L时抑制发芽,5~30mg/L时无明显影响;KT、BA和NAA处理对其发芽亦无明显影响;5.沙芥种子采后存在100d左右的后熟期,去果皮贮存会降低其发芽势,但对发芽率影响不明显;去果皮与带果皮种子在贮存过程中含水量具有相同的变化趋势,且两者差异不明显;6.沙芥种子属于脂肪类种子,其脂肪占种子干重的51.22%、蛋白质占12.89%、淀粉占5.22%,各贮存物质伴随着发芽进程逐步降解。

【Abstract】 The objectives of this work was to determine the germination traits of Pugionium cornutum(L.) Gaertn seeds. The results indicate: 1. The optimum germination temperature of P.cornutum seeds was 25℃~27℃ ,it can germinate under 13℃or 38℃ ,but the germination rate was very low and impractical; 2. The seed absorbed water rapidly in the first stage, seed moisture content can get to 35%~40%(g/g dry seed) after previous 80min of soak and the effects of different temperature(15℃、25℃and35℃) was not significant. However, the temperature effects became significant with the soaking time lasting. When the soaking time get to 10h there were significant differences among the seed moisture content which ranged 60% to 75% under different temperature (35℃<15℃<25℃,α=0.05). 3. The seeds are sensitive to light and hardly to germinate under 24h light treat. 4. The germination of P.cornutum seeds were repressed significantly by 40~60mg/L GA3,but the effects of 5~30mg/L GA3、25~50mg/LKT、25~50mg/L BA and 25~50mg/L NAA were not significant. 5. The seed moisture content decrease and the germination rate increase during storage after harvesting. The highest germination rate emerged 100d after harvesting. Comparing to covered seeds, the germination speed of seeds that were peeled was lowered. 6. The storage lipid、protein and starch content are 51.22%、12.89% and 5.22%, all the storage matters decrease during germination.

  • 【分类号】S647
  • 【被引频次】27
  • 【下载频次】328

