

Study on the Soluble Salt Ions Content of Populus Alba L.var.pyramidalis and the Relativity to Soil Salinity

【作者】 吕景华

【导师】 刘静;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 水土保持与荒漠化防治, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 试验采用化学分析和仪器分析对灌渠、退水渠两种立地条件下新疆杨不同部位(叶、枝、干、根)及相应林带下土壤可溶性盐离子含量及其动态规律进行了量化研究,结果表明:1.新疆杨中无CO32-存在;新疆杨各部位各个生长时期阳离子中K+含量最大,Na+含量最小,阴离子中HCO3-含量最大。2.新疆杨中(除叶和一年生枝外)全盐含量均在5月份达最高值。新疆杨不同部位各月份全盐含量的大小顺序为:叶最大;心材、边材最小,多年生枝略高于心材、边材;一年生枝、根介于二者之间,但旺盛生长期(5~8月)一年生枝大于根,初生和生长末期(4、9、10月)反之。3.从动态变化的角度,新疆杨受土壤盐分变化的影响较小,受自身生长代谢的影响大。从盐分含量的角度,退水渠土壤中高的Cl-、Mg2+、Na+含量直接在新疆杨根中反映出来;但由于新疆杨根可控制SO42-、Ca2+进入体内,土壤中这两个离子含量高对新疆杨影响小;新疆杨对K+的吸收有非常强的选择性,在土壤K+含量无差异的情况下,灌渠新疆杨生长旺盛吸收的K+明显高于退水渠新疆杨;不同立地条件下土壤和新疆杨根中HCO3-含量均无显著差异;各离子在新疆杨地上部分的运输机制上几乎没有差别,地上部分各离子的含量在各个时期基本相同。

【Abstract】 The paper quantitatively analyze the soluble salt ions content and their dynamic regularity of Populus alba L.var.pyramidalis’s different parts & corresponding soil in different soil salinity. The results showed as follows, 1. At any month, there was no CO32-in any parts; In any parts K+ content was the highest and Na+ content was the lowest in the positive ions; HCO3- content was the highest in the negative ions at any month. 2. The salt content was highest in May. The sequence of salt content from May to August was, leaves > one year branches > roots > many year branches > heartwood and sapwood. However, in April , September , and October , roots was higher than one year branches. 3. From the season variation, the dynamic of salt content of Populus alba L.var. pyramidalis were more influenced by the need of growth than soil salinity. From the salt content, the high content of Cl-、Mg2+、Na+ in the offtake soil were reflected in the roots, Populus alba L. var. pyramidalis can control SO42-、Ca2+ into roots; it had strong selectivity of absorbing K+, the content of HCO3- were small different in the soil and the roots. The character of transportation and the ions content of overground parts were same in various vegetal phase.

  • 【分类号】Q945
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】179

