

Development Strategies Research on the Agricultural Industrialization in Hulunbeier City

【作者】 陈春兰

【导师】 赵益平;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 推进农业产业化经营是今后一个时期农村牧区工作中一件带有方向性、全局性的大事,也是农村牧区经济发展、农牧民达小康的必经之路。呼伦贝尔市在农业产业化经营的发展中,紧紧抓住入世和西部大开发两大历史机遇,认真贯彻“扶持产业化就是扶持农业,扶持龙头企业就是扶持农民”的精神,围绕“乳肉草”发展战略,以市场为导向、以效益为中心,依托当地资源优势,以将乳、肉、草三大产业培育成在全国具有一定影响和市场竞争能力的特色主导产业为切入点,同时大力发展马铃薯、油脂、甜菜、小麦、芦苇和特色种养业等具有地区比较优势的特色产业,积极推进产加销一条龙、贸工农一体化的经营模式,加快龙头企业建设,努力培育和建设优质、高产、高效、安全、生态农产品原料基地,有力地促进了农牧业产业化经营的持续发展,带动了当地农牧业结构调整,增加了农牧民收入,促进了农村牧区经济的发展。

【Abstract】 Promoting agricultural industrialization is a long-term strategy in developing rural and pastoral economy in the foreseeable future in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. It is also the only way for farmers and herdsmen to stride into a well-off society. Hulunbeier City, in its efforts to develop agricultural industrialization, tightly masters the opportunities of entering into the WTO and conducting the West Development Strategy, and seriously implements the philosophy of “Supporting Industrialization is Supporting Agriculture, and Supporting the Dragon Head Enterprises is Supporting Farmers”. Based on the local endowment of various resources, the city actively fosters market-oriented and efficiency-centered industries (e.g. milk, meats and forages) that have development potentials and competitiveness in markets. At the same time, it also facilitates the development of such local special industries as potatoes, soybeans, sugar beets, wheat, reeds and so on, and promotes the establishment of an integrated operational model including production, processing and marketing and the fast growing of the Dragon Head Enterprises and high-quality, high-yield, high-profit and secure production bases. All these efforts have greatly stimulates the sustainable development of local agricultural industrialization, the restructuring of agriculture, the increase of local farmers and the development of rural and pastoral economy.

  • 【分类号】F327
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】209

