

The Dynamic of Eco-biological Characteristics of Crested Wheatgrasses in Desert Steppe

【作者】 殷国梅

【导师】 刘德福; 敖特根;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 草业科学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 2002年和2003年在内蒙古锡林郭勒盟苏尼特右旗“冰草产业化生产技术试验示范基地”上进行了冰草生态生物学特性的动态研究。目的是比较在荒漠草原地区灌溉条件和自然条件下3种冰草栽培的适应性和丰产性。结果表明,在2002年生长期有灌溉和果后营养期无灌溉与2003年生长期无灌溉和果后营养期有灌溉的条件下,3种冰草表现出抗旱、抗寒、耐瘠薄的特点,对当地条件具有较好的适应性。其中蒙农杂种冰草返青早,枯黄晚,生育天数和青绿期最长。研究发现,在2003年果后营养期水分条件适宜的情况下3种冰草的分蘖数量增加幅度大,蒙农杂种冰草从2002年的267个/m2增加到2003年的2760个/m2,内蒙沙芦草从69个/m2增加到1980个/m2,沙生冰草从369个/m2增加到2808个/m2。产量测定显示,2003年蒙农杂种冰草,内蒙沙芦草,沙生冰草的每亩种子产量分别比2002年下降了14.59kg,18.22 kg,9.48 kg;结实期每亩干草产量蒙农杂种冰草,内蒙沙芦草分别下降了8.86 kg,166.99 kg,沙生冰草增加了34.8 kg。从品种的特性来看,蒙农杂种冰草的杂种优势强,属于高产品种,但它受外界环境条件的影响较大,对水肥条件要求较高,水肥条件的提高可获得更高的经济回报;内蒙沙芦草为野生栽培品种,具有极强的耐旱性,在土壤含水量不到2%的条件下仍能正常生长;沙生冰草具有较强的适应性,在同一块田内具有3种不同的根系类型,具有适应各种环境的生物学特征。

【Abstract】 The study was conducted on the experimental demonstrative base for industrialized production technique of wheat grasses in west Sunite banner, Xilingol county ,Inner Mongolia in 2002 and 2003. The objective lied in comparing adaptability and yield performance of three species of wheat grasses under irrigation and natural condition on desert steppe. The results showed that : three species all can resistant to drought ,wind-drift sand and endure to sterile soil, and with fine adaptability to local condition that there are irrigation in growth phase and no irrigation in post-vegetative phase in 2002 and there are no irrigation in growing period and irrigation in after bearing phase in 2003. Among the three species ,Agropyron cristatum× A.desertorum cv.Hycrest Mongnon (Mongnon wheat grasses) turned to green early and turned to yellow late and green period and growing period was longest. It was found that three species of wheat grasses have a lot of tillers that the soil moisture is suitable in after bearing period in 2003, The tillers of Mongnon wheat grasses increased from 267 per m2 in 2002 to 2760 per m2 in 2003, Agropyron mongolicum Keng cv.neimeng.(Mongolicum wheat grasses ) from 69 per m2 to 1980 per m2 , Agropyron desertorum (Fisch.) Schult.( Desertorum wheat grasses) from 369 per m2 to 2808 per m2. Comparising 2003 to 2002 ,the seed yield of Mongnon wheat grasses、Mongolicum wheat grasses, and Desertorum wheat grasses were decreased 14.59kg/mu ,18.22 kg/mu, 9.48 kg/mu respectively . During the bearing phase the hay yield of Mongnon wheat grasses,Mongolicum wheat grasses were decreased 8.96 kg/mu,166.99 kg/mu, Desertorum wheat grasses was increased 34.8 kg/mu. According to the character of species, Mongnon wheat grasses was a high-yielding variety with strong heterosis, which was easily affected by environmental condition and requested more water and manuer . It was able to get higher yield under proper condition .However, Mongolicum wheat grasses is local speices with extremely stronger drought tolerance , it growed normal when soil moisture is less than 2%; Desertorum wheat grasses has three kinds of root system in the same experimental site. This biological properties could be adapted to various conditions.

【关键词】 冰草生态生物学动态
【Key words】 wheatgrassesEco-biological CharacteristicsDynamic
  • 【分类号】S54
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】143

