

【作者】 黄笛

【导师】 赵宏;

【作者基本信息】 天津工业大学 , 企业管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 教育作为提高全民素质的有效手段,在国民经济发展中发挥着越来越重要的作用。自改革开放以来,天津教育事业取得了重大成就,教育现代化步伐逐年加快,教育总体水平迈上一个新的台阶,天津目前已成为全国教育改革与发展最具活力的地区之一。解放后经过50多年的发展,天津高等教育已经建立起学科门类较为齐全的教育体系,形成了多层次、多规格的人才培养体系、办学体系和科研体系,使天津高校综合办学优势得到加强。尤其是自从20世纪90年代中期以来,天津高等教育产业发展的步伐明显加快,取得了突出成绩,在新世纪已经基本上形成了天津高等教育产业发展的新轮廓。尽管天津市高等教育在世纪之交有了长足的发展,但在高度计划经济体制下形成的人才培养目标和培养模式,其固有的滞后性必然要受到冲击和挑战。天津高等教育产业发展过程中仍存在着诸如高校人才培养模式的目标错位、高校专业设置不合理、高校进行结构调整后的管理问题、社会联合办学不足等问题,这些问题如不妥善解决必将制约天津高等教育产业的可持续发展。与此同时,以京津为主体的“大北京经济圈”正在逐渐形成,以知识和智力为主要依托的知识经济在“大北京经济圈”发展中所占的比重急剧增长,这也为天津高等教育产业的发展提供了难得的机遇:高等教育的地位将进一步得到提升;教育产业化的步伐进一步加快;京津地区的高等教育合作、竞争的趋势将进一步加强。天津高等教育产业应该抓住这一机遇,优化天津高校布局,适应天津经济发展需要;积极探索新的人才培养模式;调整和优化专业结构;妥善解决大学合并后的管理问题;积极寻求校企联合办学的新方法;开拓新的合作办学模式,协同区域经济发展;大力发展对外教育等,从而实现天津高等教育产业的可持续发展。

【Abstract】 Education is playing more and more important role in national economic development as effective means of raising national levels. Since reform and the opening to the outside world, Tianjin education undertakings has achieved greatly. The step of educational modernization has fastened year by year and the whole level of education has reached to a new level. Tianjin has been one of the most dynamic areas all of the country of education reform and development. After development of more than fifty years, Tianjin higher education has established educational system having completed subjects and formed talent cultivation system of different levels and specification, running school system and scientific research system, which strengthen synthetic advantage of running schools by Tianjin institution of higher learning. Especially since mid nineties of last century, the development step of Tianjin higher education industry has fastened obviously and formed new sketch in new century. Although Tianjin higher education industry has achieved greatly, the lagging of talent cultivation target and pattern formed under high planned economic system meets attacks and challenges inevitably. Tianjin higher education industry exists many problems in development process such as wrong target of talent cultivation pattern, irrational major establishment, enrollment in large scale, management problem of colleges or universities merger, insufficient cooperative running school and so on. If these problems can’t be solved properly, they will restrict sustained development of Tianjin higher education industry. Meanwhile, Big Peking Economic Circle is forming progressively, and intellectual economy composed by knowledge and intelligent has rapidly increasing proportion in development of Big Peking Economic Circle, which provided a rare chance for Tianjin higher education industry: the status of higher education will raise further; the step of education industry will fasten further; the cooperation and competence between Peking and Tianjin will strengthen further. Tianjin higher education industry ought to hold this chance and realize sustainable development.

  • 【分类号】G649.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】322

