

【作者】 郑洁

【导师】 王丽萍;

【作者基本信息】 天津工业大学 , 企业管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济体制和政治体制改革的深入,现代企业的生存与发展正在经历着比以往任何时候都要激烈的竞争环境。在巨变的环境中,变化与适应变化将成为企业发展的主旋律。企业将不断面临着要么变革,要么灭亡的重要选择。毫无疑问,企业要生存和发展,必然选择变革之路。但还要明确,企业变革的实质是人的变革,那么企业变革就必须把人的变革放在首位。因此,在组织变革的过程中,人力资源管理的重要性就凸显出来。 本论文首先通过对组织所处的外部环境分析入手,指出了组织变革的必要性和重要性;并分析了新经济下组织模式的发展变化趋势,得出组织变革和人力资源管理之间的密切关系,并指出有效地人力资源管理是组织变革成功的根本保障。 其次,分析了在经济全球化、信息化、知识化的新时代下,组织变革与发展过程中必然给人力资源管理带来新的挑战,其中剖析了人力资源管理职能的变化,人力资源管理角色的转变以及当前人力资源管理发展的新趋势。 最后,也是本论文要阐述的重点部分,即组织变革下人力资源管理的策略。针对上述人力资源管理面对的新挑战,提出了基于胜任特征的人力资源管理的策略,并分析了组织变革给员工带来的心理危机与压力等问题,对此提出了员工培训与开发体系、职业生涯规划以及建立学习型企业文化等相应的应对策略。

【Abstract】 With the reform in economic and political system going deep modern enterprises are faced with much keener competition in their existence and development than the previous ones. Learning how to be adapted to the fast changing environment will be the theme of the development of modern enterprises. The enterprises will have to make a choice between reforming and going bankrupt .It is doubtless that to reform is the only way for those who want to keep their existence and go on with development. As human is the core of the reform, the reform of human resource should be put in the first place in the reform of enterprise.The thesis opens with expounding the organizational model, the development trend of human resource, the changing environment in the knowledge economy age, with the key factor that influences the smooth progress and contributes to the success of the administrative reform On this basis, this thesis analyses in detail analyses the theories of the enterprise strategy, the strategic management of the human resource, and the problems that the enterprises have encountered the human resource management during the administrative reform, such as the employees’ psychogenesis crisis, employee training, business enterprise culture and the programming for the employees’ career in order to attract to stay on, which will do good to the enterprises and the employees, Besides this thesis offers some corresponding suggestions to these problems.The thesis indicates that the enterprises should take the measure of strategic management of the human resource and the management of the human resource should be based on competent factor. The model of competent characteristics plays an elementary, decisive role in the management of human resource, which is the new backbone of the modern management of the human resource.

  • 【分类号】F272
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】542

