

【作者】 王玲

【导师】 薛广洲; 吴赞敏;

【作者基本信息】 天津工业大学 , 纺织工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 中国加入WTO以后,国内国际市场逐渐融合为一个全球大市场。面对日益激烈的竞争,企业能否获得生存和发展,产品质量无疑是至关重要的因素。而企业标准化就是以提高产品质量为目的,以提高经济效益为中心,以企业生产、技术、经营活动的全过程及其相应要素为主要内容,制定标准和贯彻标准的一种有组织的活动。 我们知道,标准是组织生产的依据,是衡量、评定产品质量的尺度和准则。要想有高质量的产品,首先要有合理、先进的产品标准以及相配套的其他标准。同时,必须把这些标准贯彻到企业生产经营的各个环节、各个岗位上,以人的工作质量来最终确保企业的产品质量。因此,企业标准化生产对于提高产品质量、增强企业竞争力有着重要的现实意义。本文在查阅了丰富的相关文献资料以及企业调查的基础上,就纺织企业如何利用标准指导生产进行了详细的分析研究,对企业利用标准指导生产提出了自己的见解。 文章首先分析了当前纺织企业利用标准的现状以及存在的问题,并针对这些问题展开了研究和分析。详细介绍了有关美洲市场、欧洲市场、日本以及国内市场纺织品和服装市场准入机制中的技术法规和标准方面的内容以及制定机构,同时对当前国内外较关注的生态纺织品标签进行了介绍,有利于我国纺织品和服装的进出口。 本文详细分析总结了国内纺织标准与国际和国外先进标准之间的差距并给出了实例,从而总结出国内外标准具体的不同之处,有利于企业区别标准之间的差别,准确的利用标准指导生产。 对于标准化生产的基础——标准的收集和整理以及信息化管理进行了研究,并提出了根据标准倒推工序指标和工艺参数的质量管理思路,使生产有的放矢,即保证生产符合要求的产品,又防止产品生产质量过剩。 本文还提出了建立企业标准化数据库和企业质量检验数据库的思路,用于指导企业标准化数据库的建立和质量检验数据的管理和应用。 实验室作为企业利用标准指导生产的媒介有着不可代替的作用。本文详细分析了企业in-house实验室的建立和管理,并对不确定度进行了分析研究;总结了几种具体的对实验室内部质量进行控制的统计技术;介绍实验室进行CNAL认可的概念和意义,对企业内部实验室进行CNAL认可存在的问题进行了详细的分析,并给出了建议。

【Abstract】 After China have entered WTO, the home market and international market blend into each one gradually In the face of market competition, whether the enterprise can exist and develop, without doubt, the quality of product is the most importment factorWith the intention of improving the quality of pruducts and with the center of increasing the benefit, The standardization of enterprise is a organical activity with constituting and actualizing standards The content of standardization is producting technique manganement and relevant partsAs we know, standards is the proof of producting and is the guide line of scaling the quality of productions If we want to get good quality productions, the first is to have advanced and right product standards and corresponding standards At the same time, these standards must be used into the every tache and every post The production quality is insured by working quality of people, Therefore, to improving the quality of production and bulidingup the competition power of enterprise, the standardnization producting have importment practical meaning In the base of plentiful information and inverstion of many enterpeises, this paper analysis and reach detailedly the problem which is how the textile enterprise instruct producting with standards and give some advices about this problemAt first, in this subject, we analysis the actualities of the use of standards of enterprise and difficulties We disscuse and reach these questions We also introduce detailedly some technique codes standards and organization of demstic and international such as America Europe and Japan about textile and appare At the same time, we introduce two zoology lable which are attended extensively recently, this is Okeo-tex 100 and Eco-lable Those information is useful to imports and exports of textile of our countryThis thesis systemly analysis the gap between demestis standards and international and overseas advanced standards Several examples are gived about product standard and method standard, so we can see idiographic difference and use standards to instruct producting exactllyStandard is the base of standardnization producting, so the collection and management of standard is very important Standard is abstract of science, not productivity If we want to make standard into productivity and use standard to instruct producting, people must understand and master standard So people must be trained with the change of standard In thie subject, we put forward a new idea, that is deducing technics target and technics parameter That can make a target for production, and not only ensure the quality of product, but also avoid quality overplusThis paper also reasch the establishing of standard database and quality test databaseWe introduce the function of the two databases and how to use and manage themLaboratory is the pivotal approach to use standard to instruct producting This thesis analysis detailedly the establishing and magangment of the in-house laboratory of enterprise We assess uncentainty of testing laboratory to control all kinds of infection factors during the testing process In this subject, some statistic techniques are selected to control the inside quality of lab We introduce the concept of CNAL accreditation and meaning, and analysis the question of CNAL accreditation of in-house labof enterprise This can guide enterprise to carry out accreditation successfully

  • 【分类号】F426.86
  • 【下载频次】232

