

Research on Shade-tolerance of Ground Covers and Its Application in Landscape

【作者】 张玲慧

【导师】 夏宜平;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 地被植物是营造园林景观、提高园林绿化质量的一个重要因素。研究地被植物的耐荫性,对于地被植物在园林中的优化配置,发挥植物最大的生态及景观效益,具有直接的指导意义。本文调查了地被植物在杭州园林中的应用特点,阐述了地被植物资源开发、工厂化生产及抗逆性研究现状。在此基础上,以金叶过路黄、多花筋骨草、紫金牛及射干等四种地被植物为试材,研究了不同遮荫条件对植株生长、形态解剖和生理指标的影响,试图确定判断地被植物耐荫能力的标准。本文还根据生态学原理及景观生态设计原则,初步探讨了地被植物在不同光照条件下的配置模式。结果表明: 1.杭州地被植物应用现状的调查结果显示,在所调查的西湖南线54052m~2的绿地面积中,传统地被如沿阶草、吉祥草、麦冬的应用面积占总面积的60%,仍然居于领先地位;观花、彩叶地被如杜鹃类、鸢尾、花叶蔓长春花等占17%,应用比例呈现明显增长趋势;花叶共赏的植物如花叶玉簪等,应用前景较好。 2.地被植物的资源利用、工厂化生产及抗逆性研究已逐渐引起重视,各地均提出了几种到几十种适于在当地园林中应用的地被植物种类,但由于目前生产环节跟不上,与园林应用的发展相比,处于滞后状态。 3.耐荫性研究表明,不同的遮荫条件,对四种不同的地被植物产生了不同的影响。 金叶过路黄在遮光27%条件下,植株鲜重、根重、叶片鲜重及分枝数均最大,而其叶面积在遮光73%时最大;多花筋骨草与射干的植株鲜重在全光照条件下呈最大值。与全光照相比,在遮光80%条件下金叶过路黄与多花筋骨草,其叶片的栅栏组织与海绵组织细胞差异较大,表现为栅栏组织宽度减小,海绵组织细胞之间间隙加大。紫金牛叶片表皮细胞的排列整齐而紧密,射干细胞间却空隙大,随遮光度增加,细胞变大,排列更疏松。 四种地被植物中,紫金牛的光饱和点与补偿点最高,分别为645与202μmol/m~2s,金叶过路黄、多花筋骨草与射干依次减小,光补偿点以射干为最低。金叶过路黄叶绿素含量在遮荫3个月时,随遮光度的增大而增大,a/b减小。多花筋骨草与射干脯氨酸含量随遮光度增大而减小,金叶过路黄则呈现增大趋势,中文摘要且脯氨酸含量与金叶过路黄、多花筋骨草及射干的植株鲜重相关性较强。在试验所研究的形态结构及生理指标中,叶片显微结构与脯氨酸含量,与植株生长的相关性较强,对于植株耐荫性的评判,具有一定的意义。4.地被植物在园林中的配置,必须重视其生物学特性,方能保证其最大的景观及生态效益。但是,也不能忽视地被植物配置的景观层次。

【Abstract】 Ground cover is an important factor in landscaping plant. They can improve the quality of afforest. It is clear that the research about shade-tolerance of ground cover benefit for optimizing of planting design and landscape ecology. Based on the investigations of its landscape use in Hangzhou, the paper discussed the resources utilization and ecological planting of ground cover. Four species were chosen as the materials for the researches of plant growth, leaf structure, chlorophyll and proline content, and photosynthesis charateristic under different shading levels, such as Lysimachia christinae ’Aurea’, Ajuga multiflora , Ardisia japonic a and Belamcanda chinense. The criterion for judging the capability of shade-tolerance of ground cover has been tried to illustrate. The result were summarized as follows:1.The investigation of landscape use of ground cover in Hangzhou showed that, the applicated area of traditional species represented large percentage as 60% in total area of 54052 m2. And the area of new species of ground cover was 17%. The new species, which have colorful flower or variegated leaves, have good potential use in landscape. 2.The resource utilization, mass propogation and study of stress resistance of ground cover have been noticed already. Eventhough various species of ground cover have been suggested for using, we have long way to go for widely landscape use because of lacking mass production of seedlings. 3.Four species showed different responses under series shading levels. Lysimachia christinae ’Aurea’ had the highest value on plant fresh weight, root fresh weight and length of branch under 27% shading, and the largest leaf area appears under shading of 73%. Under the full sun, the fresh weight of Ajuga multiflora and Belamcanda chinense were the heaviest. Compared with full sun, the ratio of leaf thichness of palisade mesophyll and epidermal mesophyll of plant was lower under 80% shading. The cell arragement was dense in Ardisia japonica, and was loose in Belamcanda chinense. The cell interspace increased when the shading degree increasing.Among the four species of ground cover, the light saturation point and light compensated point of Ardisia japonica was the highest, and the value was 645 and 202 u mol/m2s, respectively, while the light compensated poin of Belamcanda chinense was the lowest. The chlorophyll content of Lysimachia christinae ’Aurea’increased with the increasing of shading degree, the ratio of a/b decreased. The absolute value of proline content in Ardisia japonica was the highest. The following was Belamcanda chinense, Lysimachia christinae ’Aurea’ and Ajuga multiflora. As the increasing of shading degree, the poline content of Ajuga multiflora and Belamcanda chinense decreased, while that of Lysimachia christinae ’Aurea’ increased.Among the indexes of anatomatical, structure, and physiology characteristic, the leaf structure and proline content is rel tively relevant to the plant growth. They are the significant indictor for judging the capability of shade-tolerance.4.The biological characteristics must be considered when ground covers were used in landscape. On the other hand, the landscape senery in vertical view also should not be ignored.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】S688.4
  • 【被引频次】50
  • 【下载频次】1615

