

Study on Cooling in Summer and Main Controller for the Multi-Span Plastic Greenhouse

【作者】 王刚金

【导师】 苗香雯; 崔绍荣;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 农业生物环境与能源工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 温室是高科技对农业的武装,温室工程是现代化农业的重要组成部分。进几年我国温室生产发展很快,但夏季高温一直是限制着温室生产效益的大幅提高的重要因素。国内外温室工程技术人员在夏季温室降温方面作了许多富有成效的探索,提出了许多有效的降温方法。 本文综述了温室的发展历史和温室的类型,分析了温室热环境因子(温室通风、温室光环境、温室湿环境、温室的热辐射)以及温室的热量平衡方程。针对夏季温室高温对温室生产的影响,详细论述了温室降温的原理及方法。尤其是综合性温室降温方法论述更为详细。在此基础上,本文设计了几种检测各降温方法(主要是防辐射降温和蒸发降温)的降温效果的实验。在不同的天气状况,一天中不同的时间段里,采取各种降温措施,对温室的温度、湿度进行连续性的测定,以便探求其温度变化规律、降温效果、降温效率等,为寻求一种高效、低能耗、低成本、易操作的夏季温室降温方式,奠定一个良好的基础。在经过大量的研究基础上得到以下结果: 一、通风降温:无论是自然通风还是机械通风,其降温效果都不能达到理想的温度,室内作物层温度均会高于室外温度。自然通风受空气流动性的限制,有时室外、室内气温均较高,室内外的空气对流非常弱,极易在短时间内就造成高温。机械通风,一方面安装运行成本高,另一方面其降温效果最多只能达到接近室外温度。此外,在种植温室内如果风速过大,会影响作物的光合作用效率。 二、防辐射降温:单独采用防辐射降温方法,在夏季最高温时期即使在配合自然通风的情况下,其室内作物层温度均会高于室外温度。太阳辐射调节系统降温方法、屋面涂白等,由于技术要求高运行成本较高或实用性差等原因,不适宜大面积推广应用。采用室内遮阳网遮荫、室外遮阳网遮荫,在夏季高温季节的晴天,即使天窗、侧窗全部打开,其室内作物层温度仍会高于室外温度,所以也只能进行某些耐高温作物的栽培。 三、蒸发降温:各种蒸发降温(尤其是高压喷雾降温),虽然都具有良好的降温效果,但直接蒸发降温在降温的往往也会使湿度增加,在高温高湿的条件下往往会造成湿度过高:同时直接降温的降温幅度,还受到不能使气温降到湿球温度以下的限制,因此湿度较大的天气不能达到好的降温效果。间接蒸发降温设备投资大。在各种蒸发降温方式中,目前湿垫风机系统发展最成熟,在我国北方夏季较干旱地区适用性较好,应用最多。但我国南方夏季往往高温多雨,所以并不适用。而且在开放性的或自然通风的温室不适用。此外,还存在纸垫易变形,保存中易损坏,寿命短,价格高等缺陷。 针对我国气候特点,尤其是华东地区的气候提出如下温室降温方式: 一、为确保夏季温室内作物处于适宜的温湿环境中,必须综合运用三种降温原理(通风、蒸发、防辐射)。科学地综合运用三种降温原理,能将室内作物层温度降至低于室外温度5℃左右. 二、探究每一种降温方法的参数设计,互相结合应用的参数设计,在不同地区、不同季节、不同气候、不同时间的参数设计。 三、进一步探讨每一种参数实用性。使通风降温、蒸发降温、防辐射降温等降温方式参数设计或互相组合使用的参数设计成为具实用性的应用技术。 四、结合我国气候特点,进行有关温室降温计算机应用软件的开发,以及相关产品(温度、湿度传感器、定时装置等)研究,为大型现代化温室生产的计算机控制温室温度、湿度创造条件。

【Abstract】 Greenhouse is the important component section of modernization agriculture. High temperature in summer is a important factor restricting the enhancement of greenhouse production. Greenhouse engineering technical personnel have done much probe about cooling greenhouse in summer, put forward many effective methods of cooling.The principle and methods relating cooling greenhouse have been explicated in this thesis. At the base, there are some experiments detecting cooling greenhouse effectiveness of varieties of cooling methods. In different weather condition, at variant time interval in a day, adopting variant cooling means, measuring the temperature and humidity continuity in greenhouse, in order to hunt the temperature change regularity and the cooling effectiveness.Through a great deal of research, the following results have been derived: I .Ventilation: The ventilation can’t attain the ideal temperature. The natural draft is restricted by the mobility of air, the temperature in greenhouse will rise quite high easily in short time. It is high the costs of installation and running of mechanical draft., on the other hand, it’s effectiveness isn’t sufficiently, only approaching the outside temperature.II. Resist radiation: Under take the resist radiation and natural draft cooling, the crop bed temperature in greenhouse higher than the outside. The sun radiation regulation and dying white surface aren’t widely used. Even if the roof ventilator and side window are all opened, in summer fair weather, under taking the inside or outside shading, the crop bed temperature will still higher than the outside.III. Evaporative cooling: varieties of evaporative cooling means have thebetter cooling effectiveness. But direct evaporative cooling engender probably the humidity very high, the same time, its effectiveness is restricted by air humidity outside. The indirect evaporative cooling costs is quite high. The fan and evaporative pad cooling system is regarded as the best one, and is direly used, in China northern, but at China southern, because the weather is high temperature and much rain, it isn’t appliance.According to the typical climate of east-china in summer, the following methods are proposed:I .In order to ensure the crops in greenhouse can come within the befitting environment of temperature and humidity, three principles of cooling (Ventilation, evaporation, radiation-proof) must be used synthetically. If three principles of cooling can be used synthetically, about 5 癈 the temperature of crop layer of greenhouse would be lower than the outside temperature.II. It must be researched the parameter design of every cooling greenhouse method, that of integrating application, and that of different area, variant climate, variant time integral.III. The parameter should be researched further at practicability, it should become the practicability technology.IV .According to the climate of our country, the computer application software of cooling greenhouse should be exploited, the correlative products should be researched( such as temperature transducer, humidity transducer, timing setting etc), in order to create better condition for large-scale modernization greenhouse production.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】S625
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】309

