

Study on Commercial Processing Technology of Minimally Processed Vegetables

【作者】 傅红霞

【导师】 应铁进;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 食品科学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 净菜又称轻度加工蔬菜,是指蔬菜经过挑选、修整、清洗、控水、包装及冷藏等一系列的加工处理后在一定时期内仍然保持新鲜状态的产品。消费者购买以后,可直接用于烹饪或食用,具有方便、营养、新鲜的特点。在生活节奏不断加快的今天,净菜的消费市场必将随着社会经济的发展而迅速发展状大。 净菜与具有特殊的加工特点,其品质维护的难度很大,在加工、贮藏和销售各个环节中都非常容易引起品质下降。本论文着重研究了几大类蔬菜的生理特点及它们在各种加工措施和贮臧环境下的生理效应,以开发出适合不同蔬菜加工的优化工艺路线和参数。主要结果如下: 1.竹笋(多年生蔬菜类代表品种):其最佳的包装方式为保鲜膜单果包装,在65℃热水中处理2分钟可有效抑制贮藏期间微生物的生长繁殖以及腐败褐变,在4℃下贮藏比常温贮藏保质期可延长5天。 2.黄瓜(瓜果类蔬菜代表品种):在10℃下贮藏,能达到8天以上的货架寿命,40℃下热处理1小时能提高黄瓜贮藏后期的硬度和降低总糖下降,涂膜处理对黄瓜保鲜效果不明显。 3.菠菜(叶菜类代表品种):用微孔膜包装时防雾效果较好,并能有效降低黄化率和萎蔫率,1%NaCl溶液处理能缓解叶片中叶绿素含量的下降,经过以上处理的菠菜在4℃下贮藏5天,仍能保持较好品质。 4.马铃薯(薯芋类代表品种):5℃的低温贮藏能有效抑制去皮马铃薯PPO活性、减轻酶促褐变,以蔗糖酯作涂膜剂,添加抗坏血酸和柠檬酸对抑制去皮马铃薯表面褐变具有明显的效果。 5.金针菇(食用菌类代表品种):很容易长霉和褐变,加工中需配合使用杀菌剂和褐变抑制剂,焦磷酸钠对防止金针菇表面长霉有很好的效果。

【Abstract】 Minimally Processed Vegetables are products that are partially prepared and can be maintained on fresh condition for a few days, the processing steps including sanitizing, washing, peeling, packaging. Today, consumers are increasingly demanding ready-to-use, fresh and nutrient products, so Minimally Processed Vegetables are fond of by more and more people.Minimally Processed Vegetables are different from other traditional products, and it is very difficult to preserve the freshness in the whole chain including processing, storage and retailing. This article has two main parts. Firstly, a detailed study on 5 representative vegetables, for the effect of processing methods or different storage conditions on physiological and quality characteristic was conducted. The main results are as following:1. The best way to package bamboo shoots was single-product film packaging. Heat shock treatment(65℃, 2min) was effective in reducing bacteria growth and avoiding spoilage. 4℃ storage extended the shelf life for 5 days when compared with ambient temperature.2. The shelf life of cucumber was over 8 days when stored at 10℃, heat shock treatment(40℃, Ihr) improved the firmness and reduced the loss of carbohydrate at the late stage in the storage. The use of edible coatings didn’t have distinct effect on quality of cucumber.3. Micro-pore film had antifogging effect when being used to package spinach, and influenced visual sensory attributes. Treatment with 1% NaCl was found effective in enhancing chlorophyll retention. Under such processing method, spinach could maintain fresh quality for 5 days at 4℃4. Enzymatic browning is a major problem of Peeled potato. Low temperature of 5 ℃ was effective to inhibit the activity of PPO, control enzymatic browning. Edible coating (including 4%sucrose esters, l%ascorbic acid, 01%citric acid) remarkable delayed browning.5. Flammulina velutipes are highly perishable and easily susceptible to brown, so it is necessary to use bactericide and enzymatic browning inhibitors. It was found that Na4P2O7 could prevent microbial spoilage effectively. Secondly, a preliminary research on HACCP systems was conducted to facilitate itsapplication in the industry.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】TS255
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】691

