Studies on the Modern Tea Culture Phenomenon
【作者】 张琳洁;
【导师】 龚淑英;
【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 茶学, 2004, 硕士
【摘要】 茶文化植根于我国农业文明,是传统文化孕育的一朵奇葩。它的形成过程受到儒、道、释三家思想的影响,得到传统社会政治力量的推动,在千年的历史演变中呈现成熟而稳定的特征。自鸦片战争以来,我国走上“现代化”道路,社会发生巨大变迁,不仅政治、经济相继发生重大变革,连人们的生活方式以及意识形态都在悄然变化。在这一过程中,茶文化也出现前所未有的新现象,本文中将之命名为“现代茶文化现象”。文化的演变是政治、经济、社会生活多重因素作用的结果,既然影响茶文化的诸多因素发生了重大改变,我们有理由认为现代茶文化现象应该具有传统茶文化所不具备的特征,这正是值得研究和探讨的。 本文以现代茶文化现象为研究主题,试图运用社会调查和文献调查的方法,对我国现代化进程中茶文化现象做出较为全面而详细的描述,通过对类似现象之间的对比分析,总结出现代茶文化现象的特征;同时,对照政治、经济、文化背景的变化发展揭示现代茶文化现象相对于传统茶文化的继承与创新。 本文所采用的研究方法: 1.归纳法:从个别事实中概括出一般结论,从特殊到一般的认识方法。 2.类比法:将具有相同或相似特征的事物放在一起对比分析,找出其相同和不同之处,并分析造成差异的原因。 3.文献研究法:通过查阅有关茶文化文献,收集有关茶文化研究的资料,然后根据研究的目的有选择的采用其中的资料、观点、思想方法等。 本论文对现代茶文化现象的研究主要包括四大部分:我国现代茶文化现象的总体描述、对现代茶文化现象的各组成内容进行具体探讨以及同类现象的对比分析、对现代茶文化现象特征的总结和分析。 本研究的第一部分,即现代茶文化现象综述,集中在论文的第二章,概括的茶文化现象主要有:茶艺馆现象、茶文化研究社团发展现象、茶文化研讨活动、茶文化旅游现象,对每种现象记叙其产生时间、发展历史、发展规模,以及对茶文化所产生的意义。其中重点介绍茶艺馆现象和茶文化旅游现象。 本研究的第二部分是对构成现代茶文化现象的具体内容进行分析和探讨,集中体现在文章的三、四章,这也是本文的重点部分。茶叶消费的领域主要在城市,茶叶的生产集中在农村,茶文化是沟通二者的桥梁,所以本文在第三章和第四章分别以都市和产茶区为研究对象。 第三章研究的内容是区域茶文化现象差异。在我国不同文化区划内选择四个代表城市(广州、上海、北京、杭州),总结其历年茶文化活动,茶艺馆发展状况、饮茶消费格局,在上述基础上结合当地经济和文化背景,总结当地茶文化特征和成因,再通过对四个城市之间的类比,找出现代茶文化的推动力量。 茶叶产区的文化活动也是现代茶文化现象的组成部分,这是本文第四章的内容。茶文化既然是充当沟通城市和产茶区的桥梁,茶文化活动与产茶区茶产业之间应该存在互动。本文选择四个产茶县,首先一记述当地茶产业十年来发展变迁、茶文化活动状况,再将原本水平相近但多年来茶文化活动开展程度不同的县两两对比。得出的结论是:连续且内容不断丰富的茶文化活动对区域茶产业有促进作用,茶文化活动举办与否以及举办成功的可能性取决于当地茶产业状况。 本论文的结尾部分是对现代茶文化现象的特征总结,其中第五章讨论现代茶文化现象具有创新性的特征,即文化与经济的一体化和大众化。第六章则是分析社会思想、人类性格、审美情趣对茶文化现象变迁的影响。研究结论:中心城市的茶文化活动代表了区域茶文化的最高水平,这说明现代化程度越高现代茶文化越能获得发展,而且随着现代化程度的加深,地理位置等自然因素造成的文化差异在减少。都市里茶文化的推动力量主要是:政府力量、市场力量和学术力量。茶文化活动发展早期,政府力量起主要作用,随着活动运作的日益成熟,市场力量地位上升,学术力量保证了区域茶文化活动的文化品位也引导了文化发展的方向。2.茶文化活动和区域茶产业存在互动性。连续而内容不断完善的茶文化活动对 区域茶产业有较大的促进作用,主要体现在当地茶叶产值提高,茶叶品牌日 益完善以及当地产业化程度提高,区域茶产业状况(主要是当地企业实力大 小、对茶叶品质茶叶品牌的重视程度、政府和茶叶企业之间的联系密切程度) 决定了能否举办茶文化活动以及茶文化活动举办的成功与否。我国现阶段茶文化仍处在动态变化发展中,就目前而一言,茶文化现象的特征是:文化与经济的一体化、大众化。前者指的是茶文化越来越能够发挥经济功能、茶叶经济越来越多地体现文化取向,文化和经济共同发展。大众化指的是现代茶文化正在模糊传统文化中精英文化和平民文化的界线,现代茶文化成为超越社会分层和地位群体被大众共享的一种文化。社会性格的变迁影响了茶文化的表现形式,茶文化出现新的内容。审美情趣是意识形态中相对稳定的内容,它使茶文化容易被人类接受和继承。创新点:在研究中引入现代化的观念。茶文化研究的文章多以传统社会茶文化形态、内涵、发展动力为主
【Abstract】 Tea culture, rooted in Chinese agricultural civilization, is an exotic flower gestated by traditional culture. The course of its formation, which is not only affected by Confucian, Taoistic and Buddhist thoughts but also improved by traditional social political power, shows mature and stable features in the process of thousand year of historical evolution. Since Opium War, China has walked up on "Modernization" road and the society has changed greatly. Not only have politics and economy suffered great transformation one after another, but also life style and ideology of human being have changed quietly. In this course, new phenomenon also appears in tea culture, which is named "Modern Tea Culture Phenomenon" in this paper. Cultural evolvement results from multiply factors such as politics, economy and social life. Now that the factors that affect tea culture have changed hugely, it is well founded that we think that Modern Tea Culture Phenomenon should own the features that traditional tea culture does not have, which is well worth studying and discussing.In this text, the author selects Tea Culture phenomenon as study subject, tries to use methods of social investigation and literature search to make an all-round and detailed description of tea culture phenomenon in the process of Chinese modernization, concludes the features of modern tea culture by the comparative analysis on similar phenomena, and at the same time, reveals inheritance and innovation of modern tea culture phenomenon against traditional tea culture in conformity with changes and developments of political, economic and cultural backgrounds.The research methods:Induction method: A method of cognition summarizing separate factors into general conclusion and passing from the special to the general.Analogy method: Make comparative analysis on the objects with same or similar features, find out their difference and sameness and analyze the reason resulting in the differences.Literature research method: Firstly look up relevant tea culture literature and collect the data related to tea culture research. Then selectively adopt data, viewpoints, thoughts and methods and etc,in according to the purpose of research.The research of the thesis on modern tea culture phenomenon mainly includes three major parts, which are overall description of Chinese modern tea culture phenomenon, detailed discuss on each component content of modern tea culture phenomenon and comparative analysis on the phenomena of a kind and conclusion and analysis on the features of modern tea culture phenomenon.The first part of the above research, the overview of modern tea culture phenomenon, is concentrated into the second chapter of the thesis. In this part, the summarized tea culture phenomena mostly include tea room phenomenon, phenomenon of tea culture research association development, phenomena of tea culture discuss and tourism, and each phenomenon is described its generation time, development history, development scale and significance generated to tea culture. Among them, both tea room phenomenon and tea culture tourism phenomenon are introduced with emphasis.The second part of the research, namely analysis and discuss on concrete content composing tea culture phenomenon, focuses on the third and fourth chapters and is also the emphasis of this text. Tea consumption mostly focuses on city but tea production on country and tea culture is the bridge communicating tea consumption with tea production, therefore city and tea production area are separately regarded as research object in the third and fourth chapters of the text.The research object in the third chapter is regional tea culture phenomenon difference. Select four representative cities (Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing and Hangzhou) from different cultural regions in China, generalize their tea culture activities in past years, development status of tea room and tea consumption situation. On the above-mentioned basis and in combination with local economic and cultural backgrounds, generalize t
【Key words】 Modern tea culture phenomenon; Tea production industry; Modernization;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
- 【分类号】TS971
- 【被引频次】28
- 【下载频次】6015