

Removal Micro-organic Matters of Water by Activated Carbon Absorption and The Optimum Process in Pilot Test for Drinking Water Treatment

【作者】 孙丽娜

【导师】 季民;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 环境工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着工农业的发展,水源水污染日益严重,水中有机物含量不断增多,水质成分越来越复杂。同时随着生活水平的提高,人们对饮用水质的要求以及饮用水水质标准越来越严格。我国绝大多数水厂采用的传统净水工艺已无法提供完全达到新水质标准的安全饮用水。活性炭吸附作为饮用水深度处理的重要手段,因其能有效去除水中有机污染物,保障饮用水的化学安全性,且具有相对经济和运行管理方便等优势,在发达国家早已被广泛的应用,但在我国仅有个别水厂使用活性炭吸附工艺。研究和应用活性炭吸附技术是我国自来水厂净水工艺改造和发展的重要课题。 本论文对活性炭深度处理的组合工艺的研究是“2002 年天津市环保科技工程计划——自来水饮用安全保障技术研究”项目的一部分。试验以引滦水为原水,在天津市新开河水厂现场进行。试验过程中分别采用预氯化+常规处理+活性炭、预氯化+常规处理+臭氧活性炭、预臭氧+常规处理+活性炭的工艺流程,探讨各处理工艺中的活性炭深度处理单元的净水效果,为今后水厂采用活性炭深度处理工艺提供依据。 试验结果表明,各组合工艺中的活性炭深度处理单元不仅使常规有机指标CODMn 大大降低,出水含量远低于国家饮用水标准,而且对其他有机物指标,如 DOC、UV254等的去除效果都很明显;证实活性炭吸附对有机物的去除,尤其是对溶解性有机物的去除在各组合工艺中的贡献最大,弥补了常规处理工艺的不足;对于有预氯化的组合工艺,将活性炭置于常规工艺之后,可有效缓解常规出水三氯甲烷含量增高的不利现象,且活性炭吸附可以降低消毒副产物前体物的含量,防止消毒副产物的大量生成,使饮用水的安全性得以保障;GC/MS 分析结果表明,活性炭对微量有毒有机污染物具有一定的去除作用;此外,由于活性炭滤柱内存在生物作用,活性炭深度处理单元也是组合工艺中氨氮的主要处理单元;最后通过对三种组合工艺中活性炭处理性能的综合比较分析,确定预臭氧+常规处理+活性炭为最佳工艺。

【Abstract】 The development of industry and agriculture in China leads to the deteriorationof source water quality year by year. On the other hand, as a result of improvement ofpeople’s standards of living, the demand of drinking water quality and NationalDrinking Water Quality Standard are enhanced continually. In this situation theconventional processes used in most of water treatment works in China can no longerreliably supply the safe drinking water which can be up to “ Chinese NationalDrinking Water Quality Standard in 2001” completely. Consequently, the advancedtreatment techniques are being taken seriously for producing a safe and aestheticallysatisfactory drinking water. As one of various alternatives, granular activated carbon(GAC) adsorption process has been generally applied in advanced countries for manyyears, because of effective removal of organic substances, relative economy andconvenient management. Unfortunately, GAC adsorption process has only been usedin few water plants in China. It is a very important task to research and application ofGAC adsorption process for renovating technical processes in water treatment plantsin China。 This study on GAC advanced treatment processes is a part of the research onreliable technique for safety drinking water belonging to the environmental protectiontechnique project in Tianjin in 2002. The pilot tests are conducted in site for treatingLinluan water. Three kinds of combined treatment processes are used in this study.They are: prechlorination - conventional treatment - GAC filter, prechlorination -conventional treatment - ozonation - GAC filter and preozonation - conventionaltreatment - GAC fliter, respectively. The performances of GAC absorption formicro-organic matters in the three processes are evaluated and compared. It is found that GAC filters of the above three processes have high removalefficiency of permanganate index, dissolved organic carbon and UV absorbance at254 nm. Dissolved organic matters (DOM) in water are removed mainly by GACfilters, which remedies the situation of low DOM removal by conventional treatment.In the processes including prechlorination, organic matters react with chlorine toproduce chloroform, however, GAC filter following sand fliter can effectivelydecrease chloroform. Furthermore, GAC can prevent disinfection by-products (DBPs)from forming greatly by decreasing DBP precursors. The results of GC/MS analyses<WP=5>imply some toxic organic micropollutants disappearing after GAC filter. In addition ,microorganism can growth in GAC filter. For this reason, the level ofammonia-nitrogen in water is reduced by nitrobacteria on GAC. Finally, the combinedpre-ozonation , conventional treatment processes and GAC fliter is recommendedafter a relatively comprehensive analysis based on the experiments.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TU991
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1061

