

Research on Optimal Chlorine Allocation of Urban Water Distribution Network

【作者】 迟海燕

【导师】 田一梅;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 环境工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 针对城市供水管网末端余氯不达标的问题,本课题在水质检测分析的基础上,采用一级反应动力学方程对余氯衰减变化规律进行模拟,并利用余氯衰减模型,建立管网加氯点、加氯量的优化配置模型,以保证管网中各点余氯均符合水质标准。首先,对管网中余氯的衰减变化规律及影响因素进行研究。通过对天津市某区管网连续的水质检测,研究管网水质变化规律,分析了 pH、温度、浊度、细菌总数、AOC(可同化有机碳)、消毒副产物等因素对余氯的影响,其中重点对余氯、细菌总数、AOC 三者关系进行定量分析,并建立了细菌滋生的数学模型。其次,建立余氯衰减模型并对模型进行校核。余氯衰减模型采用一级动力学方程,其中氯的衰减速率系数包括主体水衰减系数和管壁衰减系数两部分。前者通过实验室静态实验求得,后者在现场实测数据的基础上通过高斯—牛顿法求得。监测点之间的传输时间通过水力模拟确定。对建立的模型通过实测数据进行校验,结果表明实测值与模拟值吻合得较好,模型的精确度较高,能够反应管网中余氯的衰减变化规律。再次,氯的优化配置模型的研究。加氯点的优化配置采用 0-1 规划,以年投资费用最低为目标函数,各点余氯达标为约束条件。在确定最优加氯点的基础上,加氯量优化模型以耗氯量最小为目标函数,管网各点余氯达标为约束条件。模型的求解通过 Lingo 软件实现。同样使管网余氯达标,经过优化配置与仅在水厂增加投氯量相比,所需费用大大降低,水质情况显著提高,充分说明了中途补氯的经济合理性和技术可行性。最后,提出管网水质控制措施。通过余氯衰减模型和氯的优化配置模型,对管网中余氯不达标点进行中途补氯。并且针对管网水质的其它问题,提出一系列合理有效的控制措施,从而保证向用户提供安全可靠的饮用水。

【Abstract】 Residual chlorine is often short at the end of urban water distribution network.So the thesis introduces the conventional first-order model to describe chlorine decayin water distribution system based on water quality monitoring and analysis.According to the decay model, an optimizing model on chlorine allocation isestablished to decide the optimal chlorination point and chlorine dosage. Thesemodels can ensure that residual chlorine satisfies the water quality standard. Firstly, by continual water quality monitoring, the change rule of water qualityin distribution network is studied, the effect on residual chlorine of pH, temperature,turbidity, bacteria, AOC(assimilable organic carbon), disinfection by product etc. isanalyzed. The relation of residual chlorine, bacteria and AOC is quantificationallydiscussed and the mathematical model of bacteria growing is established. Secondly, residual chlorine decay model is developed and verified. The modeladopts the first-order dynamic equation. In the equation, chlorine decay ratecoefficient includes bulk decay rate coefficient which is determined by deriving thebest fit with a lot of experimental data and wall decay rate coefficient which isgained by Gauss-Newton method with spot monitoring data. Water transmission timebetween two monitoring points is available by water power model. After determiningthe chlorine decay rate coefficient, the model accuracy is verified by usingexperimental data. The result shows that simulation value has good agreement withexperimental data. Therefore the decay model can be used to simulate chlorine decayof water distribution system. Thirdly, optimizing model of chlorine allocation is established. The optimalallocation of chlorination point adopts 0-1 programming. Model is founded with thelowest cost per year as objective function and residual chlorine standard asconstraints. After finding out the optimal points, the optimizing model of chlorinedosage is established with the lowest dosage as objective function and residualchlorine standard as constraints. The models are solved by Lingo software. In casethat residual chlorine meets the water quality standard, compared with chlorinedosing only in water supply plant, adding chlorine in water distribution network byoptimizing model proves to be more economical and effective. Lastly, control measures for water quality in distribution system are put forward.Chlorine is added where residual chlorine doesn’t reach the standard by decay model<WP=5>and optimizing model. With regard to other questions of water quality in distributionsystem, a series of reasonable and effective measures are brought forward to supplysafe and reliable drinking water for consumers.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TU991
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】366

