

Study on CNOOC Ltd. Tianjin’s Human Resource Strategy and Planning

【作者】 唐令力

【导师】 杜纲;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 中海油天津分公司(简称:天津分公司)是中国海洋石油总公司在我国渤海海域从事海洋石油、天然气的勘探、开发、生产工作的地区公司。由于中海油的成功运作与国家对石油的战略需求,天津分公司开始步入了高速发展时期。本文综合运用战略管理理论与现代人力资源管理理论,结合天津分公司发展的实际情况,采用定性与定量相结合的系统分析方法,针对天津分公司在高速发展过程中亟待解决的重大现实问题,即如何做好人力资源战略与人力资源规划,以支持公司发展战略的实现,进行了较为系统的论述,提出了可操作性较强的解决方法。本文的研究对象虽然是天津分公司,但由于涉及我国企业快速发展中面临的共性问题,因此本文将对其它企业的人力资源管理起到一定的借鉴作用。本文的结构主要由五部分组成。第一章绪论。重点介绍了中海油及天津分公司的背景情况,国内外人力资源管理现状及本文研究的意义。第二章人力资源战略与规划的方法及模型。本章作为本文的理论基础,重点阐述了基于企业战略的人力资源管理理念;在企业战略的基础上,人力资源战略制定的方法与模型;以及人力资源规划的方法与模型。第三章天津分公司人力资源内外部环境分析。重点围绕实现天津分公司发展战略目标,就其人力资源的内部与外部环境做了现状分析。第四章天津分公司人力资源战略选择。从定量的角度对天津分公司人力资源的内外环境因素进行了评价,结合层次分析法(AHP)建立了外部因素评价矩阵(EFE矩阵)和内部因素评价矩阵(IFE矩阵);然后采用SWOT方法对内、外部因素进行综合分析,并建立了SWOT战略组合矩阵,最后用QSPM方法选择并确定了人力资源战略方案。第五章天津分公司人力资源规划。依据天津分公司发展战略中的业务量规划,对天津分公司人力资源现状进行了调查,对人力资源需求进行了预测,在此基础上制定了以天津分公司人力资源供给及人力资源管理体系构架为主要内容的人力资源规划。

【Abstract】 CNOOC (China) Ltd. Tianjin (“CCLT”), which belongs to China National Offshore Oil Corporation, develops its business mainly on offshore petroleum and natural gas exploration, development and production in Bohai Bay area. Owing to CNOOC successful operation and national strategic need of petroleum, CCLT has stepped into a high-speed development period. This thesis systematically illustrates on how to accomplish HR strategy and HR planning to support the realization of CCLT development strategy and put forward practical solving methods, facing those unsolved problems in CCLT high-speed development period, on the basis of quantitative and qualitative analysis while combining the theory of strategic management and contemporary HR management with the CCLT current situation. Although the investigated object of this thesis is CCLT, it is still of certain benefit to the management of any other enterprises since the thesis deals with some common problems that our countries’ enterprises are facing in high-speed development period.This article is made up of five sections.The fist section: Introduction. It mainly introduces the background of CNOOC and CCLT, the current HR management status home and abroad, and the meaning of this thesis’s investigation.The second section: The method and model of HR strategy and planning. As the theoretical foundation of this thesis, it mainly illustrates the HR management on the base of enterprise strategy; the development method and model of HR strategy on the base of enterprise strategy; HR planning development method and model.The third section: Analysis of internal resources and external environment on CCLT HR. It analyzes CCLT current HR status for the realization of CCLT development strategic objective.The fourth section: CCLT HR strategic choice. It makes quantitative analysis statement on CCLT internal and external environment factors, constructs EFE and IFE matrixes by the use of AHP method, makes quantitative evaluations on HR internal and external factors, makes comprehensive analysis on internal and external factors by the use of SWOT method, constructs SWOT composite strategic matrix, and concludes HR strategy by the use of QSPM method.The fifth section: CCLT HR planning. It includes the investigation on CCLT HR current status, HR demand forecasting base on CCLT’s business plan, and the HR planning, which mainly includes the HR supply and demand match, the frame of HR management system, base on the investigation and forecasting.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】882

