

Comparison Study on the Development of Comprehensive Vocational Ability between China and German Vocational Education

【作者】 陈腾波

【导师】 刘春生;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 进入21世纪,人类已迈进一个信息化、市场化和全球化的知识经济时代,中国也遇到了发展成为“世界制造中心”、成为制造强国的良好机遇。现代社会所需的技能型人才与传统意义上的纯技工型人才是大相径庭的。企业短缺的是具备综合职业能力的人才。综合职业能力是人们从事一门或若干相近职业所必备的本领,从能力所涉及的内容范围上可分为专业能力、方法能力、社会活动能力。德国是世界上职业教育非常发达的国家,职业教育曾经被誉为是德国二次大战后经济腾飞的秘密武器。德国的职业学校及大企业进行“双元制”教育模式,为经济建设发挥了极大的作用。近几年来德国在克服“双元制”弊病基础上注重综合职业能力的培养,本文认为对我国职业教育改革有积极的借鉴作用。本文就中德综合职业能力开发培养进行理论上比较研究。论文结合职业教育培养目标,介绍了德国综合职业能力开发的做法,提出和分析了推行工作过程系统化课程的最新理念。从职教教师培养、行动导向的教学方法、项目教学法的实施,与我国职业教育发展状况进行分析比较。尽管我国某些职业学校在DACUM法、项目教学法、MES模块式教学法、CBE等方面进行了积极的探索和实践,但由于职教的体制、教师的观念和水平、企业的认识等诸多因素的影响,还没有形成综合职业能力培养的有效模式和方法。中德两国职业教育在课程开发、师资培养、教学方法等存在极大的差异,说明我国在职业教育综合职业能力培养方面还需做出极大的努力。树立职业教育服务于经济的意识,明确职业教育培养目标,切实落实到具体的办学行动中。职业学校要密切联系企业和社会,造就一支合格的技能与理论相结合的“双师型”教师队伍,是加快学生综合职业能力培养,为企业提供高素质技能型人才的有力措施。

【Abstract】 The Ministry of Education has set a new goal for the cultivation of the 21st century personnel in the Advice on How to Promote Qualification Education and the Reform of Medium Vocational Education issued on March 21, 2000. The goal of medium vocational education is to foster labors with high qualification and specialized personnel of medium level, who have a comprehensive vocational ability that matches the demands of the socialist modernization, and who can work on the frontline of production, service, technology and management. The Advice has become a guideline that all the vocational schools have to follow, and it has also brought up a new subject on how to foster comprehensive vocational ability.stepping into the 21st century, we are now living in the age of knowledge economy, which is characteristic of informationization, marketization and globalization. China will also see its good opportunity of developing into “the world’s manufacturing center”. The personnel needed by the modern society are totally different from those in a traditional sense, the former is supposed to be skillful, whereas the latter is usually technical. What the enterprises need are personnel with a comprehensive vocational ability, which is the key to one or more similar professions. A comprehensive vocational ability can be divided into ability of professions; ability of methods and ability of social activities as far as its contents and scope are concerned.Although the concept of “comprehensive vocational ability” was put forward as a goal of medium vocational education, yet no definition was made, and there a re still no suggestions and requests on curriculum arrangements, teaching plan and teaching method. Exploration have been made, to a certain extent, by different vocational schools on how to cultivate students’ comprehensive vocational ability, but in view of the fact that it is a new subject not only in China but also worldwide, I deem it rather practical to make a theoretical study in the following article.Germany is a country with a highly advanced vocational education system, and vocational education has once been regarded as Germany’s secret weapon of its quick economic development after the World War II. The Dual System of the German vocational schools and big enterprises has played a vital important part in the country’s economic development. <WP=5>During the past few years, Germany has laid emphasis on fostering the students’ comprehensive vocational ability as well as on overcoming the disadvantages of the Dual System. The following article contains a theoretical comparison between China and Germany’s different ways of fostering the comprehensive vocational ability; it introduces the German ways and puts forward a new idea of systematical work process curricula. The comparison covers the fostering of teachers in vocational education, the practice-oriented teaching method and the project-based teaching method. Although some efforts have been made in the studying of DACUM, project-based teaching method, MES modular method and CBE, yet effective patterns and methods of fostering comprehensive vocational ability have not yet formed due to the vocational education system, the teachers’ level and the enterprises’ view on vocational education. The big difference existing between China and Germany’s vocational education in curriculum arrangements, fostering of teachers and teaching methods certifies that China still has a long way to go in the same respects.Therefore, we must put the goal of vocational education into practice and make vocational education a contribution to the development of economy. It is a key procedure for the vocational schools to cooperate with enterprises and the society to foster a qualified teachers team with a combination of both skills and theories, only in this way, can we provide enterprises with high qualified skillful personnel of comprehensive vocational ability.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】G719.1
  • 【被引频次】27
  • 【下载频次】1875

