The Application of Human Resource Balance Scorecard in Constructing the People’s Militia Organization
【作者】 赵宝中;
【导师】 赵国杰;
【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士
【摘要】 在新经济时代,人力资本是价值创造的基础。如何管理好、使用好人力资本,关系到组织战略实施的成败,作为组织的战略伙伴的人力资源专业人员如何实施战略人力资源管理,构建组织的人力资源体系,将人力资源作为一项战略资产来管理是问题的关键所在。本论文首先以分析人力资源与竞争优势的关系为切入点,简要介绍了战略人力资源管理的产生与含义和战略人力资源管理的理论模型,从理论的角度阐释了如何在组织内实施战略人力资源管理,获取组织的竞争优势,实现组织的战略目标,完成组织使命。其次引进平衡计分卡的思想,就如何构建人力资源计分卡和实施人力资源计分卡进行了理论说明。通过实证分析展示了人力资源计分卡在民兵组织建设中的应用过程,同时证明了人力资源计分卡是一个有效的战略管理工具,它不仅可以应用于企业组织,而且可以应用于军事组织建设之中。最后,本文介绍了作者本人成功实施人力资源计分卡的经验体会,以期给予读者一些提示,避免在以后的实践中走弯路。
【Abstract】 In the new economic times, the human capital is the base of value creation. How to manage and use the human capital will result in the organization strategy successfully. It is the key for the strategic partner of the organization to carry out the strategic Human Resource Management and construct the system of the organization.This paper first discusses the relationship of the HR and competitive advantage; introduce the origin and theory model of the strategic HR management. The author also analyses how to executive the strategic HR management and how to acquire the competitive advantage, as a result, how to achieve the strategic goal and the mission of the organization.Secondly, the author draws into the idea of the balance scorecard and will give an explanation of how to construct and carry out the HR balance scorecard. By the concrete analysis, giving an example of carrying out the balance scorecard in constructing the people’s militia organization.It has proved that the balance scorecard is a effective tool of strategy management. The balance scorecard is not only suitable for the business organization, but also suitable for the military organization.To be a conclusion, I discuss the experience of carrying out the balance scorecard. It is helpful for those who want to use the balance scored to improve the organization achievement.
【Key words】 strategy human resource; people’s militia organization; human resource balance scorecard;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
- 【分类号】E282
- 【被引频次】5
- 【下载频次】133