

Study on the Structure of Knowledge Employees’ Immaterial Compensation in Hi-Tech Companies

【作者】 孔志强

【导师】 邢以群;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 当社会进入知识经济时代,知识已逐渐成为形成企业竞争优势的决定性因素,知识资本成为企业创造价值的第一经济要素;企业间的竞争也更加激烈,而这种竞争将由资源竞争逐步转向人才竞争,特别是作为知识的“承载者”的企业知识资本所有者——知识型员工的竞争。从这几年中国管理实践来看,越来越多的企业在知识型员工管理方面受到严重性挑战。特别是以咨询企业、IT企业为代表的高知识企业,普遍存在激励手段匮乏、员工跳槽频繁、管理成本上升等现象。作为人力资源管理中主要职能之一的激励逐步成为其最关键、最困难的职能。如何激励员工,特别是激励知识型员工,成为新经济时代管理者必需研究的重要问题。在管理实践中,激励研究较多的、较为完善的是物质激励手段,物质激励以其可量化的研究优势已经形成了一个较为完善的结构体系,而且在新时期也有所发展,如股权激励等;而相对来讲对于精神激励,研究是较少的,也还没有从激励应用的角度形成一个比较完善的、系统的研究结构;但随着物质条件的丰富、管理成本的上升以及物质激励边际效应的下降,对于精神激励研究也必将提上日程。 本文从广义薪酬的角度出发来研究知识型员工的精神激励问题,研究知识型员工的精神报酬结构,即知识型员工的精神需求内容的结构性;从研究知识型员工特征入手,研究其内在需求的结构性,以及内在需求与被激励程度之间的关系,来把握内在需求的有效激励性;以杭州高技术企业的知识型员工为研究对象,通过文献综述、员工访谈以及问卷调研等方式研究,初步得到如下研究结论: 1、分析得到一个较为全面的、便于实践应用的、与物质报酬结构相对应的精神报酬结构体系,本精神报酬结构包含工资型因素、奖金型因素和福利型因素三类结构因素; 2、通过问卷统计分析得到了两个精神报酬结构:期望精神报酬结构和实际精神报酬结构;前一个反映了知识型员工的精神需求的倾向,后一个反映了知识型员工的需求现状;通过对期望与实际的结构对比,为知识型员工激励提供了依据和方向; 3、知识型员工对精神报酬的期望结构认识一致性是很好的,而对于精神报酬的实际结构是受部分背景特征如年薪和工作年限等控制变量影响的。 本文通过对精神报酬结构的研究来促进有关精神激励方面的进一步研究,也为企业的知识型员工激励管理实践提供指导。

【Abstract】 In a society of knowledge economy, knowledge has gradually become a decisive factor to form companies’ competitive advantages, and knowledge capital has become the first economic factor for company to create its value. Competition between companies is more and more drastic now; what’s more, its goal is shift from materials to talented personnel, especially those knowledge employees, the owner of knowledge capital in the companies. According to management practice in China in recent years, more and more companies face great challenges in management on knowledge employees, esp. those high-knowledge ones, for instance, consultant companies and IT companies etc. the following phenomena are very common in those companies --a serious shortage of motivation means, staff’s frequent jump, rising in management cost etc. motivation, one of the major functions in human resource management, becomes the hardest and key one. Thus how to encourage knowledge employees is an essential problem for managers of new economic era to solve. In management practice, many experts made a lot of research on material motivation means, which can be measured. With this study advantage, it has formed a perfect, structural system, and, it also develops in the new era, for example, the stock-share motivation etc. comparatively speaking, there are less research on the immaterial motivation, let alone to form a perfect, systematic structure. Research on the immaterial motivation should be put on the agenda as the richening of material situation, the rising in management cost as well as the decreasing of marginal effect in material motivation.This paper, proceeding from the compensation in a broad sense, studied immaterial motivation problems of knowledge employees, and their immaterial compensation structure, i.e. the structure of knowledge employees’ immaterial needs. It starts from the research on knowledge employees’ characteristics to study the structure of their intrinsic needs and the relation between these needs and their being motivated levels for grasping the availability of the being motivated levels about their intrinsic needs. It obtains some conclusion primarily as follows.1. The paper gains a more complete immaterial compensation structure, corresponded to material compensation structure, which contain base compensationfactor, incentive compensation factor and benefits factor.2. The paper finds two immaterial compensation structures, anticipant structure and effective one. The former behaves tendency of knowledge employees’ immaterial want, the latter reflects actuality of knowledge employees’ immaterial want. They have provided foundation and direction for knowledge employees’ motivation.3. For knowledge employees, theirs cognition about the configuration of immaterial compensation is pretty good, however it is effected by some background characteristics about the practical one, such as salary and years of work experience.Through research it can form a comparatively overall structure of immaterial compensation that’s easy to practice. Ti aims to promote further study on immaterial motivation, and tries to serve as a guide in management practice to motivate knowledge employees in companies.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】F272
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】550

