

【作者】 钟良

【导师】 戴伟华;

【作者基本信息】 华南师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文通过分析杜审言、沈佺期、宋之问三诗人在岭南贬谪时期所创作的诗歌,并将它们与三诗人在各个时期各种类型诗歌作一个小小比较,试图说明正是岭南贬谪期间所写的诗歌,是他们此生所创作的诗歌中最富有创造性的诗歌。是贬谪,也是岭南的山山水水,促使他们的真情实感流露在严格规范的近体诗里,从而产生了形式与内容完美结合的诗作,它们堪称历史性的突破。三诗人贬谪岭南时期所创作的诗歌,它们浓重的感情色彩、所展现的岭南山山水水的或清丽或奇险之美学特征,以及关于岭南的史料价值,这些特点,令人读后都会留下深刻印象。通过三诗人之间的对比,挖掘他们诗作的异同之处,而本文主要是分析他们诗歌的共同之处,其一是在诗歌题材与诗歌内容的开拓上具有独到的成就,其二是诗歌创作中注重或情景交融或清新明丽的意境的创造,讲求炼字、炼句与设色,一定程度上突破了南朝齐梁诗歌的影响。

【Abstract】 By analyzing the poems which were written by Du Shenyan Shen Quanqi and Song Zhiwen these three poets during their banishment to the south of five ridges, and to compare these poems with various types of poems of these three poets during other periods, this thesis tries to illuminate that it was exactly the poems which were written during their banishment to the south of five ridges, were the poems which were full of the richest in creativeness. It was the banishment as well as the mountains & rivers of the south of five ridges that made their true feelings outpour into strict & standard modern style poems, thus giving birth to the poems which the content & the form were combined perfectly, they may be rated as historic breakthrough. The poems that were written by these three poets during their banishment to the south of five ridges, their strong sentimental colour the clear & beautiful or the rare & dangerous aesthetic character of the mountains & rivers of the south of five ridges which they exhibited, as well as the historical materials value corncerning the south of five ridges, these characters, cause every reader leaves behind profound impression. Through contrasting among these three poets, to dig out the similarities & differences of their poems, and this thesis is mainly to analyze the similarities of their poems, one of them is their poems are provided with original achievement as the deploitation of the theme & the content is concerned, the other is they paid attention to the fusion of the feelings with the natural setting as well as the creation of pure & fresh bright & beautiful artistic conception, trying hard to find the right word & the best sentence & to fill in colours, having broken through the influence of the poems of Qi & Liang of South dynasty.

【关键词】 杜审言沈佺期宋之问岭南贬谪
【Key words】 Du ShenyanShen QuanqiSong ZhiwenBanishmentthe south of five ridges
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】630

