

Experiential Learning--A Very Important Learning Style in the 21th Century

【作者】 李梅

【导师】 李志厚;

【作者基本信息】 华南师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 历史翻开了新的一页,人类已经跨入了21世纪。这是充满机遇和挑战的世纪,对人的素质提出了更高的要求。提高人的素质的关键在于采用一种有效的学习方式。体验学习就是一种有效的学习方式。体验学习中体验的内涵是:既是一种活动,也是活动的结果。作为一种活动,即主体亲历某件事并进行反思;作为活动的结果,即主体从其亲历中和反思中获得的认识和情感。体验学习是一种以学习者为中心的,通过实践与反思相结合来获得知识、技能和态度的学习方式。 体验学习强调个体经验对学习的意义,不是简单的主张要在做(实践)中获得新知识和新能力,而是更关注对经验的总结和反思,强调在掌握技能知识的过程中不仅是能知道能行动,而且要求能从深刻的反思中获得经验的提升,使学习者通过反思与体验过程获得成长性的发展,所以,我们可以将体验学习看作是“做中学”与“思考中学”的结合。 西方很多学者的教育理论中都含有体验学习的思想,体验学习在我国也可以说是一种源远流长的优良的学习方式。体验学习理论的构建既有它的哲学基础、心理学基础,同时也有它的生理学基础。体验学习有不同的理论模型,其中库博用四个元素建立起的四阶段循环模型是最经典的,最有代表性的体验学习理论模型。 体验学习具有情境性、行动性、主动性和反思性。体验学习的价值可以分别从其对学习者主体发展的价值和对社会发展的价值这两个大的层面上体现出来。可以通过创设体验学习环境、考虑学习者学习方式的差异以及实现学习者与环境互动,促进学习者的反思等措施来达到实施体验学习的目的。对体验学习的评价要使用发展性的评价理念,评价的方式可以采用表现性评价的评价方式。 21世纪是知识经济的世纪,体验学习可以运用于职业培训,教师培训,高等教育的职前培训中,同时还可以作为一种动情的课堂教学策略。体验学习是一种有效的学习方式,但不意味着传统教育的学习方式就失去其意义和价值,体验学习也有它的局限性,它需要跟其它的学习方式互为补充,才能发挥它的最大的效用。

【Abstract】 The history has turned to the new page, and human being has entered into the 21th Century which is full of chances and challenges. Experiential learning is an effective way to improve the qualities which people need to accommodate the new century. Experience is not only a kind of activity, but also the result of activity. As a kind of activity, it means that the learner does something and reflect it, and as the result it means it enables shifts in attitude and behaviour.Experiential learning is a student-centred learning style in which students are engaged in critical thinking and problem solving and decision making to get new knowledge, skills and attitudes within contexts that are personally relevant to them. Experiential learning emphasizes the signification of experience to study , and it not only is in favour of getting new knowledge and abilities from doing something but also pay close attention to the reflection to the experience. The learner gets development through the reflection and experience. So we can say that experiential learning is the combination of "learning from doing" and "learning from thinking".Experiential learning has a rich history in South West, and a long history in China . We can find the ideas about experiential learning from the scholars in China and in South West. Experiential learning theories have their own philosophical foundation, psychological foundation and physiological foundation. Different experientiallearning models are set up according to the theoretical foundation. " Experiential learning circle" is often used to refer to the 4-stage process model discussed extensively by Kolb.The features of experiential, learning are: environmental, practical, initiative and reflective. The values of experiential learning embody in two aspects: values to the learners’ development; values to the social development. When we put experiential learning in practice, we have to think about learning environments, differences in student learning style , learner-environment interactions and learner’s reflection. The assessment conception about experiential learning is sustainability, and the best way to assess experiential learning is performance assessment.In the 21th century, experiential learning can be implemented in vocational training, teacher training and the job training in higher education, and also can be implemented in classroom as a kind of teaching technology. Although it is an effective learning style, it has its limitations , so it needs the other learning styles to make up for that.

【关键词】 体验体验学习学习方式实践反思
【Key words】 ExperienceExperiential learningLearning StyleDoingReflecting
  • 【分类号】G424
  • 【被引频次】89
  • 【下载频次】3055

