

Transnational Corporations’ Changes in Investment Strategies and China’ Adjustment in Foreign Capital Policies

【作者】 刘文华

【导师】 李继东;

【作者基本信息】 华南师范大学 , 西方经济学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 利用外资参与经济建设是我国长期坚持的方针政策,外资特别是外商直接投资在我国经济中的地位重大,我国利用FDI的成就举世瞩目。然而,随着经济全球化的进一步发展以及在我国加入世贸组织后的大好形势下,跨国公司在华的投资策略出现了显著的变化。相对新形势而言,我国以往以提供各种优惠为主的外资政策难以继续适应这场变革,我国要作出积极的调整。为此,本文从五个方面进行论述。 第1章:绪论。跨国公司在华投资策略转变是我国近年特别是加入WTO以来外资利用方面出现的显著性问题。本文首先交代了该问题研究的背景和意义,对国内外我国外资利用方面的研究进行了回顾,并对本研究的对象和有关概念进行了界定,以使研究具有一定的针对性。 第2章:跨国公司概论。这一章主要阐述了跨国公司在全球和我国的发展现状,在介绍了跨国公司进入我国的主要途径后,本章还分析了跨国公司对我国直接投资的动机。 第3章:跨国公司在华投资策略转变及其原因分析。随着经济全球化和知识经济的进一步深入发展,跨国公司直接投资出现了为适应不断变化的竞争环境的投资策略转变,而中国市场是跨国公司全球战略的一部分,随着我国加入WTO,经济迅速发展和投资环境的改善出现了对跨国公司投资的新的要求,跨国公司相应的在华投资策略亦出现了重大的显著的转变。 第4章:我国外资政策的理论与实践分析。这一章主要分析了我国利用外资的国内外因素,认为国外有关的外资利用理论不适合中国的实践,我国“非缺口”型外资利用主要用于提升我国投资资产的质量和经济结构调整。 第5章:我国应对跨国公司投资策略转变的政策选择。由于跨国公司对华直接投资有着自身的目的,其在华投资策略的转变因而给我国带来了重大的挑战。我国以往的以“提供优惠政策”型的外资政策已经不适应新的形势,达不到外资利用的预期目标,必须进行相应的调整,建立一个包括外资吸引、引导和监管三个环节的模式。将外商投资与经济结构调整、产业优化升级和提高企业经济效益结合起来;将国外的先进技术和管理经验等关键性生产要素与发挥我国比较优势、增强企业竞争力、发展外向性经济结合起来,提高我国外资利用的总体质量和水平。 本文主要采用了理论与实践相结合、定性与定量分析相结合的研究方法分析了跨国公司在华投资策略的转变表现及其原因、对我国外资利用带来的挑战和我国外资政策相应的调整。 本研究的创新之处在于:1.从跨国公司适应性投资策略转变角度,将中国市场置于跨国公司全球投资体系中来研究其在华投资策略转变的表现及其原因;2.针对跨国公司在华投资策略转变给我国外资利用带来的挑战重新设计了一个包括引资前的提升综合竞争力、引资中的加强引导和引资后的有效监管的“三位一体”的新模式;3.提出了提升外资政策综合竞争力的以改善投资环境为核心的模型。 本研究认为,针对跨国公司在华投资策略转变给我国外资利用带来的新的问题,应该将过去以“提供优惠政策”型的政策调整为“提升综合竞争力”型的政策体系,不仅要保证在当前国际上日趋激烈的外资争夺形势中继续引进充足的跨国公司投资参与我国经济建设,而且要通过制订政策来对跨国公司直接投资行为进行引导,以达到预期的目标,还要加强对跨国公司在华直接投资的有效监管,以维护我国的经济安全。

【Abstract】 One long-term of China’ policies is to make use of foreign capital in economic construction and China has made great achievement in utilization of foreign capital, especially foreign direct investment which has been playing great role in China economy. With China’ entry into WTO and furthermore development of economic globalization, transnational corporations have changed greatly their investment strategies in China. In order to adapt with new situations, China’ foreign investment policies should change from privileges-affording which is out of date into competence-enhancing. For study of that purpose, the main contents of this thesis are composed of five facets:Chapter one: Preface. One prominent feature in China’ foreign capital utilization after China’ entry into WTO is the changes in investment strategies of transnational corporations in China market. In this first chapter, the background and evaluation of this research are introduced. Also previous researches on this thesis have listed and the research object is definitely outlined for aiming targets.Chapter two: Theories of transnational corporations. This chapter introduces the overall development of transnational corporations both in international and China market. Also the models and motivations for transnational corporations’ entry into China market are analyzed.Chapter three: The changes and relevant reasons of investmentstrategies of transnational corporations. With development of economic globalization and knowledge economy, transnational corporations have adjusted their investment strategies to keep accordance with new conditions. As is the fact that China market belongs to the global market, rapidly increasing development and improvement of investment environment stimulate transnational corporations to make adjustment.Chapter four: Analysis on theories and practice of China’ foreign investment policies. This chapter analyzes the internal and external factors for China’ utilization of foreign capital on condition that a big surplus of capital exists and theories on foreign direct investment are no longer applied into China. The utilization of FDI is to improve efficiency of Chinese investment and economic structure.Chapter five: Countermeasures for China to deal with changes in investment strategies. As transnational corporations’ investment with their own purposes which usually unfamiliar with China’ targets, China has confronted greatly challenges brought by transnational corporations. The previous privilege-affording policies can’t be adapt with new conditions and need to be adjusted into competence-enhancing model which is consist of absorption, guidance and supervision. Thus China can make good use of foreign capital in improving economic organization, enhancing competence ability of domestic companies and efficiency of China investment.Methodologies of theory-practice, feature-amount has applied into research. New findings and innovations has also made in this paper: the foundation of models of absorption foreign capital especially FDI from transnational corporations.Finally, some constructive suggestions have been put forward in this thesis which include: China should transforms previous " privilege-affording" policies into "competence-enhancing" model to deal with new conditions resulted from transnational corporations’ changes in investment strategies. Also, China should draws up new regulations to supervise foreign investment on behalf of China’ economic safety.

  • 【分类号】F832.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】645

