

A Study of Guangdong’s Elementary Education in Republican China, 1912-1949

【作者】 黄佳蓉

【导师】 袁征;

【作者基本信息】 华南师范大学 , 教育史, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 民国时期属于初等教育阶段的学校包括小学和私塾,这一时期广东地方政府初等教育政策的主流是发展新式小学,逐步以小学取代私塾。但由于社会动荡、经费缺乏,这一目标难以实现。新式小学发展的情况如何,在很大程度上反映着新的学制系统下初等教育发展的情况。从这一点上说,可以把民国时期广东初等教育的发展划分为两个大的阶段。第一个阶段从民国初年到抗战前,是广东初等教育的起步和发展的时期:民国初期,百废待兴,小学处在初期的发展阶段,相当的不成熟,而私塾则凭借其固有的势力保持着优势,此时政府兴小学抑私塾的政策倾向已经显现出来。到了二十年代,由于社会环境渐归安定,教育经费有所增加,教育行政工作有所完善,小学得到了初步的发展,私塾也由于政府的改良和取缔工作而日渐减少。二十年代的发展为三十年代奠定了基础,三十年代初等教育继续朝着二十年代的方向前进,小学得到进一步发展,已经有部分私塾改为小学。第二个阶段从抗日战争开始到民国末年,这一时期广东的初等教育经历了从受战争阻碍到战后恢复的过程:由于抗日战争的爆发,许多公立小学被迫停办,私塾得到了复苏的机会。抗战结束之后,当局在恢复教育的同时,力图继续发展小学而取缔私塾,这时小学又有所发展,私塾逐渐减少,小学在初等教育中的主导地位得到完全的确立。小学取代私塾而确立起其主导地位的过程并不顺利,这与外部的社会环境有关,与小学和私塾两者的特点也很有关系,它们承载了不同的文化和教育理想,这决定了民众对它们的认识和接受的程度。尽管私塾根深蒂固,新教育的发展却是不可遏止的,随着新式小学力量的壮大,私塾及其所承载的传统文化在初等教育中慢慢走向沉寂。 小学取代私塾的过程可以看成是民国时期广东初等教育现代化的过程,透过它,我们可以从一个侧面了解中国教育现代化的过程,对传统文化在教育中应有的地位做出思考。除此之外,民国时期广东政府利用民间力量办学的做法也值得注意和思考。

【Abstract】 Elementary education in Republican China consisted of modern primary schools and Sishu (single-class tutor schools, private schools). The education policy of the Guangdong Government was to promote modern primary schools so that they could replace the role of Sishu in elementary education. Because of the disorder of society and the lack of resouses, it was hard to achieve this purpose. The competition between primary schools and Sishu varied with different social situations and different education policies in different times. According to the changing proportion between primary schools and Sishu, the development of Guangdong’s elementary education in Republican China went through 5 periods. In the early time of Republican China, primary school was too immature to compete with Sishu. The latter had been the most important organ for a long time of elementary education in China. In this period, the government’s policy to develop primary school and restrain Sishu got its embryonic form. The second period was the 1920s. Social situation was more steady than that of the early years. With the increased expenses and the improvement of education administration, primary school began to grow. From 1930 to 1937, before the Japanese invasion of China, Guangdong’s primary schools developed further. There were some Sishu that had been transformed to Primary schools. This was the third period. The prospect was cheering. But then the Sino-Japanese War broke out. Many public primary schools were dismissed. And so Sishu got a chance to recover. This is the forth period. Then came the fifth period. After the war, the Guangdong government tried to renew the elementary education that had been destroyed in the war. It resumed the education policy to develop primary school and ban Sishu. But soon the civil war broke out. Primary school could hardly replace Sishu under such conditions. Sishu had been existing in Guangdong province until 1949. This owed to the outside conditions and the different characteristics of the two kinds of schools. They represent different ideals of culture and education. This decided people’s view on them and then influenced their selection between them. With the development of primary school, Sishu and the traditional culture carried with it lost their places in the elementary education.The course of primary school replacing Sishu can be viewed as the modernization of Guangdong’s elementary education in Republican China. We can understand the modernizationof elementary education in China better through it. And it can also make us reconsider the role of traditional culture in education. Moreover, the Guangdong government’s way of taking advantage of the nongovernmental power to develop education can be the source of thought.

【关键词】 民国广东初等教育私塾
【Key words】 Republican ChinaGuangdongelementary educationSishu
  • 【分类号】G629.29
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】815

